Wings Seminars
Posted by: SP100 ()
Date: April 24, 2003 06:34AM

Has anyone had experience with Wings Seminars in Eugene, Oregon. If so can you tell me what it was and if you thought it was an ok organization or not. thanks

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Wings Seminars
Posted by: elena ()
Date: April 25, 2003 01:44PM

No experience, but looking at the website it has all the hallmarks of a copy-cat LGAT. Same buzz-words, same format, same smiley face "graduates," same price, same vague "promises." Lots of New-Age touchy-feely stuff. Probably wouldn't sell in San Francisco or Los Angeles, but maybe Oregon hasn't had the long history of weird Large Group Awareness Trainings. Did I read somewhere that Lifespring is back in business?


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Wings Seminars
Posted by: patrick-darcy ()
Date: April 28, 2003 12:29PM

radical honesty most likely is the
lgat way of changing the meaning
of words.

maybe this group licenses the
tech from landmark. that wouldnt
surprise me.

landmark has really done a number
on the word responsibility.
many landmark grads seem to believe
that responsibility means changing
your belief system to conform with
the mental indoctrination of the
forum leader.

it may not make sense but then i dont
believe its supposed too.

thats why its called mind control.

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