French Landmark documentary on GOOGLE VIDEO
Posted by: mazellan ()
Date: October 20, 2006 06:14AM

I'd love to know which town...!

Daylesford, Victoria

French Landmark documentary on GOOGLE VIDEO
Posted by: Acid Reindeer ()
Date: October 21, 2006 06:15AM


French Landmark documentary on GOOGLE VIDEO
Posted by: Jack Oskar Larm ()
Date: October 26, 2006 09:16AM

I'd love to know which town...!

Daylesford, Victoria

Is Daylesford the Aussie heart of Landmark?

It seems to be. This town has been through every bloody cultish ideology on the planet (or so it would seem). Does anyone remember the Celestine Prophecy? It must be something in our water. LOL

French Landmark documentary on GOOGLE VIDEO
Posted by: Jack Oskar Larm ()
Date: October 26, 2006 09:21AM

G'day Acid,

I think I'll make myself a 'Village of the Damned' t-shirt. Thanks for the image.


French Landmark documentary on GOOGLE VIDEO
Posted by: mazellan ()
Date: October 26, 2006 09:31AM

Jack Oskar Larm

Is Daylesford the Aussie heart of Landmark?

Well, the Daylesford 'graduates' claim it is! Jack, I can't PM untill I get 10 posts, [...] we'll plot to undermine LE's attempts to 'enroll' any futher Daylesford victims.

[b:bd22b39a93][Editor's note: please don't post emails. Wait until you can PM][/b:bd22b39a93]

French Landmark documentary on GOOGLE VIDEO
Posted by: Jack Oskar Larm ()
Date: October 26, 2006 01:58PM


As the late Big Kev would say, 'I'm excitied!' And I am, well, until I have more than my 300+ pages of anti-Landmark literature. I suppose people (read: Landmark drones) don't read much anymore, so it's vital that I can share some moving pictures with them. It's only fair cos' I'm willing to sit and listen to their fantasies.

Anyway, it looks like we have a small united front here in Daylesford. And it goes something like, 'Today Daylesford, tomorrow the capital city!'

We'll keep you all posted, just hope it's not from Guantanamo Bay (bad spelling, I know, but Americans do like us Aussies). LOL :lol:

Jack (maybe I should hide my identity) Larm.

French Landmark documentary on GOOGLE VIDEO
Posted by: elena ()
Date: October 26, 2006 09:42PM

Acid Reindeer

...This is funny, Acid.

For any who are unaware, the Landmark "training" programs teach people to use a "predatory stare" which is something salesmen and actors are taught but Landmark's version came from some scientology instruction on how to maintain the un-blinking "power position" in a conversation or confrontation. It's nothing new, but L. Ron Hubbard, and consequently, Werner Erhard took this into practice to better prepare their followers to disarm, intimidate, seduce, or take command. It's also no secret, but apparently many are still taken by these tricks. Most of us feel naturally uncomfortable staring continuously into someone's eyes. Landmark "training" de-sensitizes people to this discomfort and teaches normal people predatory techniques.


French Landmark documentary on GOOGLE VIDEO
Posted by: Acid Reindeer ()
Date: October 27, 2006 01:00AM

lucky find, I swear, I just did a Google image search for Village of the Damned. sheer luck that the Stare of Doom got a mention in the poster. the guy on the upper right just needs to have the kids saying, "are you ready to be coached?"

the Scientologists train by staring into the eyes of teddy bears.

maybe I mis-remember but I heard that the Scientologists get lessons in how to tone down the Psycho StareĀ® at will so as to not creep out the rubes.

French Landmark documentary on GOOGLE VIDEO
Posted by: mazellan ()
Date: October 27, 2006 05:00AM

I'm going to attempt to photoshop that poster to include some reference to Landmark, and Daylesford, then print it onto T shirts.

A number of my friends have done Landmark, I wonder what their reaction will be? Devotees are not known for their sense of humour, Landmark seems to knock it out of them.

Any artistic input welcome.

French Landmark documentary on GOOGLE VIDEO
Posted by: Jack Oskar Larm ()
Date: October 29, 2006 09:04AM

G'day Mazellan,

Great to talk to you. The 'Village of the Damned' idea is a clever and funny way to represent the other side of the argument.

With regard to artistic suggestions: 1) replace Village of the Damned with Landmark Education (similar typeface, if possible); 2) instead of it being presented by Metro-Goldwyn it should be Erhard-Rosenberg, perhaps; and 3) the cast listing could mention local (Melbourne) LE devotees such as the giggling coach at the Intro. I did earlier this year (I can't recall her name, but it shouldn't be too difficult to find out). And an afterthought, it would be nice to replace the bottom graphic with one of our dear, little village of Daylesford. LOL

But the photoshop alteration doesn't have to be too involved because just the connection between our Village of the Damned and Landmark Education is shocking enough.


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