Forum - Night 3 + Tues. night...
Posted by: sametanner ()
Date: December 09, 2006 07:23AM

This idea of establishing or gaining credibility, just because you "met" with some personality, or because some famous personality offered an


One Landmarkian I spoke with talked of his leader as a saint-like figure who "Even met with the Dalai Lama."

opinion on any particular subject - How does anyone really know that they even know what they're talking about?? So the instructor met with the Dalai Lama?? What happened next?? Did the D.L. remark "My God, you're the most intelligent and spiritually adept being on this planet! Allow me to kiss your feet! or did he say something like "Hey, Frank! Throw this bum outta here....he's tresspassing!! We don't why grant them any more credibility than you would some stranger ranting on a city street????

This is like the ads that say "Four out of five doctors recommend our product!" Which four? The ones that were paid to do so?? What kind of doctors are they......MD's, Vets, Phd's, Witch, what??

Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit!!!

Forum - Night 3 + Tues. night...
Posted by: ON2 LF ()
Date: December 09, 2006 10:27AM

classic cases of 'appeal to ignorance' and 'appeal to inappropriate authority'. If that's the best defense they have, they need to keep the focus on the 'appeal to force' and keep threatening everyone and their dog with a lawsuit for not trusting in their snake oil.

Forum - Night 3 + Tues. night...
Posted by: Hope ()
Date: December 09, 2006 10:14PM

I met the Dalai Lama when he visited NYC several years ago. Can I market that somehow? ;)

Forum - Night 3 + Tues. night...
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: December 10, 2006 12:40AM

I knew this way-way-too-trusting girl who got caught up in the Soka Gakkai cult (SGI), and was being used 24/7 by them, they wrecked her life.
She was getting higher up in the slave-group inside SGI, and she had dozens of these photos of herself with FAMOUS PEOPLE, like the Dalai Lama, all promoting SGI.

So one day I am in city hall, and I see this line-up of about 400 people to get pics with some gov't official...she was in the line, standing there all day, to get 5 secs with the official, pose for a pic, and then pay $40 to get the pic.
Then you stick the pic on your wall, and pretend you are a Somebody.

So if you want to look like a Somebody, go and stand in line all day at every event in your city, get a photo, pay for the blow-up of the pic, and stick it on your wall.
But learn how to smile nicely, when you get to spend 5 secs with some Celebrity. Hey, you could probably get 50 of them in a couple years.

As stupid as that sounds, "pics with celebrities" does work to impress people.
Its truly is very sad how credulous humans are. This is why all the cynical cult leaders have such contempt for their own followers...there LITERALLY is a sucker born every minute. They despise their own followers as they see them as being Sheeple.

I bet that cultish leaders, even thought they HATE people like us who don't believe their lies, at least they respect us for not being Sheeple.
I would love to go on live TV with one of these Landmark unleaders, and tear them a new one. Even better, to go on live TV with Jack Rosenberg...but these cult [b:45a7588973]cowards [/b:45a7588973]will never compete on fair terms...they always make sure they have stacked the deck in their own favor, and just exploit what they refer to as "sheeple". They stay far away from people who will call them on their bullshit to their face.

People like the Landmark leaders are [b:45a7588973]cowards[/b:45a7588973], and like all bullies they pick on those they know can't fight back, and run and hide from those who will stand up to them.
Jack Rosenberg - Werner Erhard is a typical cowardly wife-beater and people-abuser. People who do that type of thing are always [b:45a7588973]cowards [/b:45a7588973] who HIDE from anyone who will stand up to them. This is why Werner Erhard has to go and hide from the world, because he is [b:45a7588973]too much of a coward to face reality[/b:45a7588973], like all abusers. It really comes down to that.
They hide behind lawyers, and end up hiding on a boat somewhere in the the coward that they are!
Its bizarre that the Landmarkian-sheeple can't see the facts when they are staring them right in the face. Wake up!!

Werner Erhard is too much of a coward to even face the basic realities of life, and he is too much of a coward to even face his critics.
This is why he has to run and hide all over the world.
Isn't it bizarre how the Landmarkians can't see the most basic facts when they are staring them right in the face?
That's brainwashing...

Forum - Night 3 + Tues. night...
Posted by: skeptic ()
Date: December 10, 2006 12:55AM

The Anticult
I would love to go on live TV with one of these Landmark unleaders, and tear them a new one.

And, I would love to see it!!!

But, alas, they are cowards, as you say.


Forum - Night 3 + Tues. night...
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: December 10, 2006 01:22AM

Its a truism, that bullies are cowards, but its a true truism.

Landmark is a bully...they try to bully the little guy with frivolous lawsuits...but as soon as the EFF or Rick Ross STANDS UP to the Landmark bully, they back down, as they are literally a coward and afraid of the truth and the facts, and they fear reality.

Werner Erhard was the original bully, and Landmark only does what Werner tells it to do...probably through code-words by anonymous cell-phone. (coward!)
Werner Erhard is a bully, who bullied his own wife and kids and followers. But as soon as anyone stood up to Werner, then he shows what a yella-bellied coward he truly is...literally. He runs to the other side of the earth, and hides on a boat somewhere, and gets some lawyer to slap lawsuits on everyone. What a little baby. Why not be a man, move back to the US, and [b:c4519f19ad]face reality[/b:c4519f19ad]? Isn't it ironic that people are taking advice from Werner Erhard, who created every word in the Landmark Forum, yet Werner Erhard is some pathetic wash-out who ends up [b:c4519f19ad]hiding [/b:c4519f19ad]on a boat somewhere? What a joke!

Now Wernerd Erhard cries like a baby that he is a "victim of the media". That is literally what he is saying through his acolytes.
They call it a "debate" but the only debate that pathetic coward Werner Erhard is having is what antidepressant combination to take while [b:c4519f19ad]hiding [/b:c4519f19ad]on his boat somewhere!
That is Werner's racket, and that is Werner's VICTIM STORY.

Man, the Werner Erhard Landmarkian zombies better wake up and smell the coffee.
Your [b:c4519f19ad]"leader in hiding"[/b:c4519f19ad] Werner Erhard is one of the most extreme hypocrites on earth.
And the fact that the Landmarkian zombies refuse to admit that Werner created the Landmark Forum, by editing est down a bit, is and even bigger joke. No question, Werner despises his Landmarkian zombie-sheeple followers...he treats them like they are idiots.

Forum - Night 3 + Tues. night...
Posted by: Jack Oskar Larm ()
Date: December 10, 2006 02:53AM

I agree, bullies and tough guys/gals, in general, are cowards, ie soft as jelly on the inside. But what makes a truly courageous person? If we apply the reasoning that so-called leaders of Landmark are cowards and their congregation are cowards, we end up with the human condition - the cowards will always outnumber the courageous.

Landmark's promise, it seems, is to create a world of self-empowered people in its own image. It distorts basic ideas because we've generally 'lost the plot' somewhere along the line. I don't blame them for their acute business sense - most of us are just very hungry for self-empowerment.

But it's the distortion (call it manipulation) that keeps us questioning their methods and agenda.

Courage is about honesty and self-belief and following through on your convictions. (At this point, it is important to state that I don't personally have any religious/cultic/dogmatic affiliations.) Anyway, courage is also about humility and accepting another's journey - much like the requirement of a parent to let go of their children OR the teacher to accept that sometimes they don't know eveything.

It takes courage to admit you may be wrong just as much as it takes courage to stand up for what you believe is right. And this is where most Landmarkians fall...

Most Landmark drones (and their programmers) have distorted ideas of quite basic ideas, such as, what it means to be honest. What it means to be humble. What it means to be truly be courageous.

I don't think any of us have issues with Landmark being a corporation (I think that's an entirely different problem). I don't care that they can fill rooms with people paying good money to listen to a speaker. I know that I am here to question many of their suspect methods and the products of these methods. I do it all the time when I'm handing out good money for stuff 'made in china'. And, yes, it really infuriates me that we can be so dumb. I mean, most people who attend Landmark have no idea what they're buying. They neglect to do the most fundamental thing - researching the product before laying out the cash.

Like Asterix and Obelix, I have to tap the side of my head and just think to myself, 'How stupid. How very, very stupid!' :roll:

Forum - Night 3 + Tues. night...
Posted by: Jack Oskar Larm ()
Date: December 10, 2006 03:06AM

With regard to The_Trooper, I suspect he/she is simply confused, lonely and, well...see previous post!

Forum - Night 3 + Tues. night...
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: December 10, 2006 04:08AM

Another thing about ole Werner-Jack...

He had some of his professional ass-lickers put out a book about him called "The Assassination of Werner Erhard".

They put forward some stuff about one of his daughters being "bribed" by the media, and a bunch of other stuff.
What's more likely?
...that Jack Rosenberg was a terrific dad, and the Evil Media bribed his daughter to lie for money...or that in a moment of honesty, his daughter told the truth that Werner Erhard abused her...and then Jack Rosenberg turned all of his attention on his daughter, and talked her into changing her story? How much money did Werner Erhard "bribe" people with to change their story? Who knows...(the same dirty-old Art Schreiber was involved in all of this as well).
Werner Erhard had STAGED media stunts with one his daughters, and has always used his own family as props.
His former wife was legally gagged from speaking out, after a large financial settlement. (this after he had her publicly "choked" in front of witnesses in the past, by one of his acolytes).

That is what Jack Rosenberg is all about. A totally and completely fucked-up family life, due to Werner Erhard being the biggest esthole on earth, and then financial pay-offs to try and sweep it under the rug. Werner Erhard is an A-1 scumbag, never mind everything else.

But get this.
Werner Erhard claims that the MEDIA ASSASSINATED him!
So Jack Rosenberg is the VICTIM of an ASSASSINATION from the MEDIA.
That is what he is literally claiming.
How does that fit into all the Landmark horseshit that they peddle to the Landmark drones about being a "victim"?
Its all backasswards.

If you look carefully at Werner Erhard, he seems to get a perverse joy out of putting out things that are the exact opposite to the truth, and getting other people to believe in them. It seems that is an in-joke to himself..
to put out things that are literally the opposite to reality, and then get people to pay him MONEY to believe things that are the opposite to the truth.
This proves to him how stupid people can be, and how much smarter he is than his moronic followers.

Think of the Hunger Project...none of that money helped hungry people, it was done to exploit "bleeding hearts" and to take their money.
Landmark Forum IS est, just cut down a bit, and created by Werner, but they claim Werner has nothing to do with it, YET, they claim that Werner owns the "technology". How much more absurd can it get?

Werner claims that Integrity is about "keeping your word", yet Jack-Werner is the biggest liar since Goebbels.
They claim Landmark is about improving relationships, and empowerment, when Landmark actually destroys relationships and isolates people, and dis-empowers them!
They say not to be a Victim, yet Werner Erhard is a VICTIM of the GLOBAL MEDIA assassination!

Lastly, this is speculative, but perhaps interesting.
Jack Rosenberg changed his name, when trying to cover-up his past, and hide away from his family he abandoned, and did not pay child support to.

He got the name"Rosenberg" from his Jewish father.
Werner Heisenberg (where he supposedly got his new first name) lead the Nazi atomic bomb project. (it seems Werner may have been a Nazi sympathizer, or recently some think he sabotaged the Nazi atom bomb project from the inside).
So Jack Rosenberg, who's father was Jewish, takes on a German name, of a man who at the time was known as the leader of the Nazi Atom Bomb project during the war.

You see this type of stuff over and over in Werner Erhard. This perverse reversal of reality, turning things upside down and inside out, and done in a clever way that many people don't even notice, with a perverse and menacing sense of humor, something like Goebbels, the master of Nazi Propaganda.

Its the same all the way down the line, from est-Landmark, "Integrity", "getting it", The Hunger Project, and almost everything else.
Its a perverse reversal of reality designed to trick people and make fools of them, and mock them, while they are being openly conned.
Its very clear being able to do that gives "Werner Erhard" a smirk, as he gets off on duping the idiotic multitude.

Can anyone else see incidences of this same type of 'reversal of reality' and using the Big Lie on people? If so, please point them out...its as clear as a signature...its the signature of Jack Rosenberg, who became the conman known as Werner Erhard.

Forum - Night 3 + Tues. night...
Posted by: skeptic ()
Date: December 11, 2006 02:04AM

Jack Oskar Larm
I I mean, most people who attend Landmark have no idea what they're buying. They neglect to do the most fundamental thing - researching the product before laying out the cash.

This is the result of yet another of the tricky tactics. I don't know about Landmark specifically but the Lifespring-spinoff I was conned into was adamant about not advertising (which I didn't understand). Instead, they wanted CONverts to recruit. That way advertising is free, but more importantly, when a trusted friend tells you about a course that helped them, you are probably less likely to doubt the organization and more likely to trust your trusted friend. Thus, the scam starts right there. The trust between two people is abused and exploited so the LGAT kingpin can rake in the dollars.


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