IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: SaneAgain ()
Date: July 04, 2007 04:31AM

Hi Disenchanted,

You wrote:


Everyone on the board,

I would like to see a professional, but I am so overwhelmed at the idea of trying to explain all of this. I am also a little concerned that some random counselor might not see the seriousness of the situation or that because of the mental conditioning, I might explain it all in a way that doesn't seem that bad.

I wanted to ask if anyone has advice or recommendations as I search for a professional to work with.

These are my thoughts:

If you have a family doctor or know any doctor who you are sure is not involved in Impact and can be trusted, you could explain the situation to them and ask them to make enquiries anonymously on your behalf to find a good therapist and do the checking for you (ie checking that therapist is not involved in Impact or other LGATs or LGAT thinking).

Useful questions to ask the doctor if you are not sure they are trustworthy are things like 'do you know anything about Impact' or 'do you know anything about these courses that break you down and build you up' and 'would you recommend them' - usually you can judge (yes, judge :) ) from their response where they stand.

Also, make it clear to therapist that you are looking for trauma counselling (not general counselling). That will keep the work focussed on the the trauma (what happened to you) rather than trying to shift it to 'your issues' or 'your childhood' which are not necessarily relevant and could be quite harmful for you because it can feel like another version of shifting the blame onto you like Impact does, and getting you to take responsibility blah blah which you have no doubt been doing ad nauseum through Impact. Later you may want to do general therapy but its best to keep that separate from the immediate problem.

If you are having symptoms of PTSD or any strong physical effects (insomnia, nightmares, anxiety etc) related to your thoughts and feelings about this it may be a good idea to also see a psychiatrist for short-term medication - though with the warning to avoid anything addictive if possible.

When it comes to explaining (once you are sure of trust) what I eventually did was blurt out the worst features and facts of the training - I'm sure you can think of the most shocking parts. Trying to explain slowly and logically in a meaningful way didn't work I think because lgats are not logical and what they do is far outside the normal bounds of society. So saying what you felt for example doesn't really get the initial point across.

I hope these thoughts are useful. Good luck with finding someone good to work with.


IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: SaneAgain ()
Date: July 04, 2007 01:32PM

Just realised I confused some of your messages (about stretches) with outofimpacts... sorry!!

IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: exImpact ()
Date: July 07, 2007 02:27AM



Thank you. I really appreciated your sensitivity and comments.

Everyone on the board,

I would like to see a professional, but I am so overwhelmed at the idea of trying to explain all of this. I am also a little concerned that some random counselor might not see the seriousness of the situation or that because of the mental conditioning, I might explain it all in a way that doesn't seem that bad.

I wanted to ask if anyone has advice or recommendations as I search for a professional to work with.


SaneAgain is right in their advice concerning this. Go shopping. You don't have to keep any old therapist you stumble upon. Interview them. Make sure your therapist is not only unassociated with an LGAT personally, but also that they do not employ new-age type therapies. If they have a good rapport with you and readily grasp the dangers of mental conditioning techniques as employed by these amateur LGAT ghouls, you will be in good shape.

IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: Hopeful Soul ()
Date: July 08, 2007 07:26AM

Professing and Practicing

Hypocrisy is professing religion and not practicing it. Here we have an LGAT that practices religion and refuses to profess it. Qualified professionals in California are working toward reforming the LGAT model by removing secrecy, increasing the professional level of trainers, reducing training class sizes, etc. All this will impact the bottom line. What would be the effect of removing all LGAT hypocrisy on the mental health of trainees and the bottom line financially? I encourage LGAT leaders to examine these options!

You don’t have to actually be in the training or a graduate of any training to suffer mental damage. Second hand smoke kills and has its analog in the exposure of non trainee family members of LGAT trained folks as they radiate their strange, false, vain and foolish doctrines out of the training room.

I will now presence a world free of LGAT. Join me and see if the Secret Law of Attraction really works.


IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: exImpact ()
Date: July 09, 2007 05:52AM

Hopeful Soul
Professing and Practicing

Hypocrisy is professing religion and not practicing it. Here we have an LGAT that practices religion and refuses to profess it. Qualified professionals in California are working toward reforming the LGAT model by removing secrecy, increasing the professional level of trainers, reducing training class sizes, etc. All this will impact the bottom line. What would be the effect of removing all LGAT hypocrisy on the mental health of trainees and the bottom line financially? I encourage LGAT leaders to examine these options!

You don’t have to actually be in the training or a graduate of any training to suffer mental damage. Second hand smoke kills and has its analog in the exposure of non trainee family members of LGAT trained folks as they radiate their strange, false, vain and foolish doctrines out of the training room.

I will now presence a world free of LGAT. Join me and see if the Secret Law of Attraction really works.


I will quote formerimpactgrad's apt response [i:d2491f363f](that has been entirely ignored)[/i:d2491f363f] to this subject that has [i:d2491f363f]already[/i:d2491f363f] been visited (I have emphasized a few points):

That was an interesting article. [b:d2491f363f]I thought it was funny that people would spend so much time attempting to make the LGAT model more effective by making small changes.[/b:d2491f363f] [b:d2491f363f]That seems equivalent to putting a tuxedo on a monkey.[/b:d2491f363f] Do people exist to serve the LGAT or is it the other way around? If the model isn't effective (and the LGAT model has some glaring weaknesses) then why not just throw it out?

Can any good come from an LGAT like the Impact Trainings? I guess it depends which side of the scam you are on...

[b:d2491f363f][u:d2491f363f][i:d2491f363f]Many of the largest and most profound weaknesses in the LGAT model tend to exist in the structure of the model itself. [/i:d2491f363f] [/u:d2491f363f][/b:d2491f363f]I think some of the changes may improve the model but I still wonder if there are any changes that could really make an LGAT an effective form of therapy.

Religious ideas and content alone do not make LGAT's dangerous. You can't just get rid of hypocrisy, religion, secrecy, lower class sizes and raise the "quality" of trainers and expect the LGAT model to work. These so-called "qualified professionals" who are trying to change the LGAT model have their heads up their asses. It is not as if the mental health industry hasn't looked into the possible benefits of utilizing mental conditioning techniques to help people. The fact is they don't even consider it for this reason: [b:d2491f363f]IT DOESN'T REALLY WORK BECAUSE IT IS ACTUALLY DETRIMENTAL AND HAZARDOUS TO ONES HEALTH! [/b:d2491f363f]Not to mention it is unethical and goes against the code of conduct set down by the industry. Besides, if you mean more “qualified trainers” do you mean certified mental health professionals/doctors? No self-respecting, respected or ethical professional should join in on this quackery (yes, I said "should". I won't remain neutral on this point), and short of getting one to facilitate these trainings you are stuck with the same dilemma. You can't get rid of mental conditioning and still call it an LGAT. That aspect is the foundation of their model. This whole "reformation" idea is nonsense and not even worth considering. Also, any appeal to those who run these LGAT’s to change their ways is a [i:d2491f363f]waste of breath[/i:d2491f363f], they do it the way they do because it keeps everything low-cost and the people still come in and sit their ignorant asses in the chairs. Though they may claim otherwise,[u:d2491f363f][i:d2491f363f]ultimately, they are in it for the [b:d2491f363f]money[/b:d2491f363f] and the [b:d2491f363f]control[/b:d2491f363f][/i:d2491f363f][/u:d2491f363f], not for any altruistic motivations.

Hopeful, you may have more success with this post if you give it voice on a separate thread; I don’t see how it is relevant to the mental-health-nightmare-[i:d2491f363f]bullshit-factory[/i:d2491f363f] that is the Impact Trainings.

P.S. [i:d2491f363f][b:d2491f363f]SCREW[/b:d2491f363f][/i:d2491f363f] "The Secret"... :evil:

IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: formerimpactgrad ()
Date: July 09, 2007 10:09AM

Hopeful Soul, why do you persist in attempting to put lipstick on a pig? Furthermore, why do you think that the Impact Trainings thread is the best place to carry on an ongoing and protracted discussion about general LGAT's? While the Impact Trainings are an LGAT, I think your most recent posts do nothing more than dilute the content on this thread for people who are genuinely interested in investigating the Impact Trainings specifically. If you want to continue in exploring LGAT reformation, then please start a new thread.

IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: Philips ()
Date: July 11, 2007 12:16AM

It sounds like unless anyone has specific questions or observations here about Impact, and not LGAT's in general, this thread has reached its end.

IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: formerimpactgrad ()
Date: July 11, 2007 02:53AM

Well, since the title of the thread is "Impact Trainings" that would seem to be self evident. Since Ex is putting together compilations of the trainings there is definitely much more content left to be posted. In addition, there will always be people (trainees, relatives of trainees or prospective trainees) that will have questions or experiences to discuss...

IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: exImpact ()
Date: July 11, 2007 03:01AM

It sounds like unless anyone has specific questions or observations here about Impact, and not LGAT's in general, this thread has reached its end.

It’s either that or the purpose for the message board is that it is a place for people to express their strong opinions about any given subject. Why do we have to agree in order to continue to have a dialogue? I must admit, I don’t like writing about this crap to begin with. I don’t enjoy having to even think about any of this LGAT nonsense. I don’t post on these boards because it’s become some kind of macabre hobby that gives me some perverse sense of satisfaction. I started posting on this board (despite severe reservations and anxiety) because someone had to expose this garbage and I had the wherewithal to do it.

That being said, there are going to be strong differences of opinion on any given subject concerning LGAT’s and the Impact Trainings. I’m not willing to compromise my position for any reason. I have seen too many lives damaged (not to mention mine) by Impact and other LGAT’s to play around and pretend that when I hear LGAT-related nonsense on these boards that I should “soften the blow” or “hear it out”. I have had too many PM’s asking me for help to be concerned with giving irrational ideologies and LGAT dogma an ear. If I wanted to do that, I’d go back to Impact or start blogging on their grad sites. Yuck.

I don’t see why there is a need to generalize from formerimpactgrad’s last post. He is talking about [b:b2cd19968d]the reformation of LGAT’s idea[/b:b2cd19968d] which he thinks it is absurd and needs its own thread. I agree. Why does this imply that we can’t talk about LGAT problems? It’s my opinion that is was the [i:b2cd19968d]reformation idea[/i:b2cd19968d] that former thought was deluding the thread, not [i:b2cd19968d]valid and pertinent[/i:b2cd19968d] conversations about LGAT’s in general. It is obvious that former has a problem with hopeful soul. So what? I know people that read these boards may have a problem with me. I am not here to make friends, I am here to expose and debunk the Impact Trainings, as well as look at how problems people develop after taking the Impact courses correlates with victims of other programs. For those so damaged, there is bound to be frustration, strong opinion and heated words.

IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: Rswinters ()
Date: July 11, 2007 03:42AM

It does get hard not to go off topic. I personally have not attended Impact Training Seminars. I attended Klemmer & Associates seminars in full.

As I have read many posts on various LGAT"s seminars and the effects on peoples lives.

It gets very difficult to keep them seperate in my opinion.

I personally feel that any, and all conversations on LGAT's will have a good result in exposing them.

Yes, there are those who come in with a malicious itent on getting things off course and attempting to make topics seem like gibberish.

Yet, what I have experienced in the short while being on this website.

The ability for critical thinking to be kept in the fore front on these threads by not censoring things that are negative.

The truth comes out, and these invaders who are LGAT apologists fail to accomplish what they intend. What I have seen in these attempts has been a reinforcement of what is being shared, and exposed about LGAT's.

The way things have been handled talking about these matters have been very good to watch unravel.

This is a good website. Yes there are disagreements. Yet, they are handled with consideration, and politeness.

Some LGAT apologists will disagree with this as we have seen on these threads at times when they come in. Blast away, and refuse to be considerate and follow rules that are laid out up front.

I even see Rick warn people first before banning them. Its when they cross the line and are not open to being warned that gets them banned.

So, please keep in mind that the subject of Impact training seminars along with the overall subject of LGAT's will blend at times and is difficult to keep absolutely seperate in topic.

The fact that Impact and Klemmer are tied at the hip in philosphy and techniques used in seminars makes this seperation even harder to keep in mind at times.

I will work harder on keeping them seperate.

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