Leadership in a LGAT - this example from Landmark
Posted by: nettie ()
Date: January 28, 2006 08:23PM

To become a leader at Landmark you had to suffer through a 6 month course called the "introduction to the forum leader program". This course is when you really start to get deep into learning using manipulative techniques. However you will not know that this is what you are doing. You will simply learn by doing and mostly you are kept in the dark about what is going on.

Here are some homework after the first weekend;

- Deliver any undelivered communications and do this properly
- clean your house, your car and your work area
- balance your checkbook
- Pay any past due debts or make new arrangements about paying
- Handle any outstanding issues regarding your income tax, traffic tickets and credit cards
- if you have a commitment to save money and are not doing so, establish an action plan in this area
- Determine with another person what if anyting, is missing in your presentation, and have a date when this will be handled.

What is all this about? It is part of mind control 101. It is designed for you to have all your attention on what is going to be revealed later on in the course. If you don't have to worry about it (the above) then all your focus can be on participating in the IFLP-program. And believe it - you will need the time. This course is when people get entangled so deeply into the net that they start have these kind of results; (it may have happened earlier of course - without taking this course)

- "cleaning out" old spouses and work that are "not in line with their life commitment".
- stop taking care of their physical health (no time for that).
- start drinking a lot of alchohol to get a moment of "chill-time".
- stop seeing their old friends that don't support them. That would be the friends that they can't enroll.
- developing sleeping problems. There is simply too much to do and so many things to worry about. The main thing they worry about is how to meet the results (enrolling people into landmark) to become a leader in landmark.
- all free time is spent at landmark or at home doing homework.

Please feel free to add your comments.

I spent some time recreating the homework so I could take it from memory. I don't remember - did I sign a form where I gave you copyright to all that is in my brain as well.... :wink:


Leadership in a LGAT - this example from Landmark
Posted by: Dynamix ()
Date: January 28, 2006 10:18PM

A friend of mine did ILP. He cleaned out his car till it was spotless for about a week. Then after that the garbage piled up so badly that at one point he had a dead mouse in amongst all the garbage. Thanks for the insight, I always wondered why he never had the time to keep his car clean during ILP.

Leadership in a LGAT - this example from Landmark
Posted by: sonnie_dee ()
Date: January 29, 2006 03:15AM

Wow nettie your memory is incredible, I had truely forgotten that stupid homework from the first weekend.

I sometimes wish I had had the guts to leave when I started this programme. I remember sitting in the first weekend when we got the challenge to leave, three people left and I wanted to leave realising that this wasn't what I wanted but I stayed and some how I convinced myself that this is what i wanted.

I signed the "ethical" agreements that is I agreed to follow the law and my coach pointed out to our team of four that this meant waiting for the green man when crossing the road, tidying my house and life and doing all the homework we were assigned.

And for the next six months I did just that. Anything landmark told me to do I did. I worked my normal job and in my lunch breaks my "buddy" who worked near by would meet me and we would read and attempt to remember the massess of information we were expected to learn for the second weekend. This included a booklet on how to answer peoples questions about landmark, (this is how every gets the one answer), plus reading all the "positive" press releases and other printed matter that got us to see landmark was so good, and finally learning the introduction.

I dont think any one can reliase the depth of commitment people put in unless they are doing the introduction leader programme (as it is now called) or have a spouse doing it.

An average week would like this for me:

Sunday - housework (gotta get it clean so I can have an introduction), meeting with ILP team of four to read the introduction together and help each other learn it.

Monday - work, meeting buddy for lunch to review everything, landmark assisting after work till 9pm then travel home, usually stopping for a drink on the way to relax before i do my school planning for work

Tuesdasy - breakfast meeting with team and coach, this involved getting up at 5am to get to another city to have breakfast and confirm I was keeping my ethical agreements. work then meet buddy for lunch and review stuff again then if there was a "graduation" i would be at that

Wednesday - work, work meeting and an introduction at my home or a friends place

Thursday - work, meet buddy for lunch, assisting at the landmark office till 9pm

Friday - work, meeting for dinner with team and then ILP Classroom (a chance to be abused by the ILP Leader) once ILP finished around 1 or2am it was off for a drink with everyone else

Saturday - Assising in the landmark office all day - attempting to register people in the landmark forum by phone (one of the requirements to become an introduction leader. Ringing people to invite them to my next introduction in the hope I would register so many people because I needed to, to become an introduction leader.

landmark literally fills up your life. One of the hardest things I found when I left landmark is that I had all this time free. I was working full time, earning more then I had with landmark but I had so much time. i was home at 4.30pm and had nothing to do and weekends were so empty.

Its possibly one of the hardest things to deal with and one which I suggest leads so many people back to landmark because you realise that all your friends and relationships and everything is revolved around landmark

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