The Mankind Project
Posted by: Hope ()
Date: July 13, 2003 11:15AM

Has anyone been to this. They were advertising online that a seminar is being held in NYC. I looked up the home page and it sounds so much like Landmark Education that I did a little research. Nothing really suspicious came up, except that a Cliff Barry, who founded Shadow Work Seminars, did attend est seminars. Shortly thereafter, his weekend training was born. His business associates and trainers included Ron Hering, Bill Kauth and Rich Tosi, who went on to start Mankind.

There were just some words that jumped off the page - integrity, authenticity and commitment. And the weekend seems to be structured like Landmark\est. The info talks about doing shadow work in the weekend seminar.

Anyone been to this?

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The Mankind Project
Posted by: elena ()
Date: July 14, 2003 08:17PM

Hi Hope,

Here's an old list. There are probably lots more. New ones springing up every day, seems like. Are the "Promise Keepers" still extant? This one sounds similar. Usually the hidden agenda isn't that well hidden.



Large Group Awareness Trainings

Context Associates
est/Landmark Forum
Garden Company
Hunger Project
ManKind Project
Training Phoenix 2000
PSI World
Silva Mind Control
Sterling Institute of Relationships
Whole Mind Learning (WML)

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The Mankind Project
Posted by: Hope ()
Date: July 14, 2003 08:46PM

Thanks Elena.

The ad for The Mankind Project was on Craigslist. I posted a reply warning people interested to ask lots of questions, to be cautious as the seminar agenda sounded a lot of like Landmark.

Within a short time, someone posted back telling me to learn about "judgement" and how wonderful the program is and how he's now doing volunteer work in Harlem, NY. The person was just a bit defensive in response to a word of caution.

Add Mission Control to the list. I've been receiving mailings on this as it is connected directly to Landmark, which shared its mailing list with Mission Control.

And in Europe, we can add Outlook to the list... []

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