To get the ball of this thread rolling, I thought it would be a good idea to post previous replies that are relevant to the more focused topic of this forum. These are quoted from the other Impact Trainings thread previously linked to by formerimpactgrad. Enjoy!
Impact is almost identical to Lifespring in its processes and conditioning tactics. Impact however, at the beginning of the fourth day of Quest (the 1st set of training) begins to reinforce a pseudo-LDS spiritual foundation for the trainings which usually makes the now vulnerable trainees, most of whom are Mormon and have very shaky faith conviction in their church (which contributes to why they were willing to do the training. If one of them says otherwise, he/she is a liar.), totally convinced that Hans Berger is a pious man and that the trainings are about saving mankind in a literal spiritual sense. They will not tell you this outright (they will hint to it) and you won't find it on their site, but after the 3rd day of Quest, the impact trainings are about saving the SOULS of humanity and the trainings are for the SPIRIT, so leave your base humanness behind before you go in to Summit or you'll catch hell for it. However, it’s the T.I.T. (Trainers in Training) levels that can cause the most damage. Only the truly conditioned and dependant move on to those levels. People in the TIT 3 level are the most delusional and insane people I have ever known, and I have been told that the group is bigger that it was when I was involved, pushing near or over 200. TIT 3 is Impacts main source of enrollment and free labor. They engage in ritual healings of the sick via sacred staffs the members have fashioned in the tradition of the Apostles. They trivialize professional therapy and scientific medicine (heal thyself, physician), as well as education. Some individuals take this to extreme levels similar to Christian Scientists, risking their own lives and the lives of their children. Hans Berger stated multiple times (not exactly in these words, but close) that it is not important what you do out there in the world (Education, profession) and that a diploma is not the authority of God. It’s a good thing too, because most of the office staff are uneducated (None of the trainers have masters or doctorates in any behavioral science), and the ones who are did not learn in school how not to be arrogant and naive. I believe wholeheartedly that the office and training staff (the Bergers included) completely believe they are called of God to save the world, and that the techniques they use to do it are simply a sick, delusional expression of "the ends justify the means". They justify ruining lives by believing that Impact isn't responsible because each individual makes their choices. They are above "looking at their results" as they vehemently coach their trainees to do (and punish them for not doing). It is incideous, sociopathic behavior.
Addressing the question of whether the Impact Trainings are, in FACT, a religion or not is one of my greatest concerns. In the Quest-Summit-Lift Off levels, it is only apparent in that the trainings address only the human "spirit" or the eternal part of man. This is reinforced primarily by conditioning the trainees into believing that the cause of all dysfunction and pain in this life is caused by the “Ego Mind". This conditioning begins in Quest, where trainees continually have their use language corrected. The do not want you to use the word "Think". The mind is this enemy inside of us that is the "balancing" or soul-building agent that God has blessed us with so that our spirits may have resistance to work against so that they may become stronger. When someone is hesitant or confused (justifiably so) during a process or conversation with the training, a trainer will coach that individual to "STOP THINKING. What do you FEEL?" Eventually, the trainees take over for the trainer, belittling someone who is "In their head", pressuring them to follow the group dynamics and to keep the whole group from being punished. When one member breaks a ground rule they agree to keep at the start of the training, the entire group suffers for it. This is a conditioning technique that has been used by the military to condition troops to be cohesive.
Thinking is what stops progress and is the reason humanity has lost its way. This idea is the true insidious root of evil within the Impact Trainings. Their minds become the enemy. Their resistance to the trainings teachings and mantras are caused by this negative little animal that lives within each one of us. When a trainee says they cannot pay for or attend the next set of trainings, they are, again, ridiculed for "arguing for their limitations" for it is your ego mind and your flawed humanness that says "I can't".
This is what inducts trainees into the religion of Impact, at the same time making them wholly convinced that they are not in one. One reason that they do not believe that it is a religion is because Impact is not exclusive to other religions and beliefs. Anyone of any religious/ethnic background may participate, however these beliefs must not conflict with Impact's designs (i.e. unconditional love for all humanity etc.). This religious training primarily begins in Summit, where graduates participate in a "stretch day", where they portray aspects of spirit and ego mind through skits and dancing, some of which are incredibly degrading. At the T.I.T. level, Hans Berger uses his life experience (many of which were accurately quoted by formerimpactgrad earlier in this forum) to "prove" that God exists, and that not only are we children of God but that we are all ALREADY, LITERALLY GODS. We are here to do what Jesus the Christ did, which was receive a body/ego mind, over come its limitations, embrace our divine natures, and Ascend from our mortal state into a Christed or Perfect state. Christ was not any more divine than you or I, that is, we are all of equal divine status with Jesus Christ. Each human being may choose to participate within the godhead if they so choose and each individual human being is doomed to repeat this life until they spiritually Ascend, and THIS is the TRUE motive behind Impacts mission statement.
Spiritual leaders should NOT BE FOOLED BY THE FOOLED, and allow members of their congregations to participate in this true blue CULT. Individuals who are in T.I.T. participate in rituals on the last Monday of almost every month. They intone the OHM and call in the Spiritual Masters of Light, (particularly Jesus, Archangel Michael, Father AND Mother God) believing they are literally there, performing healing rites and mantras while using divine, Apostolic staffs. Hans Berger has stated multiple times that the Impact Training rooms are more sacred and holy than any church.
Be aware that the majority of the people who belong to this cult are active members in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The graduates who are LDS split into two groups. One group is continually in conflict, back and forth, trying to bring together the contradictory doctrine that exists between the LDS church and Impact. They are confused, not knowing which to choose, not being able to bring them rationally together. I remember one woman in particular who was continually, vocally conflicted between her Faith, Impact and her rational mind. She would be fondly ridiculed by Hans every time she would bring up a logical FALLACY, told that her concerns are only concerns because they are concerns, and praised for being an object lesson for the entire group. She might have been the smartest one in the group and it makes me angry as I remember seeing her treated thusly. (I hope she got out). The other LDS faction has ceased to care. They live in a blissful knowing that all spirit is good spirit and that the truth is that both organizations are true and have abandoned their rational faculties so absolutely, that contradictions in logic simply do not concern them any longer. They have spoken with leaders of the LDS church and have been semi-successful in convincing them that Impact is not a religion (however, the oath of silence each TIT 3er swears to the night they officially join prevents them from telling the Church authorities what I have printed here.) It is the latter of the two LDS groups that are the most dangerous and conditioned by Impact. They are the champions of the Cause. (Some of the office staff fit this category.)
This cult believes that the authority of God, or the priesthood, lies within anyone who claims his/her divinity. Authority is not passed down patriarchly, and it is this doctrine (and many others, such as the Atonement was for Christ and not all of humanity. It was his resurrection that was His purpose, to show men that they may do likewise. Hans Berger has referenced that he knows what Joseph Smith REALLY was told by God about His plan for humanity) that stands COMPLETLY CONTRAST to the current teachings of the LDS faith. Spiritual leaders must know that members of their flocks that are involved with the Impact Trainings are taught this and most grads either believe it whole-heartedly or are trying to. I will say it again: DO NOT BE FOOLED BY THE FOOLED.
Yes, Impact does teach that Jesus is not a Savior in their TIT classes. Hans tells the group that Jesus' sole purpose was to prove that he had power over death. Hans uses Jesus' saying "Go and do likewise" as a basis for the assertion that Jesus was no different than anyone else. Hans also states that Jesus' father was Joseph and that Mary's virgin conception was a myth. Hans goes on to infer that he has an intimate relationship with Jesus and implies that he has learned things through direct communication with him. For instance, Hans discusses Jesus' career and says that he was a wealthy ship builder. Hans states these ideas as facts without any historical backing. In one of my trainings someone asked Hans about his facts and Hans' response was, "Your eyes have not been opened yet". He then stated that Jesus was standing in the training room at that very moment. I have personally heard Hans and other trainers state, on multiple occasions, that Jesus often attends the trainings and that those staff members and trainers whose "eyes are open" can see him. Despite all of this, Hans continues to insist that Impact is not a religion.I have only touched on a couple of beliefs espoused in the TIT trainings. I would be happy to answer any additional questions.
Hans Berger's view as Christ's role as Savior for humanity: If Christ were to be a "Savior" for humanity he would be sending us the message that we are not enough and thusly require help (which is a BIG Impact no no) and that we (humanity) are to SAVE OURSELVES. There is no original sin and the "fall" of mankind is simply a choice mankind made in order for us to know what love is. On a side note, Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden are considered a MYTH for the Creation. The term "Christ" is a title that each person can attain entering a Christ-ed state. This attainment allows one to participate in the Godhead united in what is called "Christ Consciousness". As I have previously stated, TIT doctrine states that we are all Gods now, and we are either using our divine powers to create evil or create good. Thusly, the only ontological difference between God the Father/Mother and us is that God chose not to have a choice between good and evil, choosing only good. However, this begs the question if God always has chosen good, how can He know what love is? And if He does, why do WE have to go through hell to learn it? I could write a book on the logical and theological holes and problems these beliefs surround. Now, with all of this in mind, Impact still does not claim that it is a religion. If Impact is not a religion, there is no such thing as religion.
Unfortunately, this is just the tip of the iceberg and I will happily answer any other questions you have. I'm sure others would benefit from our little Q and A in this forum. Be aware, Impact's doctrine is a grey area at times, that can shift and bend depending on who you will talk to and if they want to tell you what they REALLY believe. Every viewpoint I give in these responses are the viewpoints held by those in charge.
formerimpactgradexImpact mentioned that, in his opinion, LDS people tend to have the most difficult time being involved with the Impact Trainings because their beliefs are regularly challenged and often belittled. I fully support everything that was said in his paragraph. I am not LDS myself but while in the training I became aware of a release from the head of that faith regarding "self-awareness groups". I have added the link to a copy of the Salt Lake Tribune article reporting the release of this statement. []
I'm sure the original release can be obtained from an LDS ecclesiastical leader if anyone wants to check my sources.
The release contains a list of criteria that LDS church members should look to avoid if considering an "awareness training". In the words of the release:
"Church members should not participate in groups that:
1. Challenge religious and moral values or advocate unwarranted confrontation with spouse or family members as a means of reaching one's potential.
2. Imitate sacred rites or ceremonies.
3. Foster physical contact among participants.
4. Meet late into the evening or in the early-morning hours.
5. Encourage open confession or disclosure of personal information normally discussed only in confidential settings.
6. Cause a husband and wife to be paired with other partners."
All six of these criteria apply to the Impact Trainings. I will address each in order;
1. As a part of the Lift Off training, trainees are asked to write a letter to a family member describing all of the ways that their relationship has been dysfunctional in the past. As a "Plus One" challenge, trainees are told to mail or read the letter to that family member. While the intent of the exercise is to foster an improved relationship, the act of mailing or reading the letter definitely "advocates unwarranted confrontation as a means of reaching one's potential."
2. As a part of the Summit Training, trainees are encouraged to wash each others' feet as a part of a particular process. This is an obvious imitation of a rite or ceremony that is sacred to people of many faiths.
3. Hugging and other physical contact is encouraged and expected.
4. Most of my core trainings and nearly all of my TIT trainings ended long after midnight.
5. In the first day of the Quest Training, I was asked to disclose my "deepest and darkest secret" to another member of my training group.
6. Husbands and wives were paired with other partners at every level of the core trainings, often with another member of the opposite .
In short, if you are LDS I can assure you that involvement with the Impact Trainings will be a source of confusion and tension. Your beliefs will be challenged and your organization will be ridiculed at every level of the training. Many of the backhanded remarks will be presented as friendly jokes, but the intent is clear. Also, let no one delude you into thinking that the LDS church's release does not apply to the Impact Trainings. It meets all six of the listed criteria.
From my first day of Impact, "Quest", I noticed many staff members wearing crystal necklaces. Does the "power" of the crystal and the "power" of mother earth become a topic of doctrine in the T.I.T trainings?
The crystals the TIT 3 staff members wear? Oh, you mean Impact's version of the LDS sacred garments? Why yes Matausi, yes it does. However, when pressed, they will say that the "power" of a crystal is only a reflection of the power that we have innately, which begs the question, why do we need crystals in the first place if we have the power already? Impact won't say it in these words of course, but it is clear we need their help or deserve their assistance, or whatever the hell they would say (In fact, by what Impact says is true, crystals are more beneficial to us than Christ's supposed "atonement"). By the way, don't be fooled by Impacts claims that the language of increase is not mere semantics, because it most definitely is. They may change your vocabulary, but the meaning is exactly the same. Changing "right/wrong" to "working/not working" and "help" to "assist" etc. are just behavior conditioning tactics. Eventually when the novelty wears off, graduates just say assist instead of help with the same connotation. I can "help" you without doing it for you, in fact, most educators practice this type of "help". I cannot continue saying more about this without being derogatory, so I'll stop.
In the T.I.T. program, you would be introduced to the miracles that are crystals. They address that crystals have been used as channels for "Black Magic", but that it is misuse, as any form of power can be misused, of the true value of these gifts from Mother Nature. It is presented to mollify any LDS objection to crystal use that Joseph Smith himself was a lover of crystals and that the Urim and Thummim seer stones and breast plate used to translate the Book of Mormon consisted of divinely charged crystals. It is also taught in T.I.T. that not only are we gods, but each one of us can be a LITERAL prophet, seer and/or revelator (and most trainers/office staff fully and actively embrace these roles). As part of a TIT stretch, you will go on a "fieldtrip" to go find some "friends". Crystals are sentient and can be used as tools for spiritual healing, mental clarity, etc. etc. They are used in the TIT 3 rituals, and you are strongly encouraged to keep an Altar at home that will assist you with your "Lightwork". It was commented in my TIT training that the condition/quality of your Altar reflects the condition/quality of your spirituality. It is also customary to affix powerful crystals to the apostolic staffs used in the TIT rituals. If you would like a real life example of the weirdness, follow this link previously provided by RaCeR---X. (The Impact reference is near the bottom of the page. The TIT 3ers mentioned in this article are LDS, one of which I hear, is the biggest crystal nut of them all).
Ronna Star has "channeled" Arch Angel Lord Michael multiple times in T.I.T. 3 meetings and has participated in multiple annual "trips". The T.I.T. 3 group was expected to accept the information from the prophetess as canon.