IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: outofimpact ()
Date: July 11, 2007 04:07AM

Ex...I, for one, am really supportive of this particular forum. I have been able step out of my experience from Impact and see it for what it is. If this had not been readily available, I would have continued to function with some of the teachings...especially the language and thinking. My experience in Impact was somewhat mindblowing...and I told myself what I had to so that I "belonged" and "got it". When you return to "life after impact" there is a disconnect between fitting back into the realities of life and being able to "stay in spirit". Impact would have you believe that you aren't living your contract if you are struggling. They would tell you to step left, and move along Impact way. So I tried that for awhile and then I found myself right back where I started and frustrated with the way I couldn't integrate back into my life. I have 4 kids...and a job. Money doesn't just flow to me with out working. They would have you believe you are doing something wrong if you aren't flowing the money. in the world can that happen....unless you live off of love and energy. I mean, the world we live in doesn't just exist. I have to make a living. I have to take care of 4 kids. And the answer from Impact is that I am not in spirit??? That makes me angry. It is no wonder that everyone doesn't end up in therapy out of depression and anxiety. Yes, they tell you to be accountable...but their methods for getting there are a bit skewed..don't you think???

I hope this thread continues. I want to expose everything there is to expose. The only way someone can make an informed decision is to have the information to be able to do that. Right now, you walk into Imapct and you are least I was! I went all on my own. No one talked me into it. I was simply looking for something and I thought I found something. Well...I did find SOMETHING. Now I need to rid my self of that something.

There will be disagreements. In my opinion, that is the normal way of life. I would be somewhat frightened if there were no difference of opinion. We are all living with our own filters and experiences. Let us be openminded enough to give others thoughts and experiences a chance to be heard.


IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: exImpact ()
Date: July 11, 2007 05:29AM

...There will be disagreements. In my opinion, that is the normal way of life. I would be somewhat frightened if there were no difference of opinion. We are all living with our own filters and experiences. Let us be openminded enough to give others thoughts and experiences a chance to be heard.

Well said. I am all for giving others thoughts and experiences a chance to be heard, and to have and give my opinion about those ideas, whether it be in agreement or stark rejection. :)

IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: Hopeful Soul ()
Date: July 11, 2007 09:23AM

Impact TIT Divinity Threat

From postings here and from second hand smoke given off by practicing TIT folks I gather that trainees are taught that they are, even currently, literally-- gods. One of the scriptures that they mingle with the philosophies of men is John14:12, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my father.” Given the power that these multiple gods must have, I wonder what assurance Impact has that these gods will always remain in harmony with Impact. I also wonder if Impact leaders ever worry about the possibility that these powerful gods might decide to follow Christ’s example of cursing the hypocritical fig tree for advertizing abundance with its leaves, yet being barren of good fruit, just as Impact indoctrination is. The symbolism here is too strong to ignore. For those disaffected mastery level graduates that still have any latent god like powers, you know what you need to do.

Based on results the curse was effective. Mark 11:20, “And in the morning, as they passed by, they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots.”


IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: spiritual? ()
Date: July 12, 2007 07:55AM

Hopeful Soul
For those disaffected mastery level graduates that still have any latent god like powers, you know what you need to do.

Are you being sarcastic, if not, I can't find any reason why you would suggest something like this. I left Impact because I finally saw through their [b:2375ba0e50][i:2375ba0e50]crap[/i:2375ba0e50][/b:2375ba0e50]! I was in TIT 3 for over 3 years and after leaving the [i:2375ba0e50][b:2375ba0e50]insanity[/b:2375ba0e50][/i:2375ba0e50] I would never THINK about using any of their bogus techniques again. I don't know why you would insinuate anyone would. If I really did think these so called "tools" worked I would have never left Impact to begin with. The trainers and office staff don't worry about these things because anyone who continues to use the tools are in the training. It's assinine to think otherwise. If you're going to reject the program THEN REJECT THE D@#% PROGRAM. Otherwise, keep using the rites, methods, and light work tools and stay crazy with the rest of them. I don't know how you could think anyone could leave the upper levels of the training and somehow keep one foot in the door while professing to reject their teachings. That's ridiculous.

IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: Hopeful Soul ()
Date: July 12, 2007 08:30PM


I was hoping someone in the know would bring clarity to this issue. You have made my day. I have something to say about being judgmental about Impact. It will take a while to get my thoughts together on this. In the meantime I say that their trainings on the judgement/accountability issues are so convoluted and destructive to logic and reason that some clarity needs to be had. This is a major evil of the process in my opinion.


IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: formerimpactgrad ()
Date: July 12, 2007 09:40PM


Are you aware that most of your posts are a 50/50 combination of Impact jargon and complete nonsense? Your last post does nothing to explain your reasoning for suggesting that former TIT 3 trainees use their tools to fight Impact. Clarity to what issue? Spiritual? did nothing but re-hash things that have been said many times through out this forum. Of course we all think that Impact and TIT 3 tools are crap! Was that really in doubt?

Why do you keep posting? Your posts are disjoint and seem to have no point to them. What is your motivation?

IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: formerimpactgrad ()
Date: July 12, 2007 09:47PM

Also, stop using Impactspeak! Its ridiculous that we have to keep reading that garbage from you.

IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: Philips ()
Date: July 13, 2007 01:14AM


If you're going to reject the program THEN REJECT THE D@#% PROGRAM. Otherwise, keep using the rites, methods, and light work tools and stay crazy with the rest of them.


Its ridiculous that we have to keep reading that garbage from you

Why is it that in this open forum, when someone says something that is contrarian to what others think, they are said to be crazy and full of garbage? Could the same thing not be said about the people who are quoted above becasue it seem that the people who like Impact, ones who have posted here in the past, that opinion could be very real for them and the Impact-haters are crazy and full of crap themselves?

The outward attacks on others is not going to allow anyone to reach the goal of this site.

A quote from TIT..."What would love do here?" I'm not seeing much love on this thread. To really reach out to the Impacted, loving them and accepting them would go a long way to helping them through a difficult time.

IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: exImpact ()
Date: July 13, 2007 02:54AM


If you're going to reject the program THEN REJECT THE D@#% PROGRAM. Otherwise, keep using the rites, methods, and light work tools and stay crazy with the rest of them.


Its ridiculous that we have to keep reading that garbage from you

Why is it that in this open forum, when someone says something that is contrarian to what others think, they are said to be crazy and full of garbage? Could the same thing not be said about the people who are quoted above becasue it seem that the people who like Impact, ones who have posted here in the past, that opinion could be very real for them and the Impact-haters are crazy and full of crap themselves?

The outward attacks on others is not going to allow anyone to reach the goal of this site.

A quote from TIT..."What would love do here?" I'm not seeing much love on this thread. To really reach out to the Impacted, loving them and accepting them would go a long way to helping them through a difficult time.

It is an open forum, but your suggestion that those who act in a way on this thread that goes against what you want to have happen should stop doing it, goes against the very argument you are trying to convey and is hypocritical.

Love isn't the issue here and acceptance alone doesn't bring sanity back. Quoting TIT dogma or giving Impact one inch of leniency is not what the "goal" of this site is about!!! It's exposing them for the lying, manipulative, snake-oil selling, manipulating, power-mongering, money-grubbing frauds they really are! Why does love need to come into it? I don't love Impact. I hate everything they stand for. Does that diminish the validity of my opinion? NO. If that [i:7948d85c22]were[/i:7948d85c22] the case, the entire site would be invalid. This site is provided for the anti-cult and anti-LGAT information. ANTI meaning AGAINST in this context. Why is that so hard to understand?

It seems that you want to use the lack of "love" expressed here to discredit the thread Philips, which seems to be an appeal to current Impact trainees to not give this thread serious consideration. Your TIT quote obviously shows the level of your involvement in the trainings, but you have never shared any real information and have only shown a nonacceptance of strong anti-impact sentiment. What's the deal?

IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: Rswinters ()
Date: July 13, 2007 03:42AM

It seems that what is missing for those like Philips, and ohters who come on this site desiring for there to be love and acceptance of LGAT's.

What is needed for these folks is to have walked in my shoes over the past few years, and the shoes of the many on this site who bought fully into the LGAT mindset and have suffered great destruction from trying to apply this crap in life.

Love and acceptance of LGAT's. Sorry there is none in me to give them anymore. They sucked it out of me by using, abusing, manipulating, brainwashing, and saying they care about me.

When it came down to the wire of showing it. It did not exist.

You want us to speak positively, and not negatively about LGAT's?

You obviously not experienced the pain that they can create firsthand.

[b:a8f4c3e237]I HAVE, AND IT IS EXTREMELY PAINFUL[/b:a8f4c3e237]


If you're going to reject the program THEN REJECT THE D@#% PROGRAM. Otherwise, keep using the rites, methods, and light work tools and stay crazy with the rest of them.


Its ridiculous that we have to keep reading that garbage from you

Why is it that in this open forum, when someone says something that is contrarian to what others think, they are said to be crazy and full of garbage? Could the same thing not be said about the people who are quoted above becasue it seem that the people who like Impact, ones who have posted here in the past, that opinion could be very real for them and the Impact-haters are crazy and full of crap themselves?

The outward attacks on others is not going to allow anyone to reach the goal of this site.

A quote from TIT..."What would love do here?" I'm not seeing much love on this thread. To really reach out to the Impacted, loving them and accepting them would go a long way to helping them through a difficult time.

It is an open forum, but your suggestion that those who act in a way on this thread that goes against what you want to have happen should stop doing it, goes against the very argument you are trying to convey and is hypocritical.

Love isn't the issue here and acceptance alone doesn't bring sanity back. Quoting TIT dogma or giving Impact one inch of leniency is not what the "goal" of this site is about!!! It's exposing them for the lying, manipulative, snake-oil selling, manipulating, power-mongering, money-grubbing frauds they really are! Why does love need to come into it? I don't love Impact. I hate everything they stand for. Does that diminish the validity of my opinion? NO. If that [i:a8f4c3e237]were[/i:a8f4c3e237] the case, the entire site would be invalid. This site is provided for the anti-cult and anti-LGAT information. ANTI meaning AGAINST in this context. Why is that so hard to understand?

It seems that you want to use the lack of "love" expressed here to discredit the thread Philips, which seems to be an appeal to current Impact trainees to not give this thread serious consideration. Your TIT quote obviously shows the level of your involvement in the trainings, but you have never shared any real information and have only shown a nonacceptance of strong anti-impact sentiment. What's the deal?

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