[u:f227da156a][b:f227da156a]BREAKDOWN NO. 2 AT "MONEY & YOU"[/b:f227da156a][/u:f227da156a]
[u:f227da156a][b:f227da156a]SUNDAY MORNING CHURCH & "THE HOT SEAT"[/b:f227da156a][/u:f227da156a]
I arose from bed. Yet I was dead tired. (Sleep Deprivation) My brain was numb and paralysed. Yet I showered, dressed and arrived at the seminar for a 9 am start. Despite my partner saying, "Don't Go!"
Joining the massive circle of strange/familiar faces, we linked arms singing,
"Morning has broken, like the first morning. Blackbird has spoken, like the first bird ......"
How apt. Broken was me. A programmed Zombie!
* * *
When we were seated Wayne asked if anyone wanted to share last night's game. One of my team members volunteered our experience. We were told to stand up infront of the audience. We all group-hugged and weeped. It was spiritual and moving at the time. According to everything Wayne had said, we had all got in touch with spirit. The barbed wire lifted. The Yukberries spat out. We were on the road to Transformation.
We delivered what they wanted. What spectator graduates came to see - [b:f227da156a]"Sunday Morning Church", [/b:f227da156a]Graduates named it. Yet there was still darkness suffocating me.
[u:f227da156a][b:f227da156a]"HOT SEAT" & BREAKDOWN NO. 2[/b:f227da156a][/u:f227da156a]
After our morning break we regrouped with team members and each of us had to discuss how we felt. The same music looped in the background. I don't remember what my team members disclosed. It's a complete blank. I was drowning. Team members told me to breathe, just as Wayne had instructed all weekend. I felt really ill. I lay on the floor. As I kept breathing suddenly flood gates burst and Pandora's Lid opened ....................?????????????? I was deeply disturbed by it. Words cannot do justice to what happened.
I heard other participants in the seminar room Screaming, Shouting and Sobbing. I don't know what was happening to them either. It was a nightmare! It has haunted me for a over a decade.
* * *
When we had lunch I was shocked to discover it was 4 pm. (Food Deprivation) Time lost.
* * *
[u:f227da156a][b:f227da156a]MONEY & YOU CONTINUES[/b:f227da156a][/u:f227da156a]
After lunch Wayne gauged the numbers of "Complete" & "Incomplete" Participants (Scientology terms used in Auditing) with a show of hands.
The rest of the afternoon Wayne promoted Rebirthing, Auditing & Massage/Bodywork - PRESCRIBED THERAPIES to clear more Yukberries. Each representative of these groups stood forward,
"Make sure you take their business cards during the next break", recommended Wayne.
More [b:f227da156a]Excellerated Business Seminars[/b:f227da156a] were highly encouraged to help us further. One got a sense that the whole seminar was geared for this 'peak moment'. Just like Robert Kiyosaki's books - the first 3/4 written for the [b:f227da156a]concluding promotional punch lines.[/b:f227da156a]
If the punch lines were presented upfront, there would be no takers. However if one used words to [b:f227da156a]BEND THE MIND[/b:f227da156a] then one can lead the horse to water [u:f227da156a]AND [/u:f227da156a]make it drink! How?
[b:f227da156a]CONVINCE THE HORSE HE IS THIRSTY. WANTING![/b:f227da156a]
I recall "Barn Yard" was the final big game. It involved a huge crowd - hundreds of graduates. While everyone was involved and active, I was totally lost. Alone.
The last thing I recall is some women commenting,
"Wayne looks soooo sexy in his Texan boots and jeans!"
Up until then, the Presenter wore strict business attire. The seminars concluded in the early hours of Monday morning.
* * *
What I've described is my personal experience. Everyone who did the "Money & You" seminar has their own account. Not everyone broke down. However, [b:f227da156a]many did[/b:f227da156a]. Participants also broke down in "Powerful Presentations" (during individual speeches that were video taped) and "Creating Wealth" [b:f227da156a]Excellerated Business School [/b:f227da156a]Seminars.
* * *
Money & You Graduates have said the "blocks game" was really an Auditing Session (Scientology practice). When teams successfully communicated a word to the Receivers it was equivalent to a "floating needle" on the E-meter.
Does anyone have any thoughts or information about this?
The "Blocks Game" & "Sunday Morning Church / "Hot Seat" Confessions was highly attended. This is where [b:f227da156a]Graduates got their fix.[/b:f227da156a] I know from experience the 'high' one gets from seeing people gradually breaking down. It really is a drug. Addictive!
As an assistant I observed some graduates doing really weird things whilst observing the "blocks game". One graduate was unravelling metres of "invisible string" from a graduates body, then rolling it into a ball. Other times removing spears, knives and daggers. This person was and is obsessed with the world of the invisible. [b:f227da156a]Robert Kiyosaki and "Pow Wow Events" promote this persons work and books[/b:f227da156a].
I have no doubt that some people who've done "Money & You" will say it was the best thing they've ever done. I said the same 13 years ago. I was brainwashed to THINK THAT for many years, until it "wore off" and I realised that something was wrong with [b:f227da156a]Money & You[/b:f227da156a] and [b:f227da156a]how it affected my life.[/b:f227da156a]
[b:f227da156a]Excellerated Schools "Money & You" Made My Life Worse! ..... It was the worst thing that's every happened in my life! This is true for others too![/b:f227da156a]
See my posts and other peoples experiences:
[b:f227da156a] Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki Exposed:-[/b:f227da156a]
I researched to find answers. When I discovered Money & You had subjected us to BRAINWASHING & MIND BENDING TECHNIQUES (Mass/Group Hypnosis, NLP, Mind Control and Thought Reform) I was relieved at first. Finally things started to make sense and click into place. Then I felt RAGE. These people BETRAYED ME - BETRAYED US! I wanted justice and closure. [b:f227da156a]To be heard at least![/b:f227da156a]
When Robert Kiyosaki, Wayne Morgan, Blair Singer or any Money & You Presenter is backed in a corner, they will turn the tables on YOU! They are ALWAYS RIGHT!.
I HAVE BEEN [b:f227da156a]HUMILIATED[/b:f227da156a] ENOUGH! NO MORE!
There are days I struggle with guilt. So many innocent people will be DECEIVED & HARMED, as I was by "Money & You". I am urged to do something about it. I want to prevent others from getting hurt. Hence I have written these detailed posts.
[b:f227da156a][u:f227da156a]THE BIGGEST LESSON LEARNT[/u:f227da156a][/b:f227da156a]
The values I have as an ordinary person are worth more than the paper money and brand of love, courage, trust, joy and integrity these so called extraordinary business gurus pride themselves on.
[u:f227da156a][b:f227da156a]CONCLUSION [/b:f227da156a][/u:f227da156a]
Apparently over 50,000 people in 45 countries have attended the Money & You Seminar. Despite all the hype and successes boasted on the [b:f227da156a]Excellerated Business[/b:f227da156a] website, I doubt there are 50,000 happy people whose lives have been transformed for the better because of it.
A list of a few hundred noted and successful Money & You Graduates DOES [u:f227da156a][b:f227da156a]NOT[/b:f227da156a] [/u:f227da156a]IMPRESS! [b:f227da156a] Nor does it justify those severely harmed that remain understandably "silent and anonymous[/b:f227da156a]".
Today, I still have many questions I doubt Robert Kiyosaki et al or any other Money & You Presenter then, today or in the future can answer. Nor has any rebirther/breathworker, auditor/clearer or massage/bodyworker answered.
I spent $10,000! Little did I know I had signed up for a Nightmare! The only value it added was [b:f227da156a]LINING THEIR POCKETS![/b:f227da156a]
These people ACTED like loving friends.
"You've really got to do this seminar or training", they said "It will REALLY help you!"
The time came when I knew I had to stop, for my own sanity. When I said no to the last seminar offer it was met with the greatest suspicion. This is when I found out who my real friends were.
I was just a pawn on their chessboard scheme to wealth and prosperity. Their hugs and love were NOT genuine, but a calculated means to get my patronage. As soon as they know they can't get any more money out of you they will DROP you like a hot cake! It's just too bad if your friendship was genuine. [b:f227da156a]Welcome to the real world of Excellerated Business Schools Money & You Seminars.[/b:f227da156a]
If they had warned me beforehand that the "blocks game" could cause a breakdown, I would have made the responsible choice of[b:f227da156a] not doing Money & You.[/b:f227da156a] Withholding this vital piece of information is [b:f227da156a]DELIBERATE DECEIT![/b:f227da156a] Surely FREEDOM OF CHOICE is a basic human right? It seems [b:f227da156a]Excellerated Business Schools [/b:f227da156a]don't think so.
I can only conclude that[b:f227da156a] Excellerated Business School [/b:f227da156a]care LESS for humanity and MORE for themselves. They are irresponsible, disrespectful and a downright danger to society.
[b:f227da156a]THE TRUTH [u:f227da156a]WILL[/u:f227da156a] PREVAIL! [/b:f227da156a]
Wiser Aussie