IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: Otter ()
Date: June 08, 2007 05:46AM

Oh exImpact, I actually laughed at the Superfriends comment. When said like that it sounds a bit weird.

Are you planning the process of my ex-Impact-ness as we speak?

There is a board here somewhere that talks about the step-by-step of Quest and some of the participant's observations and feelings. I believe it can be viewed form the main page.

IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: Madshus ()
Date: June 08, 2007 06:53AM

What, join the grads in seeing who sounds more like a Hans clone? No thanks. You guys may frustrate me a bit but at least its entertaining.The Impact "official" yahoo group is moderated my someone you guys already know - Robert Paisola. He cybersquatted on and the real site is - a difference of one letter.

Otter & others... if you haven't read this already, the article/link below about Robert Paisola may be of interest to you...


IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: exImpact ()
Date: June 08, 2007 07:13AM

The concept of hope that has been floated around here kinda illustrates this very idea. Impact says there is no hope because those who hope are basically saying that they want something to magically happen [i:ba39687e86]instead of doing something about the situation[/i:ba39687e86].

I could hope that my children don't get hurt by the child molesters of this world, or I could take an active participation to ensure, as much is humanly possible, that they are taught and act in safe ways to lessen that possibility. I could hope that the neighbor has food for the holidays or I could get her some myself.
to this I will quote FormerImpG:

Whenever a trainee uses the word "Hope" in the Quest, Summit and Lift-Off Trainings they are chewed out for "hoping" instead of acting to make a difference. The obvious problem with negative situations is not "hope" but rather the failure to act. It’s kind of funny that Impact spends so much time hammering people on hope when the real problem is lack of action. "Hope" is obviously a good thing, why would someone take action to change a situation if they didn't have any hope that they could make a difference? Anyway, that's the story of "hope" in the Impact Trainings.
SEMANTICS TO CONTROL U! Impact equivocates the term "hope" by assigning it the same definition as "inaction", in the hope that you will find their explanation groundbreakingly profound. It's garbage. In some cases you may be able to construe hope the way they do (I don't personally see how), but not in [i:ba39687e86]most[/i:ba39687e86] cases and most definitely not in ALL cases as they would like you to believe. People who hope, take action. It’s the hopeless who do nothing and wait for the end to come. It’s a generalization, but I think it is accurate. Those trainers are charlatans who appear to be knowledgeable and well read, but they are quite the opposite.

Otter, classical mental conditioning is based on the truth that you cannot change what people feel or think UNLESS you change what they do. If you remember in quest, what is the first overt thing Justin or Hans coached you or your buddies on? Language. It starts with getting you to speak in the first person, then they move to the word "try", which is another equivocation by the by. Then they move to "hope". It is methodical, and is partnered with your ground rules. They change your behavior first to get their foot in the door of your mind. The most insidious equivocation is the definition they give you for your "mind" and "thinking". That is where the fun begins and your individuality breaks down and your real, healthy ego begins to fracture. Then they call it all "the language of increase" to further enforce the conditioning in order to convince you that their reasoning for coaching you was legitimate and necessary. By the way, the language of increase is a fabrication of the trainings and is not recognized as an official language in the world. They sure do make it sound like it is though, don’t they. Now, do not attempt to use the “What the Bleep do we Know?” quantum crap to justify this language stuff. They are coming up with a conclusion based on a phenomenon that proves none of it. They are just twisting it into their favor to further support their bogus theories. None of them are quantum physicists, and most of what was on “What the Bleep” was theory, conjecture and speculation based on some few observations. NO physicist has come out and said: If you speak it, it will come! Try it right now. Say, “I am a ham sandwich”. Not working? Say it again. How many times will you have to say it before it comes true? Or is it not happening because it can’t happen? Well if that can’t happen, what criteria do you use to justify what happens and what does not happen when you speak it? Because the only thing Impact says for certain is “you speak your reality”, but there is no way to tell if it happens or not. But I do know that Elizabeth Smart didn't say she wanted to be kidnapped, nor does any newborn child vocalize their desire to be thrown into a dumpster. If you want to argue this, I guarantee you will die the death of a thousand qualifications. Impact may say that the baby was only born to teach a lesson of some kind. But, the law is not, "You speak your reality unless you cannot speak it if you are an innocent or have no vocal chords or have to sign what you want to convey, because those people are only here to teach us a lesson." Have they done the quantum water test on a deaf person signing at the water? If it doesn't work, the mute, the disabled (like preeminent physicist Stephen Hawking) or those unable to speak (babies) are out of luck in the grand scheme of things.

If you think that saying “my son is safe today” is responsible for him coming home safe that day, what about if he does not? In fact, who else was saying that your son would be safe for all the times he was safe before you leaned how to speak it into reality? If he was coming home safe before, without your say so, doesn’t that make your mantra unnecessary? My years in the TIT training showed me this one thing: when something happened in the training that was unexpected and unforeseen or contrary to what they are peddling, it boiled down to that the will of God was contrary to ours and we need to surrender to it, or that you did it in a way that did not work (because of doubt or giving into your limitations etc.) in a way that was in alignment with God’s vibration or whatever. But then, does that not make all of your conscious effort to speak your reality impotent if God can come along and invalidate your efforts with His own agenda? Also, what about when you have no doubt and nothing happens? Can you buy a worthyometer to gauge when you are ready to do this effectively? If we are Creators in the TIT sense, is it not counterproductive for God to behave in this fashion?

If you believe you are accountable for everything that happens in your world, you killed my dad last year and are guilty of murder. Unless I am not a part of your world and [i:ba39687e86]I[/i:ba39687e86] am accountable for it. But Impact says everything we do affects everything else, the “ripple effect” yes? So screw you for killing my dad. Well, by Impacts logic, I did, you did, and we all did, so screw us all. So God did too, right? In fact, if God affects everything as we do (if anything, He is the ultimate creator, right?), He is culpable as well. I need to call ALLOT of cops. (Can God create a jail so secure that He Himself could not break out of it?) So, God is both evil (because he killed my dad) and good (because He is God). But wait! Impact says there is ONLY good, and evil is just misuse of divine power. So if that is the case, if I were of the mind to go and shoot YOUR dad, I am using my divine birthright as a creator and using my agency, not only that, but if you are to follow Impacts logic and the unconditional love doctrine they embrace, you should support me in it and even give me the gun! But then, I’d be misusing that god power if I shot him, and that would not work. But, God misused his power by allowing the misuse of power to be possible in the first place. Wouldn’t He have had to misuse His power to make that possible, thusly, breaking his own nature and thus, ceasing to be God as we are all apparently doing when we misuse our power? Enough alright! I’ll stop torturing you with Impact’s bullshit, circular logic. I’m getting dizzy.

IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: exImpact ()
Date: June 08, 2007 07:24AM

What, join the grads in seeing who sounds more like a Hans clone? No thanks. You guys may frustrate me a bit but at least its entertaining.The Impact "official" yahoo group is moderated my someone you guys already know - Robert Paisola. He cybersquatted on and the real site is - a difference of one letter.

Otter & others... if you haven't read this already, the article/link below about Robert Paisola may be of interest to you...

Omigod, this is the greatest Mad! If you want to know what playing mental russian roulette with Impact can do for you, you now may have a more intimate glimpse of Robert Pervisola. I have known other grads who are deluded and mentally deranged, and he is no exception.

IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: exImpact ()
Date: June 08, 2007 07:52AM

Hopeful Soul
I notice from the Impact Website that all Quest trainings are full through September. This indicates solid growth in enrollment in that the wait for an open class a year or so ago was only one month. Assuming 120 trainees per class revenue from only Quest is approaching $1 million per year. There must be considerable centrifical force building for minions to break off and start their own new, improved programs. Past is often prolog.

IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: formerimpactgrad ()
Date: June 08, 2007 08:40AM

Madshus: That article on Paisola was incredible. That sums up everything that we have been talking about on here and more. Great find!

Otter: I appreciate your openness and the fact that you keep posting. Its easier to listen to what you have to say now that it is apparent that you are not just here to support Hans and Co. A lot of us have bickered with each other in this forum a time or two so don't take it personally if you continue to meet with disagreement.

Paisola is a loser. I laugh every time I read is terribly written article on the Impact Trainings with its made up source! I should post the email that I got from the University of New England denying any connection to the Albert Reizeker that Paisola uses to state that the Impact Trainings have been studied by a University and deemed effective.

IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: spiritual? ()
Date: June 08, 2007 12:51PM

Obviously my busy days at work have left me behind as far as the conversation goes on this message board. As I was reading through and catching up there are many things that crossed my mind that I wanted to say. Instead of quoting and responding I'll do my best to convey my general feelings and thoughts on what has been said recently.

There are many things about the office staff that the trainees never see or hear about. The trainers are put into this light of all seeing and knowing power who are above reproach and the rules. Everything from "the language of increase" to gossip being black magic is ignored by the office staff and trainers. I've been in many conversations with these people where trainees were mentioned as being incompetent, lazy, whiny, constant "victims" and other equally degrading things. There seemed to be no line either. If you took the training too seriously, or not serious enough you were a likely candidate for such ridicule.

I remember spending much of my time trying to be included in what Ex calls "the inner circle", but to no avail, for whatever reason, I was seen as a second class citizen...that is...until I started to dedicate my time to things outside of staffing, but still in a voluntary compacity. Things like staffing extra ropes courses for teen and business groups, setting up for ropes service, or volunteering to bring meals for the staff. That's when some of the office staff started to pay attention. Still the trainers treated me like I was some kind of "needy" entity that only deserved attention when it was convenient.

Speaking of patterns of attention, here's one that I noticed. The people that received the most attention, even in the TIT trainings were people who were threatening to leave, or that were experiencing some kind of conflict between the trainings and their personal beliefs and lives. The idea of setting the stage of conflict and coming to an ultimate conclusion in order to create approval from the group didn't end with Lift-off. SEVERAL...dare I say most...TIT 3 meetings involved "processing" a member of the group who was having a moral battle between the LDS faith and their TIT commitment. I saw a lady nearly go crazy trying to resolve all of the logical conflicts between these two beliefs. It started to make me sick hearing Hans make light of a situation that, to this person, was very serious. He would process, lecture, discuss and question these indiviuals until they eventually came to the conclusion that he was endorsing. If it was obvious they would not come to this conclusion he would casually tell them to put it on a shelf and not think about it until "divine timing" said it was time for them to know the truth of it all (ie understand). Inevitably, later in the meeting or weekend Hans would refer back to the process or conversation in some joking or "light" manner in order to make the trainee feel comfortable and accepted by the group because we were laughing together, albeit at the expense of the trainee and his or her situation. It always amazes me to think how so many, including myself, put up with this sarcastic approach.

As has been previously said, the resolution ALWAYS came as some ideal situation inside the training room and only sometimes seemed practical when dealing with people outside of the "vision".

Another thing I've recently realized is the "in" the trainees use as far as the impact "family" goes. They not only fully endorse this feeling and belief whenever it "manifests" in the trianing, but they lead the trainees to feel this way through the Ma and Pa process. Basically, trainees spend the better part of a Friday afternoon beating on chairs and yelling and screaming about all of the hateful things their parents and other relationships have done to them. They go through each relationship individually and beat them up then have an imaginary loving conversation with them through visualization that makes everything all nice and better. Before the evening ends the group bonds together by each person singing solo a capella while their "buddies" cheer them on. My point is that the process spends all of this time knocking down the relationships these people have with their current family members in order to "create a space" for them to feel completely welcome in their new impact family. Afterall, look at all the terrible things their old family has done to them, this new family is a new start, a way to begin again with the family they've always dreamed of because now everyone has been on the same emotional page, on the same sadistic journey. It makes me sad and sick to think about.

Whoa, I hope this connection with the whole family thing gives you a little insight as to what your loved one is experiencing. This new found "high" is made to seem incomparable with any experience outside of the training whether it be religious, love, or otherwise. I think that's why so many "exgraduates" realize they were depressed, lonely, and sick. I know for me that everything not having to do with the training started feeling unimportant and paled in comparison to the "light work" I engaged in at the training or with my tools. I started to have this dependent relationship with the training - I NEEDED it to feel emotionally secure and to verify that I was on the highest vibrational path possible. Nothing but the approval from my "TIT family" could give me that confidence.

On another note, I can't tell you how many times I got sick of cutting pictures out of a magazine and glueing them on to my magical cardboard thinking that whatever energy I put into that picture would "manifest" in my life, or drawing pictures of what my dreams were with little baggies of half broken crayons, or calling to the elements of nature looking for a mystical experience of some kind. I can't tell you how many times we did some type of process that involved displaying our small groups inspiration by dancing around the room and then "enrolling" the rest of the group to join in. Come on guys, how many times can you rename the same process and expect the trainees to not figure our that the angels and masters forgot to tell you what else to do that day. I began to call these the "let's waste time" processes. However, I did, in a way, look forward to them because it meant at least three hours without having to listen to Hans either preach or tell the same story I'd already heard in the last 10 meetings. And, yes, I looked forward to the bar-b-ques at the end of the TIT 3 meetings for the same reason. I must have really been brainwashed in order to endure those lectures of "inspiration" over and over again. I guess I can just be glad that the angels were consistent in telling Hans what to say to us, I can't imagine any other reason why he would repeat himself so much :roll:

One final note, thanks to all of you who have posted. There are still things I say and do daily that I'm now seeing as part of the brainwashing and these little discoveries come because of your dedication to this board. I may not respond all of the time, but I am seeing new things everyday and am working to become a logical, ego using, rational member of society again.

IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: jeffaroonyo24 ()
Date: June 08, 2007 12:55PM

exImpact: If you were so involved in the trainings, and crap, what allowed you to break out of the brainwashing pattern, and become normal again?

IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: exImpact ()
Date: June 09, 2007 01:16AM

exImpact: If you were so involved in the trainings, and crap, what allowed you to break out of the brainwashing pattern, and become normal again?
I have posted that information on this board before. I know there is allot to sift through so here is the link: []
its near the bottom of the page. If after you read that you have more questions, Im happy to answer them.

IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: formerimpactgrad ()
Date: June 09, 2007 10:29PM

At the end of every TIT 3 meeting the group stands in a circle and chants while holding their staffs. There are several chants that come up every meeting, or at least they did when I was involved. The first was:

I AM that I AM

repeated on and on for several minutes. This "affirmation" was done to reinforce the TIT3 Group's belief that they are the "I AM" or more generally, the belief that they are God.

The other chant that I remember coming up a lot deals with "The Violet Flame" which Hans said was the greatest and most powerful tool that God had given to humanity. I think Hans said that it was brought by "Lord Michael" but it may have been "St. Germaine". The most common violet flame chant was:

I AM the violet flame
in action in me now
I AM the violet flame
to light alone I bow
I AM the violet flame
in mighty cosmic power
I AM the light of God
shining every hour
I AM the violet flame
blazing like the sun
I AM God's sacred power
freeing everyone

and in full faith I confidently accept this
Manifest, Manifest, Manifest

and in full faith I confidently accept this
Manifest, Manifest, Manifest

Right here and now in full power
all light (something, I forgot), all powerfully active
until all in the world are under the light and free
Manifest, Manifest, Manifest

Anyway, those were the two most common chants. There were others that were used to heal the sick or cause the world as we know it to "ascend to a higher state of consciousness" or what Hans and the other trainers called the 5th dimension.

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