Re: Vanilla or Chocolate? You don't have to justify your actions
Posted by: StopLGATs ()
Date: March 11, 2020 03:55AM

kdag Wrote:
> In fact, how can Landmark possibly justify suing
> anybody for anything, when they
> preach over and over again that there are no
> victims???
> Isn't the bringer of a lawsuit claiming to have
> been a victim of someone or something?

I've been reading up on SLAPP lawsuits (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation). Every single legal claim initiated by LW (and probably $cn and the rest of the cults) likely fits that definition. Some jurisdictions have laws against SLAPP suits but of course proving that a claim is vexatious is very difficult.

I've also read somewhere that legitimate organisations seldom resort to action for defamation if they are criticised (fair enough if someone is making a specific allegation of criminal activity that can be shown to be false) but are more likely to engage in advertising campaigns to counter any negative press and promote the poitive aspects of ther products and services.

Re: Vanilla or Chocolate? You don't have to justify your actions
Posted by: kdag ()
Date: March 11, 2020 04:15AM

StopLGATs wrote:

"I've also read somewhere that legitimate organisations seldom resort to action for defamation if they are criticised ..."

Yes!!! And wherever possible, correct their behavior to prevent the same criticism in the future!!

Unfortunately, Landmark operates more like the Scientologists, (where they seem to have gotten so many of their ideas), who in turn, (from what I've read), operate much like the Mafia. Except I hear now that the Mafia has somewhat cleaned up its act.

I don't know. Maybe we should no longer use the Mafia as an example. When citing organized crime, maybe we should cite the Scientologists. And Landmark. I think they've earned it.

Re: Vanilla or Chocolate? You don't have to justify your actions
Posted by: StopLGATs ()
Date: March 11, 2020 07:31AM

Far from correcting their behaviour though LW repeatedly try to cast their organisation in the victim role.

I'm sure the irony of that paticular racket will not be lost on anyone.

I've even read LF devotees try and claim the French documentary was amateur, shoddy journalism - with film clips presented out of context, etc and that France channel 3 later withdrew it.

I guess if you tell a lie often enough then people accept it as truth. Even better if you have volunteer astroturfers who are not formally connected to your organisation.

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