Re: IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: exImpact ()
Date: April 17, 2008 07:23AM

I saw this film on another thread, it is awesome (and relevant). Anyone who still thinks Impact is different from any other cult will change their mind after watching it. Well, that is only if they still have one...



Ok, it is a bit funny, but after awhile, it became difficult to watch. Just warning ya.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/17/2008 07:35AM by exImpact.

Re: IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: Hopeful Soul ()
Date: April 18, 2008 05:55AM


Well done, exImpact. This is a great piece of work you have illuminated! At first I though it was a bit extreme, but if you look at it as a whole, it captures the variety of processes that LGATs use, bitter as that reality is. I showed this to a Bishop of a young singles LDS ward who I thought would be receptive to the reality of it all. His reaction was one of wanting to share it with other eccliastical leaders. Perhaps this is its greatest value, in awakening the un-processed to the really sinister purposes and methods of Impact. The onion analogy is particularly compelling and so true. Impact says they are a personal development center. B.S.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/18/2008 05:59AM by Hopeful Soul.

Re: IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: Slash ()
Date: April 24, 2008 11:58PM

Hi Everyone,

I have a really good friend that has recently completed quest. I had never heard of this place or these trainings at the time and as such was supportive of her. I went to the graduation and was floored. It would have been down right funny if not for the fact that everyone involved was completely absorbed by it. After talking to my friend and feeling the strangeness in her manner I started doing some research. Thanks so much for all the information and posts. She is casebook. I ended up discussing fully with her my thoughts and it made her feel discontented for a bit, but ultimately she turned to her trusted “angel” and new friends. She could deny her good life changing feelings. In connection with the follow up meetings she went right back to buying into the system. She is now in summit. I am wondering if anyone has a play by play of Summit? She takes the confidentiality oath very seriously (no surprises there it seems) and would not talk about quest. However once I told her that I knew some of what went on there and then validated it she was more willing to talk. Please let me know about Summit if you can. I have tried to keep an open mind and support her but I feel that she is making some risky choices that from what your experiences have been can be very dangerous and more hurt the good.


Re: IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: Impacted ()
Date: April 25, 2008 01:07AM

Back in the saddle again . . .

Sally's not killed him with her decrees yet. Bruce and Dorothy (Emerald City? She is so deluded she thinks she is in OZ now!!), and a crappy website are back in business at:


Seems Grape Lite Floundation "fired" Bruce (or he quit) awhile back. Maybe BooneTahoe, aka Jayson Orvis, who is NOT on the board or training for GLF (right -- LIAR), can explain what happened to the great relationship he posted about a few months ago.

Anyhoo, several "friends" are trying to talk me into going back to "be in service" to this one.

Question: Is it possible to be polite with LGAT grads? Do they really only respond to YELLING now?

It seems a kind, "I'm not interested" just fires up their desire to prove they have mastered "enrollment."

What happened to LGAT grads being able to hear a quiet "Thank you, but no?"

I'm one step away from telling someone who is not listening to "GO THE F&@# AWAY" not becasue I'm that angry, but because seems to me to be the only way to get her to hear me.


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/25/2008 01:11AM by Impacted.

All about Summit
Posted by: spiritual? ()
Date: April 25, 2008 07:04AM


Yes, this LONG forum is hard to pick through to find specific answers, so let me give you a brief rundown of what I remember from Summit.

On day 1 (Wednesday) the main theme is "If one person doesn't go, no one goes" They pound in the emphasis of the group dynamic and how being buddies to your one buddy is not enough. You must be buddies to the whole group. They go through some lectures, ground rules, and come up with a group "creation statement" which usually includes something about family and uniting to heal the world to experience freedom, joy, yada yada, yada. This is also where small groups are formed and the trainees are asked to divulge something personal in their lives that they still have issues about. The staff are encouraged to listen closely during the period as they will later use the information to come up with alternate names for the trainees in their group. A well known "secret" is that during the dinner break the staff passes around a list of possible names to choose from and assigns 2 or 3 to each trainee just to make sure they have one that sticks. Possible names include "Daddy's Whipping Post" or "Mormon Mess-up" or other such cruel names meant to get under the trainees skin. That night the trainees participate in Life Boat. During this process they are asked to vote people on and off the life boat using tongue depressors. If they save one for themselves they have a chance to stay on, but if they don't they automatically are declared dead regardless of how many other votes they get. (search for lifeboat in this forum and I'm sure you can get more details).

The 2nd day is spent mostly a cathartic process. The trainees role play relations for each other so they have an opportunity to "get out" any other anger they may still be facing. Often they face themselves using mirrors, or they reenact funerals in order to face their loves ones that are gone. They have baby dolls available in case there was a child that died and the trainees are then supposed to reach a point where they can forgive the other person or at least resolve the unsettled feelings that still exist in their lives. In reality, the point is to again degrade them and make surround them in a hell-like setting so when they awaken them to their contract statements the trainees feel like something has actually happened when in reality they have just experienced the drama of a roller coaster. Contracts are "discovered" through a meditation process where the trainers guide the trainees to their "creators" and the creators inform them of their divine purpose. Through this "revelation" the trainees write a statement usually in the form of I am an empowering, loving, powerful woman of light, or I am an inspirational, free, open man of light. It is through these statements that the trainees "remember" their divine purpose. After discovering their divine purpose they are no longer the "alternate names" assigned to them the day before and those are ripped up. When the trainees come back from break that night they are put into stretch groups and sent home.

The 3rd day is stretch day (Friday). The previous evening the trainees were given stretch groups. The front half of the stretch is meant to embody their nerd side and the back half is suppose to be the spirit side. The trainers explain that it acts like a pendulum. In reality, it just creates another contrast between low and high to make the trainees feel like their actually making a difference in their lives by dancing around the room half naked for 6 hours. It also provides a basis for the intended "high" feeling the trainees are supposed to get whenever they are asked to dance through the rest of Summit and LIft-off. I honestly think the whole dancing part plays a key role in the mind control aspect of the training. Especially in Lift-off some of the trainees take this attitude of "we can dance it off" as far as their problems go. Anyway, at the end of the evening the trainees come back from dinner break to the abundance table. It's a table filled with cookies, crackers and cheese, fruit, and water and they "serve" each other by washing each other's feet and feeding each other from the abundance table. Then they leave to the tunnel of love. It's a tunnel of graduates lined up to hug them as they leave. No talking is involved.

The main focus of the 4th day is to get the trainees to sign up for lift-off. They start with a couple of different processes meant to further enforce their life's purpose where they again talk to their creators and come up with a creation statement. The creation statement involves the contract, a purpose and a creation. It usually goes in the form of "My purpose is to create love and joy by being a divine, beautiful, powerful woman of light, creating a world where all creatures experience urgency towards the unification of man." Then, they go through this dumb process (and I call it dumb because even when I was in the training I thought it was dumb) where they are supposed to face their considerations. Now, the traners say the considerations can be about anything, but really they want it to be about why they can't go to Lift-off. So after facing their considerations the trainees sign up for summit and their call times for the following week. Then it's off to graduation.

I'm sure I've missed some parts, but that's the main outline. Good luck and let me know if I can be of any further help.

Re: IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: exImpact ()
Date: April 26, 2008 03:43AM

Also, your friend might get a bit intimidated by the summit trainer, Pamela Bushman. It is true that she is confident, brutally blunt and FOCUSED, but that's it. Underneath it all she is an uneducated twit.

Re: IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: Impacted ()
Date: April 26, 2008 04:43AM

>>Underneath it all she is an uneducated twit.<<

Whatever happened to Terri Smart? Or Shannon Woody? Or all the others they have "trained" to be Summit Trainers over the years?

If Ward and Pamela had stayed with Harmony in September 2001, as Ward told me they were thinking about doing at the time, I wonder if Hans and company would be in business today.


Re: IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: Hopeful Soul ()
Date: April 26, 2008 09:57AM

spiritual? has done a good job of describing the four days of Summit. Let me expand just a bit on day 3, Friday, stretch day, which has to be the most memorable for those experiencing Summit. Summit uses an effective technique of mind warping so well illustrated in MIND CONTROL MADE EASY, the video clip just called to our attention by exImpact a few posts back. A good comparison would be one of the stretch groups, the mimes, in their black & white striped pants and shirts, red suspenders, bolo hats, white gloves, moving slowly in a larger than life exagerated motion. MIND CONTROL MADE EASY illustrates the same exagerated techniques used to indoctrinate.

Friday night homework has a host of items which viewers of MIND CONTROL MADE EASY will recognize. Homework item 5. Call your Summit Small Group; make sure everyone is going the distance. Item 9. Come dressed as a representation of your Divine Light. Item 10 plays on the "toxic/ego mind" theme and is: Remove all remnants of your ego mind generated image:

* Ladies, update presentation, make over, hair-do, make-up, etc.

* Gentlemen, remove facial hair, long sideburns, long hair, etc.

* Remove body piercings other than ladies with one piercing in each ear.

The conformity to this last one was amazing. I don't recall any deviation, a testimony to the effectiveness of the mind control of the process.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/26/2008 10:16AM by Hopeful Soul.

Re: IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: too much ()
Date: April 28, 2008 11:07PM

I’m sorry. I know it’s bad etiquette to post without reading the whole thread, but I just couldn’t get through it all yet. I’m still reading. But I really need some help now.

When I started Impact I was recovering from a devastating divorce from an emotionally abusive man. I was beginning to recognize that I had subverted my own desires and even personality traits in order to stay in the marriage I thought I needed. I also had been battling severe health problems for 2 decades and was on some serious medication. While I was dealing with this severe physical and emotional pain, I was told by a friend of a friend that Impact would put me back in charge of my life. I was clinically depressed –and the people closest me were exhausted from waiting for me to get better. Before getting sick I had been the hub of the family, the only semi-functional person in an abusive/abused family. They were tired, I was tired. Nothing was working to get me better. Reading the posts so far, I know some people are cringing at this point. (I was perfect Impact fodder. I even had a savings account.)

Yeah, I was in bad shape before, but I’m just in agony now. I managed to suffer through lift-off celebration. I felt a lot of pressure from my biological family to continue because they thought they saw improvement when I’d come home in a euphoria for a couple days after each training. It was always short lived. But they were just happy to see signs of life. It wasn’t just verbal pressure though, I had my car taken away and was dropped off at the center so I wouldn’t leave early. Yeah, in hindsight there were lots of signs of manipulation.

I had tons of trouble with the training. I even told one of the trainers before I signed up that I didn’t think I was up for it because of my depression and the person told me it was the perfect thing to do and that it would change my life. Well… that was true… my life has changed - my savings is gone, I’m isolated from my friends and family, I have no faith in any religion any longer, I quit my carreer plans and I’m uncomfortable talking to anyone but my impact family because they seem know what I’m talking about. Only things is, I can’t trust them. When we get into a training session, everyone lies about what they said to me in private and looks at me condescendingly when I’m understandably confused that what they’re saying in the building is a huge reversal of what they told me their true feelings are.

I honestly don’t trust much of anything right now. I can see from this thread some of the things I have done as a result of buying into the training as much as I did. I want to know is there a counseling group or some psychiatrist who can help me sort this out? I’ll be honest – I will only listen to regular posters who have been able to show they have it together. If you have less than 100 posts, don’t bother answering -- I won’t believe you. I saw how some people were able to look reasonable for a while only to have a melt down later. I would guess they resumed the training again.

I’m tempted to say outright who I am so I’ll get banned just in case I get needy again and go back. It sucks. The people who were saying that a few nuts will make the group look bad and would have been nutty with something different are not right. The name of the group is IMPACT, the whole point is to alter people. They should take responsibility for it if their impact was a negative one.

My mom went through it because she knew my angel and they thought I was one of the “miracles” (a forced success). Now she’s doing things I haven’t seen her do for over a decade such as talking to herself (not in the normal “where are my keys” way), having delusions, and being incapable of taking care of herself financially or holding a job. She was much better before Impact. My previously industrious sister hasn’t been able to hold a job since she went through quest and she lost her fiancé over it. I’ve personally seen people destroy their careers, go AWOL from the military and lose healthy relationships and I don’t talk to THAT many people. I haven’t even been in it for that long.

Sorry, sorry, sorry. This is a long post for a not so simple question which is “Okay I ruined my not so great life even further getting my brains washed out by Impact. Now that I don’t trust anyone, especially myself, what do I do?” Please respect that I won’t take ANY religious leader seriously at this point. It has to be secular source of help. I'd like someone local in SLC or Utah county. Oh and it should go without saying but - I can’t afford to pay much.

Re: IMPACT Trainings
Posted by: Slash ()
Date: April 29, 2008 12:31AM

Thanks everyone for the information. I will let you know how it goes.

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