Re: PSI Seminars and what Happened to me...
Posted by: Steve989 ()
Date: May 21, 2008 07:10AM

Hi all, I found this in a PSI7 yahoo group, thought you would all be interested.

"Hello, Friends.

While attending the PSI 7 graduation last Friday for Team 467, Rob &
Gary asked me to be one of a few to be videotaped giving an endorsement
of the Basic. It seems they now see the value of being proactive in
getting the word out about the program instead of reacting to all of
the negative stuff that must be out there on the Web about it.

Didn't realize it was already posted, but the couple, whose graduation
it was, sent this to me. Just follow the link:

Climb on, Team 450!

Love to all of you,"

As your can see "they believe "they now see the value of being proactive in getting the word out about the program, instead of reacting to all the negative stuff." Can you believe this? All the stuff, as far as I could see, is largely against PSI Seminars, not for it. I looked at some of the videos and it seems they have different people saying the same things.

Re: PSI Seminars and what Happened to me...
Posted by: Mary K ()
Date: June 14, 2008 10:57PM

Jeri if your still reading these boards I wondered if you would give me a opinion on this. Thanks Mary

If this weren’t my life I’d be laughing my butt off. Now if you have been following my story with the ex-husband and his “challenges” with PSI add this to the mix. He leaves me after his return from PSI7, marries another PSI Graduate, who turns around and takes him for all he has in a very short period of time. She leaves him which causes him to have a nervous breakdown. He spends two weeks in the hospital and is discharged.

Now comes the ironic part. He decides he needs a new relationship. He joins a dating service and starts emailing another woman. They meet and he finds out she just finished the Leadership Program for guess what? PSI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She tells him that she left her husband after her return from PSI7 and has to resort to a dating service to meet people. She complained to him that her relationships don’t last long. Wonder why that is?

Re: PSI Seminars and what Happened to me...
Posted by: Steve989 ()
Date: June 16, 2008 05:11AM

Here is an email I received from one of the PSI Cult Members. It appears she is going through the ups and downs of LIFE and feels that PSI is the answer to all her problems. This is just sad.

Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2008 11:57 AM
Subject: [PSI7_TEAM438] Hello Team 438!

I just paid a visit to High Valley Ranch for WLS, and its looking
beautiful. There have been some improvements since PSI 7. How is
everyone doing? If anyone hasn't done LS I suggest you do so. It was
so great and awesome. I realized that since I did not keep PSI in my
life these past two years I fell back into some my bullshit. I highly
suggest that if you can't go to LS then at least audit or staff the

I actually didn't want to go, but I had to or else my money wouldn't
be good anymore for it. I was very resistant, scared and hated
getting ready for it. I knew that I needed it because I hit a
crossroad in my life and wasn't feeling very happy at all. I had some
issues before LS and although I didn't think much about those
specific problems during LS, I came back and all of a sudden those
problems aren't there anymore. I suspect that I tackled the
underlying root of some of my problems at LS and didn't even know it.

What I got from WLS is I feel empowered, confident and I embraced my
feminity. I highly recommend it for the women. And for the men I
don't know what you guys do in MLS but I'm pretty sure it's just as
good too.

I miss you all and I hope everyone is doing well. Any Denver people
want to hang out? Let me know!

Re: PSI Seminars and what Happened to me...
Posted by: Jeri442 ()
Date: June 22, 2008 12:44AM

Hi everyone; I started thinking about this PSI crap; fell into the void this morning thinking about what I did to myself with this and started reading up on it AGAIN!!!!! I guess that's why I am in therapy. Anyway I found another site, where you can make complaints. There were 15 separate 'blogs' on PSI and a majority was against PSI. YouTube videos aside. This was posted on the site from a recent victim; wished I had seen this for what it was when I got involved.

“I attended a PSI seminar and am sorry I did. Since when is one man with huge abandonment issues and no psychology degrees qualified to do "light hypnosis" and regression therapy? Now I understand why the PSI questionnaire inquires about your mental health! These people are about to launch an entire room of people (some with very obvious mental health issues) in to a new realm from which they may never return! Never in my life have I heard so much wailing and mashing of teeth as this self proclaimed Jim Jones Kool-Aid Master leads them in to the "junk yard" in an attempt to rid each one of their past "demons" and bring them to a new self realization that will forever change life as they know it. After the "session from hell" you are sent off with your "micro group" to enjoy lunch with total strangers at the local burger joint; then return for another grueling 8 hours of sitting in the worst chairs ever invented to listen to stories so strange you'll never need a perm again! I left wondering why anyone would want to return to a ranch in the boondocks and entrust their lives to total strangers who lost what few rocks they had left to a man who calls his disciples "lovely's"? Thanks but no thanks. Think I'll invest the "arm and leg" it costs to attend PSI 7 and leadership in a trip to Hawaii where my mental health will surely be intact upon my return home!”

Re: PSI Seminars and what Happened to me...
Posted by: Steve989 ()
Date: June 22, 2008 11:29PM

Check this out!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Allison DuBois is a PSI Cult member!!

Read this article, go to the bottom on the page and open the 'view comments.' A few people there have posted comments about her relationship with a County Attorney and PSI Seminars.


Re: PSI Seminars and what Happened to me...
Posted by: X of PSI Zombie ()
Date: July 05, 2008 02:19AM

And I used to like that show. After reading the article I can understand how Allison is perceived as being arrogant and self-centered. It seems like she walks around acting like someone owes her a living. I guess PSI does that to people.

Re: PSI Seminars and what Happened to me...
Posted by: X of PSI Zombie ()
Date: July 13, 2008 01:29PM

Hi, I have read all the posts here on PSI and I would like to add what happened to me. I had a friend, a very good friend, recommend PSI to me about three years ago. I attended the basic class and immediately felt invigorated. I noticed a change in my attitude towards my husband and family. Looking back on it I was a bitch. Nothing was good enough and I wanted more from my relationships then was reasonable. I tried to get my husband to sign up for the basic on the third day of class. He refused after he asked me to describe what they do there; I told him that he would have to experience it for himself, which I see is a common statement in most of these posts. I was angry at him for not wanting to support me in my need to have him attend. Later I came to understand why. The facilitor told all of us that PSI is a tool to a happier life and everyone in your life will not understand what you have gone through until they attend also. I remember the slogan “resistance is persistence.” If the people who love you don’t attend the seminars they are holding you back, so you need to leave them behind.

At the end of the basic I signed up for PSI 7 at a cost of $3000.00 dollars. I took the money from our joint account. My husband was obviously upset with this but I didn’t care. I felt this change/experience was worth the cost and the grief it cost me with him. He put his foot down and said enough is enough.

I went to the ranch and participated in the pole, the wall, the ledge, the barn dance and wore the clothing that was selected by my PSI buddy. Clothing that I felt uncomfortable wearing in even a private setting. I looked into the eyes of several men, strangers to me up to then, and felt like they actually wanted to have a relationship with me, beyond the physical. I felt they had seen the real person underneath. I came home gushing like I had the time of my life. My husband was angry as I left without a word of warning to him or my family. He had even called the police to report me missing. I even signed up for the Leadership Seminar for $3600.00 dollars and charged it to my credit card. My husband blew up at me, asking me if I had lost my mind.

I told him upon my return that if he loved me he would find the time and money to attend the training. I told him that it would save our marriage. Looking back on it our marriage was on its fifth year and we were both happy. We were both looking forward to our lives together and starting a family. And more importantly he was my best friend. He suggested marriage counseling and we set up an appointment.

After speaking to the therapist I felt like she was ganging up on me so I refused to go back. Three weeks after returning from PSI7 I left my husband and filed for divorce. I gave up the man I had married, the one who protected me from harm. The man who told me he loved me more than anyone in his life. I gave up my husband, my best friend, for my own self interests when I should have known better.

I was out on my own and loving the attention I got from my PSI brothers and sisters. The support for my move, or shift, was almost overwhelming. I felt that the people in my group were the only ones who could understand; they were the only ones who would love and support me; my husband and family were strangers to me now even though I had their love and support for my entire life. I would communicate with my PSI group on a yahoo group site, but the communication was short lived as they started having their own problems. The group stopped talking and the messages died out after a few short months. In the meantime I quit my job and started looking for something better.

While waiting for the divorce to go through I stayed with my best friend, but the relationship was strained as my husband and her husband were also friends. Her husband started watching me and would inform his wife that under no circumstance would she be going to PSI. I tried to get her to go to PSI. I tried so hard to convince her that this was the right decision for me but she continued to tell me that I should tried to work things out with my husband. I saw this as being unsupportive, moved out and dropped that friendship. We were friends for 10 years. I had learned one thing from PSI and that was not to do what people expected me to do. I moved in with my mom and this was more than she could take. She asked me to leave after two months. I was staffing the basic and playing PLD and trying to get others to enroll for the basic. I failed to see that I was on a course of self destruction and I was still looking for a job.

In the meantime the divorce was finalized, the house was sold and after taking a loss on the property I moved into an apartment until I could save some money. I bought a house a few months after the divorce. I bought the house for more then I could effort and I didn’t care. I also bought a new car and later had that repossessed because I couldn’t afford both the car and the house. I felt that this was my reality and everything would be alright.

After a time I decided that I needed to find another man in my life. I see references to that “number 10 relationship.” This was what I was looking for. I attempted liaisons with several men and could not find one that could understand why I had this attitude towards life. I wanted more and I wanted it immediately, but the world was not cooperating with my reality. I turned to an internet dating service and started looking for the “perfect” relationship and after meeting a few men I found the one I was looking for. He wined and dined me, told me that I was perfect for him. I thought I had found that number 10 relationship. I took this relationship for what I thought it was, LOVE. I was so involved with the relationship with this man that I decided immediately to move in with him when he asked me. We had only dated three months. I sold my house and moved in with him. The little money I had earned from the sale went into a joint account and he spent it on one of his new toys. I failed to pay attention that this man, my number 10 relationship, had just divorced his second wife a few short months before I met him on the internet. He had four small kids from his first marriage and I became a baby sitter when he wanted to go out with the boys on weekends and drink half his salary.

It was about 2 years after PSI7 he asked me to marry him. We were married and a few weeks afterward he quit his job and had me put him and his four kids on my health insurance. He stayed at home and would expect me to wait on him and his kids hand and foot when I got home from work. It was a few short months later when realizations started to hit home. I was asking myself what the hell I was doing with this man and his kids. He was treating me like I was nothing more than a maid. This was my number 10 relationship?

I realize now that I am the failure. Not as a PSI graduate, but as a human being and as a woman and a wife. I was duped into believing that PSI was the answer to everything wrong in my life. I threw away my first husband, a man I loved for a relationship with 78 strangers. People who said they loved me, not because of who I was, but because of what they had made us. The relationship with these people did not last. My first husband suffered the most as he tried several times to get me to see reason after I left. I threw away my friends as they refused to see my point of view when in actuality I should have seen theirs. My point of view was more important. My family disowned me after my outbursts towards them when they refused to listen to my new found views on life.

It is now too late to go back and fix the wrongs I did, and I have tried. My ex-husband refuses to talk or even see me, and I can’t really blame him. I left him without any explanation. I didn’t even shed a tear over the loss of our marriage, he once said I ripped the heart from his chest and didn’t even think enough on our relationship to take the time to smash it. And he was right, that is exactly what I did.

Now I am in a broken marriage to another fool who takes me for granted, treats me like I am his slave, and I have no where to go, no one to turn to, and this is what I wanted in life? Even the friend who introduced me to PSI dumped her marriage and is pretty much in the same boat I’m in. And I hate her for getting me involved in this.

I was a stupid, arrogant, self centered fool. I agree, PSI does give you the tools, the tools to destroy your life. It destroyed my life with a good man and earned me the likes of the “Al Bundy” personality I’m with now. I am ashamed of what I did. I am ashamed of what I have become and I would not recommend PSI for anyone.

Sorry for the long post.

Jeri I can relate with this behavior as my ex-husband spent every dime on his PSI courses and ruined our marriage. But I can't help wondering if I would like you for finding the courage to get out of it or hate you because you fell for this.

Re: PSI Seminars and what Happened to me...
Posted by: X of PSI Zombie ()
Date: July 27, 2008 11:02PM

Here is an email I received from one of the PSI Cult Members. It appears she is going through the ups and downs of LIFE and feels that PSI is the answer to all her problems. This is just sad.

Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2008 11:57 AM
Subject: [PSI7_TEAM438] Hello Team 438!

I just paid a visit to High Valley Ranch for WLS, and its looking
beautiful. There have been some improvements since PSI 7. How is
everyone doing? If anyone hasn't done LS I suggest you do so. It was
so great and awesome. I realized that since I did not keep PSI in my
life these past two years I fell back into some my bullshit. I highly
suggest that if you can't go to LS then at least audit or staff the

I actually didn't want to go, but I had to or else my money wouldn't
be good anymore for it. I was very resistant, scared and hated
getting ready for it. I knew that I needed it because I hit a
crossroad in my life and wasn't feeling very happy at all. I had some
issues before LS and although I didn't think much about those
specific problems during LS, I came back and all of a sudden those
problems aren't there anymore. I suspect that I tackled the
underlying root of some of my problems at LS and didn't even know it.

What I got from WLS is I feel empowered, confident and I embraced my
feminity. I highly recommend it for the women. And for the men I
don't know what you guys do in MLS but I'm pretty sure it's just as
good too.

I miss you all and I hope everyone is doing well. Any Denver people
want to hang out? Let me know!

I wonder if my ex knows this woman?

Re: PSI Seminars and what Happened to me...
Posted by: Elaine ()
Date: August 09, 2008 01:52AM

I sympathize with your predicament.

Re: PSI Seminars and what Happened to me...
Posted by: Steve989 ()
Date: August 31, 2008 04:27PM

Well folks a New team of PSI graduates hit the streets and this is what a couple of them had to say. I like the one where Cxxxxx stood her ground and yet fails to realize that people see the change in her, don’t like it, and when they offer her their opinion what does she do. She made a CHOICE.

In, Axxx Wxxxxxxxx
Hey everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I miss you ALL sooo much. So I am taking this class at my college called "close relationships across lifespans" and everything they teach us is the same stuff I learned at 7 about relationships. It is so great, I already know it all! I just thought I'd let you guys know. It's a good reminder that everything they teach at 7 really is based off facts, so if you are having trouble getting someone to Basic tell them they can pay $500 for Basic or $23,000 for college to learn the same stuff!!

Love and miss my psi family,

To: PSI7Team471@...: [PSI7Team471] Had an explosive night!
So I a proud to tell u guys I stood my ground! I staffed this weekend in OC for the basic, which was absolutely amazing! On the way home from inner circle My Best friend called me upset and addressed that she did not like the new me. She said "you need to
get out of your positive little world u r in!" I felt hurt and disappointed. Then thankfully I remembered I had a choice. I told her I choose to live my life that way and she had the choice to do the same. Sadly to say she also said she no longer wanted to be my best
friend. When I got home my Husband told me that he agreed with her......My heart was broken! Then I thought as hard as I worked and as much money as I paid for PSI 7 to come back and buckle down. I told my husband u also have a choice get on the train or leave I am not going to compromise my happiness for someone who does not support my growth. He than told me I love you and I support u! After having had that happen I realized the power of choice...........POWER OF CHOICE! Remember to choose Growth and choose Happiness at all costs!! Cxxxx
wow cxxxxxx that is crazy. I totally commend u on the way u r taking it with stride. I luv u and yes ull b busy anyway with ur psi friends and all the activities going on. U will have a bunch of whole new best friends. luv u superstar.

Don’t let the crabs pull you down with them. Stay strong and stay your ground. All of the crabs are afraid of doing what all of us (I) are doing with our lives. I have been blessed to see all of you transform from the people that you were into the awesome, giving, trusting, trustworthy, high achieving, huggable, cuddly (that’s for you Peter!) leader of leaders that you ARE. Seeing your messages concerning how those around you are pulling you down has strengthened my belief in how we all need to stay connected and support each other. I am blessed with a great support system in Phoenix and am more than happy to give my support to any of you that need it. If you are feeling like you are in need please give me a call…seriously…don’t hesitate! I am here for every last one of you.
With love,
Gxxxxx Gxxxx

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