Mankind project
Posted by: what2do ()
Date: March 31, 2006 09:35PM

These people are playing with men's minds. Some men could have had extreme trauma that needs to be dealt with professionally, not by a group of naked would be indian warriors.

Many of the men in the group my husband attended were being treated for sexual addictions. Serious emotional problems.

I have heard of many men filing for divorce after a very short time in MKP. And this from a group that states "you will become better fathers and husbands".

Mankind project
Posted by: RU?ing ()
Date: March 31, 2006 10:42PM

And heres the friday night /saturday morning fun!

[Note: the following is a summary of the previous post due to a copyright protest from MP. The previous post has been summarized within "fair use" guidelines for purpose of criticism]

MP also has "animal names" it uses for an "Empowering Intent."

MP states that "this step by step process has been carefully designed to get several results: Each man gets a totem animal name. Teams get names. Team members begin working together, making decisions, having some fun and learning to trust each other before the Midnight Adventure."

Men draw pictures of the animals they represent.

Now they have an "animal name" to go along with their designated number.

Subsequently the participants are organizaed into teachs, with team names and leaders.

Again, everything is very carefully scripted.

Another MP exercise is the "Spirit Canoe or shamanic journey." this is done through "guided visualization" for the purpose of finding the "animal which will become their totem...[that] becomes a blend of both personal and social process."

Men "can play a risky game" together, which are closely supervised complete with "checkpoints." These are tough and rough games.

MP says "Men love games. This is a simple game, a game of teamwork."

MP teslls its staffers to "Set the men up to succeed! Let them have their power. Challenge them but do not overwhelm them. Stay safe and keep your new brothers safe."

This is all done "To hold a safe space for the feelings of the men" and to solicit "old familiar patterns triggered by playing hard with other men."

Then come more stoies about "ancestors" that "sat around the fire and talked about their experiences. They told stories about their adventures."

The men are asked what their "favorite/worst" part of the games, "what got [their] juices flowing" sense of "darkness" or "danger."

This can be seen as a kind of group catharsis and/or confessional.

"Cold showers are mandatory" the next day "for one minute." And they wake up to beating drums.

This is done to "facilitate a fast, powerful, masculine wake up experience." It also is done to keep "initiates in slightly off balance, not knowing what will happen state of mind."

"hot gruel waiting for them."

There is also the instruction to include "loving kindness" and "Keep the Shadows dancing."

After consuming coffee, tea and gruel there is a dancing exercise.

This is done to drumming and choregraphed in some detail.

There is also a music play list for the day that includes "Dry Bones," "La Bamba", and "Ghostbusters."

More MP philosophy follows about taking "responsibility for what we are saying." A lecture is suggested and scripted on this subject. This includes a detailed discussion of the use of nouns and pronouns to denote personal commitment.

"By what pronoun did I identify myself?" the initiates are asked. Because when men "make 'I' statement [they are] taking responsibility for...thoughts, actions and feelings."

Initiates then are told how men are supposed to "feel."

MP says "Men learn how to feel what they feel by paying attention to our bodies."

"Feelings exist in our bodies. We feel our feeling in our bodies. Our bodies know what we feel before our minds do. Our minds learned to deny what the body knows" MP tells its initiates.

Then men then go through "'feelings' in our bodies" exercises.

There is "modeling" done to demonstrate how to "get some feelings going..[like] "anger."

There are group exercises about getting "macho cursing rage and wimpy whining begging to show possible ways of trying to get it."

"Close your eyes and feel what you are feeling" for "30 seconds."
Group exercises encourage the approach that "Together we have created a container strong enough to handle your feelings."

There seems to be a growing group mindset that is being repeatedly encouraged progressively through the various exercises.

MP says that it will "provide a space to express doubts and fears as well as the joy and excitement in this container, which enhances commitment."

There are "Sleep Watchers" to keep participants from "nodding off" during long lectures.

The subject "'Little Boy's Deepest Need'...comes from James Hillman in 1985." He suggested "that a man's mission will almost always reflect his little boy's deepest needs."

MP teaches that "wounded men...need to heal."

Again. "visualization" is used "to find the deepest need of their inner little boy."

MP acknowledges that this process includes "Light trance induction" and the use of "progressive body relaxation," "awareness of breathing" and it is "communicated consistently in monotone voice."


A detailed visualization is employed including instructions for initiates to see themselves levitating, floating above over a building, trees, clouds and then descending on "the soft earth of the forest."

Eventually after going through a "cave" initiates are guided to a "valley" where they meet their inner child and find out "what he needs most to feel good and strong, to grow into a fine man."

This exercise identifies each participants "deepest need," or what they "need to be a true man." They then supposedly internalize this through additional guidance.

Then the so-called "Affirmation Process" seems to be a methodology to lock in the new mindset.

MP says that "each man develops an affirmation which encompasses his mission [and] begins to identify as a man in the community of men living beyond ego (separate self) identity."

At times there is a "soft music background."

There is also more guided imagery exercises. Men close their eyes to "see that vision of the world...[and] to see [themselves] creating [their]vision." And through various exercises eventually "men who missed the mission to this point get the clarity with their small group..."

"The big answer out of his heart" through "affirmation" can be an "alignment" and then the initiate "is complete."

MP staffers are encouraged to "get a feel for the man's passion and energy...what the affirmation means to him." Then teams "work on clarifying their mission statements until other teams are complete."

MP teaches that "Little boy's deepest needs = an inner wound," "Dream = what you want," "Vision = possibility," "Action = how I'm guiding it's creating," "Mission = Vision + Action" "Goals = measurable steps along the way" and finally "Affirmations = a future "self creation

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/13/2010 02:37AM by rrmoderator.

Mankind project
Posted by: what2do ()
Date: April 01, 2006 07:04AM

This is very eyeopening. Do you have more, or is that all you have been able to obtain. Something occurred to my husband in the last sweat hut they attended before the "Feast".

I do not know if this is normal or not. It took him several weeks to reveal this to me.

If this is not appropriate, the moderators can delete.

The sweat hut was one of the things my husband really liked. He said he felt very peaceful in there. They had done whatever they do, and it was coming to an end.

About 30 or so men are sitting in a circle in this candlelit sweat hut. The leader told them after they left, they could finally go to their feast. Now keep in mind, all of these men are naked. Then the leader said this.

"You may now reach over and grab your "brother's" d**k. If he does not want this, he may remove your hand."

My husband said he just froze. He could only see the men on each side of him, but to his knowledge no one did this. This upset him so bad he made a decision to not attend the I groups just now. He still has not attended, but that is mainly because of me.

Why would anyone say this? These men had gone almost 48 hours w/o sleep or food. They had a cup of trailmix three times a day. They had been brainwashed, starved, sleep deprived, had sensory overload, and were probably not in their right minds. What that man suggested was complete sexual abuse, in my opinion.

They had been taught to completely trust their "brothers". Had probably revealed more inner shame to these men, than they had ever revealed to their wives. And they took that trust and left it wide open to sexual abuse.

There is something very, very sick with this group.

I am sorry if I offended anyone with this statement. I realize it is very shocking.

Mankind project
Posted by: nutrino ()
Date: April 01, 2006 10:34PM


I am sorry if I offended anyone with this statement. I realize it is very shocking.

Neither shocking nor surprising. In the EST 6 day training we had Sex Night where were were bombarded with with 3 movie screens of hardcore pornography... each screen had a seperate hardcore film on it. Each reel was composed of maybe a dozen hardcore short films, spliced together to form a mind numbing "spectacular".... we were treated to bestiality, extreme gay sex (guys in Nazi drag no less!) and everything else short of kiddie porn.

After the movies we had a night of "processes"... like the trainer asking the room how many had engaged in anal sex, please stand up...

Then the trainer regaled us with how he had anal sex with his mistress, and how he had "shared" this information with his wife, and how this had made their marriage better....

And on, and on, and on....

Sexual boundaries are among our deepest and most personal... this isn't about sex, it's about breaking down a sense of appropriate boundaries, and shifting the locus of control outside of oneself to an authority figure.

Mankind project
Posted by: what2do ()
Date: April 01, 2006 11:16PM

I guess I just do not understand. In MKP, after the initial $600 investment, , what I can see is not about a lot of money. $175.00 for the I-group. What is the control about in MKP?.

I sometimes think their is an ulterior motive with these people, but I do not know what it is?

The have a comparable women's group called "Women Within". These men were urged to have their wives attend. I would never go. However, a part of me would like to go to just see what I could discover. The other side of that coin, is what if they were able to brainwash me, even if I resisted. I have not discovered anything about "women within".

I do know they have a weekend training, but I know nothing about it. If anyone knows anything about the women's group, please post it.

Mankind project
Posted by: elena ()
Date: April 02, 2006 08:57AM


Sexual boundaries are among our deepest and most personal... this isn't about sex, it's about breaking down a sense of appropriate boundaries, and shifting the locus of control outside of oneself to an authority figure.


And matters of personal identity are so deeply intertwined with sexual and gender characteristics they go back to the womb in some instances. There are, more often than not, many odd, abusive, and/or perverse sexual practices in and around cults, for to disrupt someone's ideas about sex and sexuality is to destabilize him in other ways which makes it that much easier to reprogram him into some pre-fabricated cult model. It is despicable abuse of human "guinea pigs," but there it is. People submit to this stuff insisting they are operating under their own free will.


Mankind project
Posted by: what2do ()
Date: April 02, 2006 05:29PM

Ellen, are you speaking of cults in general, or specifically MKP? A friend sent me some printed guidelines from some of the Igroup manuals.

Some of the suggested activities were shaving each other, massaging each other, washing each others feet, undressing and putting your clothers in a pile - then choosing someone's clother to wear. This kind of intimate behavior, which is kept very secret, especially from the wives, is very bothersome, and puzzling.

I could not undersand why this was done. I can now see how breaking down sexual boundaries is also a way of breaking down a man's identity, and therefore, pulling him deeper into their control.

I am alarmed how many women do not seem to be concerned about their husband's involvement in this group. They do not seem to wonder what goes on there. They take everything at face value.

I have a friend/acquaintance I have know for 2 years. We are mainly phone buddies. I mentioned this to her back in January, shortly after my husband came back. I did not have all the information I now have, just my gut feeling something was not right with MKP. She informed me her husband had been in this for years, and it was the most wonderful organization she had ever known. She was upset I was speaking of them negatively. Yet, in all the 2 years of many conversations, she had never once mentioned this group to me. Very strange her husband was in something so wonderful, yet it had never been mentioned to me.

Mankind project
Posted by: elena ()
Date: April 02, 2006 10:47PM

Ellen, are you speaking of cults in general,

Yes. Cults in general.

They are boringly and predictably similar under the surface. They poach each other's tactics and put their own brand on them, pretending THEY are in possession of some secret "technology" or other such nonsense.


Some of the suggested activities were shaving each other, massaging each other, washing each others feet, undressing and putting your clothers in a pile - then choosing someone's clother to wear. This kind of intimate behavior, which is kept very secret, especially from the wives, is very bothersome, and puzzling.

I could not undersand why this was done. I can now see how breaking down sexual boundaries is also a way of breaking down a man's identity, and therefore, pulling him deeper into their control.


Part of the motivation here by the leaders is to get men to do things they might be ashamed to reveal to outsiders so that they become more vulnerable to exposure and more bonded as a group. You can see how this might serve cult purposes.


I am alarmed how many women do not seem to be concerned about their husband's involvement in this group. They do not seem to wonder what goes on there. They take everything at face value.

I have a friend/acquaintance I have know for 2 years. We are mainly phone buddies. I mentioned this to her back in January, shortly after my husband came back. I did not have all the information I now have, just my gut feeling something was not right with MKP. She informed me her husband had been in this for years, and it was the most wonderful organization she had ever known. She was upset I was speaking of them negatively. Yet, in all the 2 years of many conversations, she had never once mentioned this group to me. Very strange her husband was in something so wonderful, yet it had never been mentioned to me.

Some women are probably thrilled to have a more obedient, tractable, and controllable husband. After all, these are the things the cult leadership do to them to remake them all the while persuading them that they are "reborn" in some super-hero, super-macho way. Both funny and sad, when you think about it.


Mankind project
Posted by: RU?ing ()
Date: April 03, 2006 05:21AM

There are pages of this drivel.

[Note: the following is a summary from previous post within "fair use" guidelines for the purpose of critical review due to copyright protest from MP]

MP has something called "Alone Time "

This practice isolates initiates "to integrate their new affirmation."

It is described "as an active meditation."

MP initiates "practice" their "affirmation" and "memorize it as a mantra" repeating it "over and over."

This may last "one half hour"

The so-called "Hero's Journey" is described as the "personal rite of passage into manhood."

MP says, "You have come to the edge, get ready to jump...It will take guts to get through this part of the journey. You will have to draw on the energy of the wildman."

Participants face their "Shadow."

This process includes reciting "your affirmation until the group feels it at 100%." And men cannot "leave the pit without staff permission."

There is a rehash of the "Wildman" visualization process done.

This process or "journey" is summarized as "a powerful descent into soul where each man faces a Shadow that stands between him and his mission."

Each man must complete this "ordeal."

The context for this ordeal is described as "guts teams."

MP initiates are then literally called down on the "carpet" wthin the pit to face the "gut teams." The process proceeds one man at a time.

He must be approved as "100% congruent." A vote is taken.

MP says that "verbalizing it at this point locks his affirmation/mission in the unconscious as permanent learning."

MP states, "Here is the drama of self sacrifice, that terrifying call to surrender individual identity to a greater cause."

Situations may occur such as what MP calls "Popcorn guts"...while one man is working, another will "pop."

Staffers with MP are told to handle this. The "pop" is because the initiates are told "If you stuff one feeling, you stuff them all."

And stuffing is bad.

Various stories and legends are used to convince the participants to let go, and release their feelings. This includes "loss," "grief," "rage," "denial" and "anger."

MP says, "You're not killing anyone you're killing the _______ you carry around inside of you, that you project on everyone and pass on to your kids."

This is what MP calls "Accountability."

Various group exercises and circles then echo the same themes through rituals and rites as carefully choreographed by MP.

"You have gotten this far by trusting your brothers with your hearts". "The time is coming to trust your brothers with your lives," says MP.

MP initiates then "go to their rooms or bunk houses for 'Contemplation Time.'"

"Now, go and be alone with yourself," staffers tell the men.

Then comes the "'Trust Walk'...To provide a final experience of bonding and brotherhood."

The "Trust Walk" is done "naked, barefooted and at the same pace of speed and over the exact route, be it snow or cactus."

Men are moved "blindfolded" from the walk to a "dance floor," then comes what MP calls the "ritual newborn slap on the ass."

As men "are sent into the whirl of dancing men."

According to MP this will "take you to a primitive space...A land of spirits...inhabited by wildmen."

The men are told, "You are your brothers lifeline, If you let go he will die...Your brother is your lifeline: if your let go you will die...At the end, you will be alone and together...It's a good night to die."

There is a "Gong...Drums [and] Talismans used during the ritual dance.

Then comes the "Initiation Ceremony," which is a "sacred, deliberate and intentional blessing...[initiates are] honored as man by men."

This includes "dancing and drumming" and "cleansing" with a "smudge stick."

Each new initiate is called forth by thier "animal name" to "receive the talisman," which "signifies..transformation."

After each man steps forward and recieves his talisman the ceremony this over.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/13/2010 02:38AM by rrmoderator.

Mankind project
Posted by: what2do ()
Date: April 03, 2006 08:36AM

RU?ing, I am fascinated with this material. Please keep it coming. I am so appreciative of this information. It gives me a handle on this group of nutcases.

It makes me angry this bunch of crap cost $600.00. I hope the people at the top are enjoying the millions they must be raking in.

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