Re: After a deep and long, non-Taste One, meditation exercise...
Date: June 25, 2018 11:51PM
Kdag, this is a huge and excellent question, and one that had troubled me a LOT..
I think that technically speaking, a true psychopath cannot collaborate...they are VERY disordered in their thinking, and, are not generally 'planful'...they are the kids who torture animals when they are young, and just go onto petty, and MAJOR criminality, disorganized criminality.
Then, as you say, there are what we call the "Snakes in Suits" this book, and, I have quite a library on these people, as anyone who has coached in financial services does.
These people have a kind of rogue code...a lot like mafiosi, but there is a sort of honor structure...there are some rules...I think...well, maybe...and, quite a lot of expertise is required. The Yakuza of Japan are like this...there are codes, and a LOT of expertise, really, huge social savvy is required, and they do produce results in the form of buildings built, etc. Post 3/11, the Yakuza kept order in the streets.
To me...people like W.E., and sundry gurus...well, there is something different about these people...maybe, you all can help me understand this.
They don't produce anything, and they have very little expertise, or a deep knowledge of ANYTHING...
I guess the closest analogue is the evangelical preacher, or classic snake oil salesman...or, Tony Robbins, or, Barack Obama, as far as I am concerned.
I don't think they really collaborate to accomplish anything other than leading people around in circles, and extracting a little 'change' in the process.