Landmark concept of love and sex - are they two different concepts?
Posted by: Throughmyeyes ()
Date: November 04, 2017 08:17AM

Hello again, I know this is a little risqué but I can not find any information on what the landmark concepts of love and sex are and if they are intertwined.

Prior to my ex partner participating in Landmark we had a very mutually satisfying sex life.

After my ex started participating in landmark though everything changed. He stopped initiating sex and became rather selfish. It was like this for the four months it took for our 30 year relationship to disintegrate after his initial participation in landmark.

Now two months after our relationship breakdown he is already on dating apps. Yes that is his prerogative but does landmark encourage sex to be more of an unemotive basic human need seperate from love? Our sex life dramatically changed after his introduction to landmark especially once he had done the advanced courses and I was wondering if there was any correlation besides the obvious brainwashing and regression.

Thank you.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/04/2017 08:18AM by Throughmyeyes.

Re: Landmark concept of love and sex - are they two different concepts?
Posted by: kdag ()
Date: November 04, 2017 09:36AM

From what I saw, they pretty much disconnect sex from love, but I did not take the sex seminar, (and they did have one). It seems to me that their view of sex is purely physical/ mechanical, with none of the deeper dimensions connected to it.

What they tell you in the forum is that sex is like two slot machines facing each other, and you consider yourself lucky if you both hit the jackpot at the same time.

I am NOT making that up. This was exactly what the F.L. said on the last night of the forum.

Whatever they call love, (and one does have to admit, there are different kinds of love), they keep it disconnected from sex, and it was my impression that they continue this disconnection even thrtough marriage /significant other relationships. I never heard an official "company line" on that. but it seemed that open marriages were encouraged. I heard discussions between seminar leaders and participants, where the seminar leaders seemed to lead in that direction.

Re: Landmark concept of love and sex - are they two different concepts?
Posted by: kdag ()
Date: November 04, 2017 11:01AM

...or in a nutshell:
Sex is every bit as empty and meaningless as everything else,and so is love.

Re: Landmark concept of love and sex - are they two different concepts?
Posted by: Throughmyeyes ()
Date: November 04, 2017 12:00PM

Thanks kdag yes that’s what I thought.

Wow the fact they said you hit the “jackpot” line explains it all really...

I can see how they encourage open marriages and sex is just an outlet.

Re: Landmark concept of love and sex - are they two different concepts?
Posted by: Throughmyeyes ()
Date: November 04, 2017 12:06PM

They basically encourage sleeping around as a sense of entitlement. I certainly noticed the disconnect. It was very surreal to experience along with everything else.

As his work has facilitated Landmark they are literally now all in together in this extremely unhealthy environment. Their national work conference with over 400 attendees was this last week. For the first time ever, and with the implementation of landmark in April, there was not one photo posted on social media. The conference goes for four nights and culminates in a massive hook up....need I say more. Very “eyes wide shut”.

Re: Landmark concept of love and sex - are they two different concepts?
Posted by: Throughmyeyes ()
Date: November 04, 2017 12:23PM

kdag Wrote:
> ...or in a nutshell:
> Sex is every bit as empty and meaningless as
> everything else,and so is love.

This is just so true.

Re: Landmark concept of love and sex - are they two different concepts?
Posted by: kdag ()
Date: November 04, 2017 02:19PM

LOL - I'm sure that little gem was music to the ears of the sexually incontinent.

To everyone else it's pretty much diet sex, and a diet relationship.

Re: Landmark concept of love and sex - are they two different concepts?
Posted by: Throughmyeyes ()
Date: November 04, 2017 03:57PM

Yes, and no way man!! Haha

Thanks for your insight though. I did think it was the case.

At least he hasn’t attempted contact with me. I truly don’t think he will. He can swipe right all he likes..... ;)

It’s still all very hard but getting there slowly.

Re: Landmark concept of love and sex - are they two different concepts?
Posted by: cryst-oh ()
Date: November 14, 2017 04:55AM

I think sex and love are two very different things.

Re: Landmark concept of love and sex - are they two different concepts?
Posted by: kdag ()
Date: November 14, 2017 05:05AM

cryst-oh Wrote:
> I think sex and love are two very different
> things.

They are. I have no argument with that. The problem I have, (along with many others), is in ihe context of marriage or significant other relationships. In these relationships, most people prefer monogamy. This preference seems to be hard-wired into the majority of the population, and is evident in many species of animals,as well.

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