Re: IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: Hopeful Soul ()
Date: February 10, 2009 12:34PM

For those who are considering plunking down half a grand for Quest tuition in the near future or even for the casual investigator planning on a "free" guest presentation of Impact Trainings being offered around the state, here are some suggetions and a word of warning. Look carefully over this thread. Put more credibility in more recent posts by former Impact trainees than on their earlier posts made soon after Impact trainings. There is a recovery period to get the mind recalibrated and on track after these mind bending trainings. Check out web sites like <<>> which offers some warnings on the dangers of Impact and some suggested alternatives that are less costly and, unlike Impact, not dangerous or risky at all. Look especially at the sections on the evolution of Impact on the Large Group Awareness Ttraining (LGAT) genealogy. Where did this stuff come from; who started it and what have they done to lead to the Impact Trainings of today? You won't like what you see.

To participate as a paying trainee is to further this abomination. Don't take the word of recent grads who are still under the spell of the PROCESS. They will still be caught up in what Impact calls enrollment. Counsel with those who have been through a post training recovery period of at least a year or two with no contact to the PROCESS of Impact Training.

They (Impact) will tell you to take care of your buddy. I say that when you have been warned, warn your neighbor.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/10/2009 12:46PM by Hopeful Soul.

Re: IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: whatthe ()
Date: February 20, 2009 07:43AM

I have family members who are currently going through The Great Life training and I have found out that The Great Life was started and or staffed by Impact Training graduates. In reading many of the posts in this forum and am very nervous as to what those family members are getting into.
Does anyone know the more about the relationship between Great Life and Impact? and does anyone know how close the two trainings resemble each other? Do all of the concerns posted about Impact relate to the Great Life as well? Also does anyone know anything specific about Brett Harward and his connection to Impact/Hans Berger? He was the Leader of one of the Trainings. Any help or insight will be very appreciated.

Re: IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: Hopeful Soul ()
Date: February 21, 2009 02:02AM

I don't know much about The Great Life Trainngs, but from a quick google and information that pops up on the Web, it appears to be a clone of Impact. It has the same appeal to LDS folks as something that will enhance their religion. It appears to be riddled with the same subtle, apostate type of stuff that was denounced by LDS Church letters from the First Presidency. It is clearly Large Group Awareness Training (LGAT) and all the bad baggage that goes along with that. GLT, as advertised, lacks the LMT section of Impact; otherwise they appear to be much the same. To suspect common roots would be wisdom.

Re: IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: whatthe ()
Date: February 21, 2009 03:00AM

Hope, thanks for the reply. What is LMT?

Re: IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: formerimpactgrad ()
Date: February 21, 2009 03:05AM

I have family members who are currently going through The Great Life training and I have found out that The Great Life was started and or staffed by Impact Training graduates. In reading many of the posts in this forum and am very nervous as to what those family members are getting into.
Does anyone know the more about the relationship between Great Life and Impact? and does anyone know how close the two trainings resemble each other? Do all of the concerns posted about Impact relate to the Great Life as well? Also does anyone know anything specific about Brett Harward and his connection to Impact/Hans Berger? He was the Leader of one of the Trainings. Any help or insight will be very appreciated.

Hi Whatthe,

Welcome to the thread. There's a separate Great Life Thread in the Rick Ross forum that might be more helpful. Essentially, as I understand it, the Impact Trainings used to take place under the umbrella of "The Harmony Institute".

The Harmony Institute formed a joint venture relationship with Impact where Harmony provided the equipment and physical facilities and Impact provided the trainers (this was done presumably to allow Hans to continue training without having the training center's assets seized by the IRS). Around the end of 2001 the joint venture ended and both entities went their separate ways. Hans had resolved his IRS issues by that time so Impact acquired some assets and Harmony hired trainers of its own and operated an Impact clone training. About a year or 2 after the split the Harmony Institute was disolved and its owners formed a non-profit company that they called "Great Life".

You may want to send a private message to Impacted, he knows more about Great Life than I do.


Re: IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: Impacted ()
Date: February 21, 2009 10:59AM

>>Hope, thanks for the reply. What is LMT?<<

It's Hans' and Sally's made up religion, using a bit of this, and a bit of that; mostly new age stuff from Wicca (the nature religion of Old England), and crystals, chanting, holding wooden staffs (because that's all Jesus told his disciples they would need in the world. decrees, declarations, affirmations, and entraining with trees and other nature objects. Sometimes they'll all gather around someone with cancer or another disease and heal them. And they think Jesus talks to Hans behind curtains, and that we're all in a new dimension now or some such (I have a hard time focusing when friends tell me about it; sometimes just trying not to laugh out loud at them. Yet they believe it all, hook, line and Berger. These are the core impact trainees-- the pool from which the staff and coaches for the new trainees are chosen. Many of the utterly unqualified to provide life coaching to anyone, anywhere, anytime. Run away from them.

GLF has it's "founder's training" which is designed to do the same kind of thing, includes lots of abundance stuff (in a room with tattered carpet and broken chairs) . . .

Mostly when I hear from friends about what goes on in there it sounds unbelievable and just so incredibly stupid.

Re: IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: Hopeful Soul ()
Date: February 22, 2009 01:49AM

Continuing in response to whatthe:

LMT stands for Life Mastery Trainings. This is a name change from Traininer In Training (TIT), as it was formerly known. The continued reference to TIT created some discomfort for the Bergers for obvious reasons. Hans in late night core training sessions credited Sally with the creation of TIT and for what ever success it has had. Hans said he was against doing it at all at first and did not think it would work or go anywhere. This statement speaks volumes about the Bergers.

Re: IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: Glaucon ()
Date: March 11, 2009 05:39PM



Oh, now I see why KSL will never report the bullshit which is Impact. Eyewitness news at its best, unbiased and informed, fueled by hugs, hot cocoa, and cookies.

Re: IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: Hopeful Soul ()
Date: March 12, 2009 09:38AM



Oh, now I see why KSL will never report the bullshit which is Impact. Eyewitness news at its best, unbiased and informed, fueled by hugs, hot cocoa, and cookies.

Right on Glaucon!!! Richard Piatt says nothing about all the harm Impact does in promoting quackery such as their mystical mineral water and using crystal energy to heal, etc. On this thread is detailed some of this stuff like leading people with cancer to believe that Impact Life Mastery Taining processes will save lives. Victims turn to this fraudulent stuff in lieu of getting some legitimate medical treatment. This con-artistry Piatt touts looks good, but it is really the smoke screen Impact uses to cover their deception and victimization of the gullible.

Re: IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: Ali5683 ()
Date: March 17, 2009 02:42AM

Hey, I am somewhat new. lol I have been reading these posts for about a year now. At first I laughed because I hadn't yet experienced what others have but as I've read here, things change there fast.

I went through Quest, Summit and Lift Off just over a year ago and since then have been staffing multiple trainings because I couldn't afford the LMT trainings and always felt a little strange towards them. I heard chanting once and it freaked me out. My experience in the beginning wasn't good or bad but slowly over time it became better because I was working for them for free. But then things changed. Sally went back on her word. I'd like to share the story but worry that it will give me away. So many know about it and it will be very obvious as to who I am. It has been in the media and there will be a lot more regarding it. Not related to Impact directly but someone made some horrific choices because of Impact. Well, at least in my opinion.

I will confirm that there is A LOT of adultery in these trainings. I know 5 marriages that ended in divorce because of this. Someone or both cheated because Impact preaches that there is no right or wrong.

One thing I will say that I do feel strongly about is that Impact did not invent the New Age way of being. It was there long before them and it is something I believe in. But not the way they do it or teach it. They have a very negative way of doing this and I can see how some people would shy away from awareness and higher consciousness. Sad really because it's really neat stuff I didn't learn from Impact but from just myself and friends not related to Impact. Espiritu isn't off about all that she is saying. I agree with her. :) But Impact is a very very bad way to learn this stuff.

I am so curious about what goes on in the LMT trainings. Is there anywhere that has the processes or anything close? I did have many people tell me that it is stuff I can learn on my own by paying $20 for a book and research online instead of paying $3300 for them to tell me. I am also in therapy after Impact and what happened because of what someone did to me because of Impact.

Anyway, thank you for this forum. Very informative and I hope to find more info where I can and encourage people to find other ways to feel better about themselves other than Impact or any of these trainings.

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