You have to read the story in this issue of Rolling Stone (the pop culture magazine):
You might be amazed at how much RonThink(tm) was patterned onto WernerThink(tm) was patterned onto LECthink(tm) !
Pretty much all that LEC is missing is the E-meters and the Xenu Space Opera and the hot abnormal celeb promo items like TomKat... at least Travolta has the sense to fly his planes and keep his mouth shut...
According to El Ronno the UberTheta about the proper attitude to comport oneself with vis a vis the sacred mission of erf salvation:
"The whole agonized future of this planet, every man, woman and child on it, and your own destiny for the next endless trillions of years depend on what you do here and now with and in Scientology. This is a deadly serious activity."
Hows THAT for a man sized cow chip of higher purpose perched on your shoulder ?
And then you get THERE, the beating heart of IT ! How WOW !
"You've jumped through all these hoops just to get to it, and then you open that packet, and the first thing you think is, 'Come on,'" she says. "You're surrounded by all these people who're going, 'Wow, isn't it amazing, just getting the data? I can tell it's really changed you.' After a while, enough people say it and you're like, 'Wow. You know, I really feel it.'"
Does this sound familiar to anyone ??????
And this astounding revelation.....
"Rurik starts his lecture with the claim that the mind really isn't in the brain. "Close your eyes and think of a picture of a cat," he tells me. I do. "Now, open your eyes and point to where you saw that picture."
I point to my eyes.
Rurik grins. "See? When you're asked to use your mind, you don't point to the brain."
The brain, Rurik says, has absolutely no bearing on our thoughts or feelings. Nor, he adds, does the mind -- its chief function is to serve as a memory bank ....."