IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: Rswinters ()
Date: July 17, 2007 12:58PM

Count your blessings because this is very similar, in how Klemmer dealt with my marriage that was on the rocks with my wife. Unfortunately. My wife did not choose to step out, and to this day is seeing herself as victim to an abusive husband. While not facing the abusiveness that she shows up with.

Klemmers version is to encourage her to accept her greatness, and it is not deserving of her to be in a marriage with me.

Which is really funny, because in my experience with Klemmer it was their influence of telling me I was not a victim of her abuse in our first marriage that I divorced her from the abuse she showed up with and I could not handle coming from her. Well, Klemmer encouraged me to remarry her, and they where taking all the glory for our remarriage at the beginning.

Then when the conflicts arose between us. Klemmer coaches encouraged me to focus on the marriage, and later when my wife caught up to me by taking the last seminar called Sam Camp. Her coaching encouraged her to accept her greatness, by choosing a divorce which was a complete flip from a commitment to be willing to go through Professional marriage counseling with me. Accepting her greatness was to break that commitment last february and to file for divorce with no communication period on things.

All the while her Klemmer coach that is a paid staff person at Klemmer encouraged her to accept her greatness at my expense.

Way to go Klemmer in keeping your philosphy of making a world that works for everyone with no one left out.

I guess since Klemmer sucked all the money they could out of me as I have attended all their seminars. I don't matter to them any longer as they have discarded me, and the marriage that was created from Klemmers influence on my life.

So, count your blessings. Your wife is attending counseling with you.

That is something to be happy about.

Hello all,
This has been a relief to me to read. Especially to ArmyofOne, thank you. I started the Impact trainings the same time you did, from what I've read about you. I couldn't stand one more second of what was going on when Justin incited a mob to throw out the man in the back of the room. I left.

Much to my disappointment, my wife stayed. Then she secretly signed up for the second brainwashing as well. It very nearly ruined our relationship, as she held her commitment to Impact as something more important than her commitment to our relationship. I think it is still hard for her to see how inherently damaging Impact is.

When I wanted out, I was threatened by one of the staff members - she told me that if I left, my wife might choose to leave also, and that I would be responsible for that (right), then she said that if I leave and she chooses to stay, that I'll be way behind her in learning and that will have a negative impact on our relationship (if she only knew how much further behind my wife would be, and how damaging THAT would be to our relationship). When I thanked her for her understanding, after she finally agreed to reimburse me (more on that at another time) for the reimbursable expenses (they get you either way, don't they?), she told me , "I didn't say I understood you." If there was any way to be more insulting and degrading, she didn't have the mental capacity to deliver it.

I waited patiently, but anxiously, for my wife to get through the first course, and was happy to have her home. She knew how strongly I felt about Impact, so she signed up to do the second course of the series without telling me and told the staff to use what money I would be reimbursed for, to go toward her (even more) expensive second round, for fear that I would be able to talk her out of it. She went.

Every day, and every night I called and left messages on her phone for her to please come home. It was all in vain. I went down on the second to the last day, and waited on the road with my kids, with a sign on our trailer that begged her to leave Impact and come home - when she finally came out, she wouldn't listen to me - she had been approached by some staff members before coming out and wanted to know why I was out there protesting. She had made up her mind (or Impact had made it up for her) and she said that to have integrity she needed to finish this course and that she would be home Saturday night. Our kids were crying because she wouldn't come home. I told her I couldn't stay in a relationship where something like this was so much more important to her than how we felt. The kids wanted to stay with her, and they all got out. My wife told me that it was fine if I left, that she would go on and have a bright, happy and fulfilling life with or without me, that I wouldn't hold her back anymore (and I have only one idea of where that notion came from, and it wasn't from any experience we've had in our relationship).

As upset as I was, I left the kids with her and drove away (I know, I'm an idiot for doing so). I never thought she would take our kids into the building, but she did. I figured she would call her nearby aunt to watch them for her. I spoke to my father-in-law by phone on the way home about what was happening and why I felt my marriage had come to a horrible end. He managed to say just the right things to me and told me to try to steady the boat when someone was rocking it.

I went back to pick up the kids, calling my wife's aunt first, to find that she did not have the kids. I went back to impact to get them. I walked in calmly, found the kids watching a movie and eating food that had been provide them, with a staff member. I told them to come along with me, that we were going home to wait it out for mom. The staff member stood up, got right in my face and told me that I wasn't going to take them anywhere and that we could go discuss this politely (- right). I told him that that wasn't necessary - that we were just going to leave. He told me he was going to call the police if I attempted to take my kids. I grabbed my two youngest by the hand and began to walk away as quickly as we could. In the parking lot, several staff members ran out and started blocking my two older kids that were behind me from coming to me, as I frantically pleaded with them to quickly get off of the property and come home. Hans (according to my oldest child) was in the parking lot and was yelling at my kids that they shouldn't go with me saying things like "Can't you see how sick he is? You're not safe going with him; you can't go with him." It caused my kids to start to cry, and one of them was so confused on the parking lot, standing behind a wall of people, who kept persuading him, as well as the rest to stay. He finally started walking toward me as I got in touch with the Salt Lake County Sheriff's office.

I told the deputy what was going on (my side of the story), and how it was their intention to call and report me for kidnapping and trespassing (and disturbing the peace, as the deputy put it later, sort of chuckling about how that would never have happened if they hadn't been idiots (my words - when I was begging for my kids to get off of their property and come with my whole soul) and that they certainly weren't going to charge me with anything - they (the Sheriff's office and the deputy calling me later on my phone) just wanted to know that my kids were OK.

What kind of an organization would do that to a family? To small kids? To a relationship that was on the rocks? Hans (according to my oldest kid) was yelling at me in the parking lot, telling me how he couldn't understand how my wife would put up with me for the 16 years we've been married, and that I was holding her down and keeping her from being happy. I was shocked beyond belief that anyone claiming any sense of an ability to be helpful to others would have the audacity to say something so hurtful and spiteful after hearing only small portions of one side of a story. It only gave me more evidence that whatever my wife was caught up in was worse than even I had imagined.

The day I went down to wait for my wife was after reading the email that ArmyOfOne had sent to everyone that had gone through Quest with her. She had been to this site by then, and I found it after doing my own searching for Impact and cults. I'm glad I got out when I did. I wish my wife would have followed her gut feelings about it, too, but unfortunately, she was more committed to her friend that had told us about and encouraged us to get into Impact, than she was to her REAL integrity (it's funny how they change that word to mean commitment to Impact).

We're now in counseling - as a very direct result of the negative impact of Impact - that ought to be their name - Negative Impact. I wish there was a way to shut them down. I wish there was a way to tell every single person going in what it really holds in store for them.

Here's to healing damaged hearts and minds and relationships because of an ugly thing called Impact Trainings, and thank-you all - I feel I have a support group to go to.

IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: formerimpactgrad ()
Date: July 17, 2007 01:19PM


I'm sorry all of that is happening to you. My marriage was an Impact casualty. As were three other marriages right around the time that I left the group.

My marriage may have ended eventually anyway, I guess there's no way to know for sure, but Impact certainly made things much more painful, arduous and dramatic.

IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: formerimpactgrad ()
Date: July 17, 2007 01:31PM

I guess it is also of note that prior to the Impact Trainings I was a very devout member of the LDS church. I no longer believe many of things that I believed at that time and I have not been involved with the church since I was in the TIT series. I didn't believe much of what was being taught at Impact (I have disclosed my reasons for attending TIT in prior posts) and I was, and still am in many ways, completely unreceptive to anything spiritual, both TIT and otherwise.

The idea of relying on anything other than logic, reasoning and observation to determine truth is completely foreign to me. While I have recovered in many ways from my Impact experience, I don't see how I could ever be remotely religious ever again.

Please don't take this post as an attack on religion (because it isn't) I'm just pointing out that the spark drove me to seek after spiritual things has been completely extinguished. While I think I have recovered in many ways, I know for certain that I will never be the same. I guess I could only see so much twisted, dogmatic theology used to manipulate and abuse people before I shut that part of me down entirely.

IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: Rswinters ()
Date: July 17, 2007 01:36PM


I'm sorry all of that is happening to you. My marriage was an Impact casualty. As were three other marriages right around the time that I left the group.

My marriage may have ended eventually anyway, I guess there's no way to know for sure, but Impact certainly made things much more painful, arduous and dramatic.

In my case. I would never have remarried her if it wasn't for the promises made in this LGAT crap philosphy. In my case it was Klemmer, and in your case it was Impact. In many other threads there are other company names that can be listed here. It doesn't matter as we have been discovering in our sharing the base philosphy is the same in them all.

Now here is also a good opportunity for me to state something that I am quite sure most will agree with. To clarify before I make it though. My marriage would probably still have failed in the long run anyway. Who knows?

But, I can say one thing without hesitation, and with deep anger and conviction as I state it.

Who gives these LGAT's the right to get involved and between two spouses in a marital conflict. If they had the integrity that they brag about having, and followed their own philosphy by walking their talk. They would take a neutral stance in a situation like this by encouraging both parties to go to intense Professional Marriage counseling and sort it out.

Making every effort to hold the marriage together coming from an impartial stance of not letting either party go victim to the other.

Especially in not encouraging one to accept their greatness by leaving a spouse without trying everything possible to save a marriage.

I personally saw in my experience going through Klemmers seminars where the staff, and facilitators encouraged a person to take a personal stance that encouraged a person to choose divorce versus facing the emotional pain of dealing with the troubled marriage.

This is not right, and is wrong in so many ways. How dare LGAT's place themselves in this place of powerfully inflluencing a marriage to be pushed over the edge while declaring that they are not doing so.


Oh man, this touched a nerve. But, by golly it needs to be said, and said straight.

Thanks for letting me share.

IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: Rswinters ()
Date: July 17, 2007 01:43PM

Okay folks. This touched a hot live wire in me...

Thank God, for professional counseling. I will have a chance this week to maybe dismantle some of this anger which has been agitated in this aspect.

whoa, guess this stuff is more alive, and hot than I thought. This took me right back to the anger, and fustration with my situation that happened this past year with Klemmer and my soon to be ex-wife.

It has helped to vent on this website. Hopefully I vented in a informative way to help steer people away from LGAT's though.

That will be a saving grace for me. If others will steer clear of LGAT's because of how I have shared, as well as others on this website.

IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: Disenchanted ()
Date: July 17, 2007 01:53PM

Hear, hear!

Thank you rswinters. You're right it needs to be said, it all needs to be said so that people have some sort of idea of what they could be getting into or how deep they are already in.

IMPACT Trainings
Date: July 17, 2007 01:57PM

I need to make a correction...I was referring to army-of-me as ArmyOfOne - I'm sorry about that, it wasn't intentional. By the way, I'm so proud of army-of-me for sharing what you did with your group from Quest. I just wish my wife could have read it before going on for a second round of disaster.

Thank you all for all of your comments. I've spent several days reading them. It's so very nice to find validity in what I felt coming on from day one was what so many other people have discovered as well.

IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: Rswinters ()
Date: July 17, 2007 01:57PM

I guess it is also of note that prior to the Impact Trainings I was a very devout member of the LDS church. I no longer believe many of things that I believed at that time and I have not been involved with the church since I was in the TIT series. I didn't believe much of what was being taught at Impact (I have disclosed my reasons for attending TIT in prior posts) and I was, and still am in many ways, completely unreceptive to anything spiritual, both TIT and otherwise.

The idea of relying on anything other than logic, reasoning and observation to determine truth is completely foreign to me. While I have recovered in many ways from my Impact experience, I don't see how I could ever be remotely religious ever again.

Please don't take this post as an attack on religion (because it isn't) I'm just pointing out that the spark drove me to seek after spiritual things has been completely extinguished. While I think I have recovered in many ways, I know for certain that I will never be the same. I guess I could only see so much twisted, dogmatic theology used to manipulate and abuse people before I shut that part of me down entirely.

We are different in this aspect. Because my faith is what Brian Klemmer played upon to entice me into Klemmer in the first place. His first seminar really comes from this angle, and it is speckled through out his seminars.

Where we are different is my faith is what finally woke me up to the deception of Klemmer and their so called definition of Christianity.

I have repented of my embracing this Non-Biblical definition of what a Christian is in Klemmers philosphy (I have seen this aspect to a degree in many other shares from other LGAT's threads also.)

I am not a bible thumper. Nor do I want to convince you all to have a relationship with God. I respect that this website is not the place to discuss my belief in God in depth, and it is not a place to debate my belief in God with anyone either. I do feel the freedom to share from this perspective as long as I keep it about me, and to do so in a considerate manner for those who think differently such as formerimpactgrad does.

I for one do not have a problem with this difference in having a belief in God, or not.

I am on this website to do one thing, and one thing only. To expose LGAT's for what they are. A cult with a messed up philosphy that has duped many in our society.

I will not call it a messed up business model. I will agree with what is shared around this aspect of messed up business model.

But, I will go after the jugular and attack the source. THE PHILOSPHY!!!

IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: army-of-me ()
Date: July 17, 2007 03:48PM

I cried when I read your post. What Impact has done in regards to your family is sickening. Please know you have my deepest sympathy and full support and that my prayers are with you, your wife and children and I hope that the mess can be worked through. If you need anything, please don't hesitate to ask.
Hello all,
This has been a relief to me to read. Especially to ArmyofOne, thank you. I started the Impact trainings the same time you did, from what I've read about you. I couldn't stand one more second of what was going on when Justin incited a mob to throw out the man in the back of the room. I left.
Yes, we were definitely in the same Quest group. The image of that mob is forever etched in my memory. Let me tell all of you what happened in regards to that (damagedbyassociation please add or correct me if needed):
It was the first day of Quest and Justin (the facilitator) had already spent a considerable amount of time breaking people down. I recall that he had already told one man who's brother had recently committed suicide: "No wonder your brother committed suicide with a brother like you." Justin was then able to get the audience to explain that this comment was simply mirroring what this man already thought.
Awhile later one man in particular was getting frustrated with the yelling and confrontation and he stood up out of turn and expressed that he thought Justin was wrong, or a jerk or something like that. I don't recall exactly what happened next. Later on, a woman stood up, also upset at the yelling. The man stood up again and applauded her courage and again expressed frustration with the confrontation and humiliation. It was then that Justin screamed redfaced, at the top of his lungs for him to "GET OUT!" and that he wasn't going to be going through the training in this particular group. He did this repeatedly. The man wouldn't move. He replied that he had promised his family that he would stay through the entire training and he wanted another chance. It was then that Justin said: "We're not moving forward in this training until you leave." People in our group started screaming at the man. Things like: "GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE! WE DON'T WANT YOU HERE!" Many people were annoyed that this man was getting in the way of their training instead of concerned about the treatment he was getting. I was really scared to say anything out of turn at this point, so I kept my hand raised hoping to suggest showing compassion and to give the man another chance. Justin didn't call on me, but he did call on someone else with the same idea. This idea was quickly shot down. Justin said something like "this is private property and we have the right to remove you." Justin said to the crowd: "Take care of this." This is when a mob of men stood up from among the group and started walking towards the man very menacingly. I was terrified that a fist fight was going to ensue. Right before the mob laid hands on the man, someone screamed out "DON'T TOUCH HIM!" The mob stopped and just stood there around the man. Someone else yelled out that the mob should sit down. Some of them did. Again Justin asked the group to take care of him. More men stood up and walked over, and again some people yelled for them not to touch him. This chaos went on for 45 min to an hour. Finally, one of the staff was called in, and the man was escorted out. As he left, I think I remember a cheer going up in the group. Some said things like, "Finally, I can get on with my training!" Just after the door closed as the man left, a woman stood up tearfully. She was the man's wife, and she said she didn't know whether she should stay or not. Justin convinced her to stay (to the applause of the group), and told her that "there are no accidents" implying that she must have needed to go through the training without her husband.
I was very disturbed by the whole thing, but I suppose I had already succumbed to the "process" at that point as I excused it away and stayed until graduation. I want to throw up every time I think about it. I hope that that man's marriage is alright, although I have a feeling that they're probably having major problems right now because of Impact. Damagedbyassociation- if you can be glad of one thing, be glad that you left then. I wish I did. I've said this before and I'll say it again: I would NEVER have been OK with this under different circumstances, how does Impact wield so much control so quickly? One of Impact's main teachings is unconditional love. Does this experience sound like unconditional love to anyone?

IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: exImpact ()
Date: July 17, 2007 05:33PM

Follow this link if you would like to see what I did last night. (I inverted the colors to avoid infringing on copyright) :D


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