Query for LGAT survivors - use of laughter
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: November 03, 2016 02:00AM

Friends, here is a new topic that might be worth exploring.

Use of laughter in the LGAT groups you observed.

* How often was laughter used?

* All days? Some of the days? Which days?

* Some times, much of the time?

* In what ways? If different readers have taken the same LGAT and the stories describe laughter being induced at the same time

* Could anyone do a joke, trigger a laugh, or could only certain persons do so?

* Could you laugh freely or did you need permission?

* Could you and your buddy joke freely when sitting side by side, when in the
bathroom or on break?

* Was laughter and joking used to get people to do things they did not want to do?

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Re: Query for LGAT survivors - use of laughter
Posted by: GloriaG ()
Date: November 04, 2016 08:13PM

The immediate memory of using laughter that springs to mind, is the fear exercise that Landmark use during the first Forum weekend.

The exercise starts by imagining that everyone around you is frightening and then many people start crying. And then I remember we were all asked to laugh at the fear. (I think that's what happened but it was 6 years ago.)

I didn't cry or laugh in either state.

I learned from posts on here that this technique is actually being used to implant fear in the participants minds. And so is the laughter element to cover that up? I know when I returned to The Advanced weekend, a few months later, I was immediately fearful and tried to leave early on but was persuaded to stay.

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