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The Secret (a movie)
Posted by: skeptic ()
Date: February 11, 2007 12:07PM

The Anticult
It really is the supreme mindf*ck, and it has a built in defense mechanism, that if you doubt it, that very doubt causes it to not work.
So you are locked in.

I agree, it's evil and the supreme mindf*ck. Even if you [i:a6395d26c9]don't[/i:a6395d26c9] doubt the belief system, even if you use it with full belief, life will have its way with you, because that's just how life is. How do the followers/believers explain *that*? That they're not doing it well enough? Great! It's utterly insane to hold oneself responsible for what is just the human condition.


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The Secret (a movie)
Posted by: skeptic ()
Date: February 11, 2007 12:09PM

whatever happened to critical thinking? this stuff has infected my wife, wiped out QL's marriage and led more than a few down a dark road. we need our psychologists to expose this for the brainwashing that it is!

The scary part is that psychologists fall for this shit!!!!!!!!

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The Secret (a movie)
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: February 11, 2007 12:22PM

I have found it manifests in a number of ways. For instance, in Christian Science, people just go into DENIAL. They block out anything that conflicts, and get insular with their lives, and hang out with others who share the delusion.

Also, I have seen some who TEACH this stuff, just become hypocrites. They get up and say it, make money. Then they just do whatever they want on the weekend.
They become very cynical, and just shrug their shoulders and take the money.

There are some others who crack up in Mania, and just lose it. There are many these days who think they are going to "Ascend" like Jesus Christ, and perhaps think they are Jesus.

But I think the human mind is so complex, that people can believe this stuff, and still function. Maybe they THINK their success is due to Mind Magic, but maybe they just work hard and that is why they get good results!

My view is that Humans are basically nutty.
Reading the Oprah message boards, it seems about 90% of humans out there are beyond hope. Its scary.
No wonder these LGAT's and stuff make billions...there truly is a sucker born every minute. That seems to be true.


I agree, it's evil and the supreme mindf*ck. Even if you [i:024496eef8]don't[/i:024496eef8] doubt the belief system, even if you use it with full belief, life will have its way with you, because that's just how life is. How do the followers/believers explain *that*? That they're not doing it well enough? Great! It's utterly insane to hold oneself responsible for what is just the human condition.


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The Secret (a movie)
Posted by: skeptic ()
Date: February 11, 2007 12:53PM

People are obviously desperate to escape the human condition and the scam artists are masterful at packaging and promoting what appears to be the key to paradise, where life is problem-free and you get to design reality as you wish. The rude awakening is when you find it DOESN'T WORK! Because it's doomed from the start. It really is a mindf*ck! It is the antithesis of living with two feet on the ground and acquiring coping skills to navigate through life.

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The Secret (a movie)
Posted by: ON2 LF ()
Date: February 11, 2007 01:11PM

I'm going to write a book one day, it will be called "102 different ways to DELAY gratification, and LIKE IT!" It will be found in the not-yet-invented section of 'anti-self help' sections in book stores.


People are obviously desperate to escape the human condition and the scam artists are masterful at packaging and promoting what appears to be the key to paradise, where life is problem-free and you get to design reality as you wish. The rude awakening is when you find it DOESN'T WORK! Because it's doomed from the start. It really is a mindf*ck! It is the antithesis of living with two feet on the ground and acquiring coping skills to navigate through life.

So true, and a desperation so brutally exploited.

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The Secret (a movie)
Posted by: question lady ()
Date: February 12, 2007 03:08AM

Your book title sounds like [i:945201d5b7]real[/i:945201d5b7] self help.

You've already inspired me to [b:945201d5b7]manifest[/b:945201d5b7] good things in my life, by getting up off my b*tt and [i:945201d5b7]doing[/i:945201d5b7] something.

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The Secret (a movie)
Posted by: ON2 LF ()
Date: February 12, 2007 08:59AM


You've already inspired me to manifest good things in my life, by getting up off my b*tt and doing something.

see how easy it can be to get a 'business' up and running? 8) The idea might be legit but imagine what a crook/guru could do with it. :shock: I can just see a book store being sold never mind the books in it.
I feel writers cramp coming on... :)

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The Secret (a movie)
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: February 12, 2007 10:41AM

I am pretty sure that The Secret is some type of "cultish" front-movie, a bait-and-switch thing, and not just a pure moneymaker.
In "What The Bleep" it was easy to tell that Ramtha was behind it, or at least her followers were promoting her.

But in The Secret, I still haven''t figured out who is behind it.
Abraham-Hicks was involved, but then they got pushed out likely over money and royalty issues. So it ain't them.

Maybe a small cartel of people got together, and tried to do a bit of a co-op cult movie?

Maybe its Jack Canfield who is the string-puller, who was able to put the people together, like he puts together the Chicken Soup for the Soul, billion dollar drivel?
I am leaning to Jack Canfield.

I believe that Rhonda Byrne made the movie, as that is what she does. But I don't believe she put all of the ideas together. Its clear she was working off some "manual", as she left out all the things that might drive people away, and put everything through lawyers to make it vague enough to get away with.
I think she is partners with someone with this. She has a Secret Silent Guru Partner.

Some people are saying that The Secret is a front for "The Mastery Of Life" AMORC Rosicrucian group, but I don't know about that. Anyone know about that group?

It has to be one, or more of these Secret Guru's she is promoting on her website.

I am leaning to a deal with Jack Canfield.

But they have a little section called "View Past Teachers" on that webpage, but its not working. Can anyone get that link to work? That might be a clue.

Maybe it is just Rhonda Moneybags Byrne, just out to make a killing off Wishful Thinking...the lotteries do it every single day.

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The Secret (a movie)
Posted by: claudia ()
Date: February 13, 2007 05:28AM

I am embarrassed to say that I actually payed the 5 bucks to watch the online version of the secret. i was curious after watching Oprah. As soon as I started watching, I thought, these people must have a lot of money to make a DaVinci's Code wannabe. anyways I had this uneasy feeling all the way thru the movie. but it almost had me convinced.

Then i got suspicious that this maybe connected to Scientology. Oprah has many friends from there, and I wouldn't be surprised if she were apart of it now too. Any ways I thought that maybe these people are trying to get new cult going since theirs has come underfire and their reputation has suffered over the last while.

It is very suspicious that for a movement that has just recently started, to already have enough money to have such an elaborate Hollywood style movie made, unless they have the backing of the Scientology folk

I thought that this was a possibility. What do you guys think? too far fetched? Anyways I going to keep investigating this. I do think they are dangerous.

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The Secret (a movie)
Posted by: Jack Oskar Larm ()
Date: February 13, 2007 07:17AM

Who is behind all of this?

Money is a prime motivator. And we usually invest our cash in things we believe. Look at Mel Gibson's investments because he's a 'devote' Catholic: Passion of the Christ. I'm sure there are many examples of investment inspired by our belief in some crazy ideology. I think it's the same deal with 'movies' like The Secret. In many ways, I compare The Secret and What The Bleep? with films like Jackass - if you think you have something to say about that which you whole-heartedly believe then the rest is easy ... or so it would seem until someone loses an eye!

It would seem that Ms Byrne is a devotee of New Age Materialism. Any practising capitalist would eat this stuff up because it condones their 'spiritual' outlook and behaviour. I mean, if you buy Landmark and The Secret and you want to invest in something 'ethical' then why not perpetuate the scam you believe.

Unfortunately, it would seem, we only have the power of retrospect. Once the damage is done, we're left to pick through the garbage to reveal it for exactly that!

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