several questions
Posted by: lostafriend ()
Date: May 28, 2006 07:27AM

First off very good friends of my husband and I attended a seminar at Millennium in March. As soon as they came back and said they couldn't tell us anything about it as they were sworn to secrecy we knew it was a cult.

The husband has gone no further, but the wife is there every other weekend. In fact her husband has told mine that all of the insurance money they received due to Katrina has been used to finance her trips there.

I'm finding very little out about this group except that others are worried. I googled and found someone posting they were investigated by Dateline. I'm having trouble finding this. I'm wondering if anyone knows when it was aired or the name of it or even has a link to it.

I'm so extremely mad that we are now called great acquantances when we've been friends for 20 years. We've seen each other through horribles messes. The only people she has a deep connection with are those willing to undergo the seminar. I stopped speaking to her for a month and when she called the other day I decided okay lets try this again. She told me she has been told it's a cult, but if a cult makes you this happy and teaches you about love she is all for it.

There is no talking to her because every conversation revolves around the happiness she has found and how she can sit down with me and show me how this can help me.

The other thing is I was in therapy for my own depression for about a year and due to the hurricane my therapist has left. She contacted me the other day about meeting up with her as she passes through town. Then she threw out she has become a life coach. I'm worried I'm getting hit with this nonsense from all directions.

What the heck is a life coach anyway and are they all bad???

Thanks for any info you can give me.

several questions
Posted by: Samuel ()
Date: June 10, 2006 12:33PM

Lost a Friend, I know nothing about Millennium except it bares a close resemblance to PSI Seminers if you want to read the posts about them here. There is also posts on if you care to check. I do have a friend that lost his wife, of 15 years, after she returned from Millennium and was surprised that she could have been taken in by a cult like group. Google Large group Awareness Training to learn more, but my advice is to stay away.

several questions
Posted by: Gulab Jamon ()
Date: June 15, 2006 12:15AM

I don't think all life coaches are bad. But someone did post here that there was some sort of Landmark connection with life coaching. Maybe you should ask your therapist some questions about the life coaching, like where she trained, who she trained with, what classes she took, etc.

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