Klemmer and Associates
Posted by: phong ()
Date: March 28, 2007 04:29PM

Its funny how when I said I would go..my friend was already planning on me going to the next step..advanced leadership...WTH...and he said this too....if I didnt do this program...sometime in the future we wouldnt be friends anymore...WTH???!?!?! AAAHhhh btw I live with this guy...

Klemmer and Associates
Posted by: ezdoesit ()
Date: March 28, 2007 11:26PM

It's a typical LGAT ploy. HIS success is predicated on recruiting you.


Klemmer and Associates
Posted by: pkaltmaier ()
Date: April 25, 2007 03:57AM

I have a friend who has spent over $6000 on these seminars. After listening to her stories, I am convinced that she has been used and this is going to do nothing but cause her harm. She talks about her husband needing to go to one of the seminars or her marriage is not going to work. She tells me of how they are told that if they say they don’t have the money for the next seminar that they are “copping out” and using it as an excuse because they don’t feel they deserve to be successful.

I am really scared for my friend because she doesn’t have the money to spend on these seminars and she is putting herself in serious debt paying for these. As well, she talks about paying for other people to attend the first seminar so they can experience it for themselves.

I have tried to talk to her about it, but I really think they have brainwashed her. She is insistent that without these seminars she can not succeed in life. I am afraid that the only choice I have is to sit back and watch her lose her marriage, money and maybe even her job because of the amount of time she has missed to attend these seminars.

I can see where she believes that they are helping, but I don’t see how they can help. They are telling her that she is holding herself back, but they are not helping her to find out why. It’s like trying to stop a leaking toilet, but not letting the person lift the lid. You can’t stop the leak if you don’t know what is causing it. You can’t find the cause of your issues in a group seminar, you need one on one counseling and sometimes that doesn’t even work.

I am thinking of going to one of the one-day seminars just to get a feel for the how the whole thing works. I am positive that I won’t get caught in the trap as I have gone to their website and they are definitely catering to those who are desperately seeking to find themselves. I am confident in who I am and where I am going in my life, but perhaps if I can key into some of their phrases and methods, I can get her to snap out of this and realize what she is doing to herself.

Any advice on how to talk to her would be greatly appreciated.

Klemmer and Associates
Posted by: firebrand ()
Date: April 25, 2007 09:13AM

Wow! Does success equate to debt, a failed marriage and job? I would hope not! Please let us know your experiences if you decide to attend.

Klemmer and Associates
Posted by: phong ()
Date: April 25, 2007 02:13PM

This is a self help group. All the stuff you find in a self help book they talk about. There is NOTHING amazing about this seminar. They have klemmer words that are differently expressed in the real world. IF you want to pay 500 dollars to attend this seminar and meet some people and have a good time with other people. PAY. But honestly. You can find what went on in Personal Mastery at ANY CHURCH. And the last day they set it up in a certain way so you spend money on 2300 dollar program which is the next step called advanced. Literally people are mind gamed into signing up. I WAS AMAZED ... I WAS LIKE I NEED TO LEARN THIS TACTIC FOR MY BUSINESS

Klemmer and Associates
Posted by: pkaltmaier ()
Date: April 26, 2007 12:57AM

I was planning on attending the $20 introductory seminar, there is no way I am going to pay them $400 to have them attempt to brainwash me. As far as learning those tactics to improve your business, it appears this is a business based on just those tactics. It sickens me when people take advantage of others who are just trying to improve themselves.

Klemmer and Associates
Posted by: firebrand ()
Date: April 26, 2007 02:28AM

Thanks for your response. However, My experience at Klemmer was very different than what I've experienced at several Christian churches.

Klemmer and Associates
Posted by: phong ()
Date: April 26, 2007 05:18AM

Firebrand I dont know if you have been on a retreat to the mountains with your church. But it is the same experience almost. Except for a Church camp retreat you pay only 80 -100 dollars for the same experience at Personal mastery. My own company has a personal development class and it only cost 75 bucks and that was by far better. When the facilitator kept mentioning that we payed $10000 bucks for this class. I thought she was literally insane. WHY WOULD I PAY $10000 DOLLARS to learn SELF HELP. In fact I already knew all this self help material. It got so boring that I literally fell asleep in front of the facilitator. She was UPSET and start lecturing me about how CRAPPY MY LIFE WAS..and that I had TO LISTEN TO HER...to CHANGE MY LIFE?!?!?!?!?! REALLY?!?! All I have to say to people thinking about signing up for this course. DONT. Its a waste of your money.

Klemmer and Associates
Posted by: phong ()
Date: April 26, 2007 05:19AM

Hey Firebrand seriously you can experience the things at church for free. Its really up too you. GO to your pastor and he can give you some very good advice. Go share with a c hurch member you memories and your hurts...Go gather a bunch of believers and play some games....Go find some brothers and set some goals up...Go find some brothers and go to lunch. BAM right there is a klemmer experience set up all for free..with your fellow brothers.

Klemmer and Associates
Posted by: phong ()
Date: April 26, 2007 05:31AM

pkaltmaier yeah did sicken me too the way they mind gamed them into signing up...so this is how it happened...

Facilitator: Now were going to play a game or excercise to see what kind of programs you have (programs are pretty much who you are) Staff can you please hand out the sign up sheets for advanced leadership training. Now I want you guys to put on your credit card information. Im not asking you guys to sign up. Its your choice. But while your going through this process of deciding see what programs are holding you back from you signing up. It could be the same thing in life what are some programs holding you back from success?

(They put on some music for us to think about it. Then she comes back)

Facilitator: Now if you dont sign up today you cannot get the 600 dollar discount for advanced where you learn to break your programs down. The programs that are holding you back from success. So you can get it for 1700 dollars rather then 2300 if you leave this place not turning in your form.

(Some of the members now are mind gamed. People who didnt want to go suddenly are confused into turning the form in. Im not going to lie. EVEN I WAS STRUGGLING)

I just wanted to mention this too you guys because literally I almost spent 1700 dollars on stuff I could learn in a book. Then I would have to go through a even more mind control business tactic at Advanced where they would say the next step is Heart which is 3300 dollars.. So WATCH OUT FOR THESE TACTICS. I WANT YOU GUYS TO CHOOSE NOT BY BEING RUSHED AND MIND GAMED.

The whole program for this Klemmer to be a graduate or PHD is 10000 dollars. To learn a value of 150 bucks on books and other affordable seminars that you can find in a church or in your company.

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