Father joins Landmark
Date: July 01, 2006 10:05PM

However what I came to post here for was specificaly to solicit the communities thoughts on the possibility of POSITIVE results from Landmark, without it becoming dangerous or harmful

Is it possible Landmark may lead to POSTITIVE results? It is an interesting question with regards a course that requires a $400-odd and 72 man-hour outlay. It amazes me that so many people are convinced to outlay the time and money for the forum for the supposed benefits WITHOUT KNOWING WHAT THE BENEFITS ARE. How easy it would be to then identify a problem, any old one, and set about rectifying it with **MY VERY OWN** **PATENTED** and **REMARKABLE** technology!

Even if someone answered yes to your question, Monkeyvomit, what would that prove? My high school friends told me that a hit was just the thing I needed to open up and improve my world. For free, they told me that! So, is it possible that someone, just ONE person, might walk away from a heroin injection with lasting positive results? Well, sure, monkeyvomit. I guess so.

If the people signing up for Landmark asked themselves in the beginning, "Why am I signing up for this course?" I imagine many of them might then be able to troubleshoot their problems for themselves. Then buy themselves a nice $400, three-day weekend at the beach.

Father joins Landmark
Posted by: estie ()
Date: July 02, 2006 12:20AM

Monkeyvomit (I kinda like your name, but I'm a little weird),

I know this is very new to you, and you just don't know what to make of it. The fact that your father seems improved makes Landmark look like a good thing to you. I'm going to post something to Myles in the "I just did the Forum" thread, the point of which is, you need to look at the entire picture, not just the appealing part. If your father's improvement lasts, and often it doesn't, there's a lot more to the Forum than that, and it's more bad than good. It will take him years, if he does it at all, to sort through it all and figure out for himself what works and what doesn't.

My heart really goes out to you, and I hope things work out well for you, but the problems is, there isn't much you can do about it. If your father is like most who have done the Forum, he won't listen to you (or anyone else). I never got my parents to do est (the forerunner of the Forum). Years later, I caught myself doing something. There is a psychologically dissociative state we were taught to go into, according to est it was "a very high state of awareness". It's kinda like being "out of your mind", looking at things from afar. I caught myself looking at my Mom from afar with distaste and disdain because she wouldn't do est. I resented her ignorance and unwillingness to be open to est. I looked down upon her. I'd had that attitude toward her all those years. Now I won't say there hadn't been times when I hadn't expressed all the est lovingness to her, but, in the long run, there was still a barrier between us. I've listened to many people over the years. In some cases it's more pronounced than in others. It depends on "what else" your father brings to it. But, as long as your father "belongs" to Landmark and you don't, there will always be a barrier between you.

The best thing I can suggest is make a point of doing things with your father, things you both enjoy. Don't let your disagreement about Landmark be the only thing in your relationship. Keep the rest of it alive. It would be good if you could talk about it, but if talking about it just always devolves into the unresolvable, you may have to just make talking about Landmark "off limits." There's no point to communication unless it's two-way, unless both people listen to the other. Tell him you're his son, not an [b:cd340a776b]enrollment target [/b:cd340a776b](which is what everyone becomes to people who have done the Forum).

"there and back again"

Father joins Landmark
Posted by: skeptic ()
Date: July 02, 2006 03:22AM

Is it possible Landmark may lead to POSTITIVE results? It is an interesting question with regards a course that requires a $400-odd and 72 man-hour outlay.

$400! Wow, what a deal. You can pay $5,000 to CONtext Associated (Randy Revell's Lifespring Offspring) for the same shit! Randy's dead now, but you'd never know it reading their webpages.

www.leadingmylife.com is a new version. $5,000 for a Context Vacation!!!!!!! Vacation from hell! What a spin. And $5,000 for their 21st Century Followership* course.

*They call it 21st Century Leadership, but it's really all about blindly following: do as they say and do not question. And they say they are teaching leadership. More spin.

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