I rec'd email notification of other posts, but not this one - but if it came the same day as an earlier one, I don't think a 2nd notice is sent. I missed this one.
There was some discussion a while back - if you go to the posts "from the beginning" there is some talk about abuse. Contributors to these threads come and go so many times threads just fizzle out.
The other thing is, behavior that is not obvious physical abuse is oftentimes not recognized as abuse. Emotional and verbal abuse usually doesn't have an impact until the person on the receiving end is out of the situation.
I'm also wondering if the leader makes the Forum because I've heard such extremes in descriptions of experiences. My leader was offensive, abusive, and such an actor, turning on the tears on cue, that I couldn't take much of what he said seriously. He could also be quite funny, especially after being particularly abusive and all I could think of was "narcissistic sociopath". He was predictable so not a lot of people shared. Even though I couldn't explain how I was being manipulated at the time, I knew I was being manipulated. When I deduct time spent selling Landmark Education, and the staged emotional stuff, it wasn't worth the 0.
I wrote this months ago. However, now I realize the very idea of controlling people to stay put in a physically uncomfortable room, to basically withhold food (oh yeah - they say breaks are every 2-3 hrs - but they were 1/2 hr), and to confront and embarass folks in front of 150, all the while claiming to be experts who are trained to help, is definitely abuse.
more to follow..