Jehovah's wetnessI'm inclined to agree with the way you think RU?ing. Still the sort of objections you raise seem applicable to virtually any group dynamic. There are after all, coercive influences in groups, not thought of to be cults, where the only means of discrepancy lies in the popularity of convention, which is arbitrary.
I of course can see your point, I studied group dynamics and group communication as part of my formal education. The style of my objections can certainly be applied to any group dynamic, but I for one certainly wouldn't apply it to all groups!
I must stress that I have never viewed MKP as a cult, and will defend it being called so. MKP has more in common with est, Landmark and Crimson Circle as a groupthink, mind coercion weekend.
To think that the only critical mean of analysis is the popularity of a convention seems a little strange, especially in unlicensed psychological experiments. It shows a shocking lack of regard for new 'brothers' to recommend unlicensed psychological experiments. Very low in integrity.
I would highlight any form of coercion against someones will or knowledge - so MKP recruitment falls under that catagory.
="Jehovah's wetness"
Your mode of assesment seems seems to attribute negativity to the nature of identifying into sublimation, in favor of some idealistic autonomy, which may prove just as fanciful.
Then, due to not knowing me, you are misinterpreting me. I do not attribute negativity to the nature of identifying on a connotational level. Semiotics is the bedrock of my viewpoint on this. In what sense am i promoting an idealistic autonomy? I'm getting confused by your second guesses.
My issue with this mode of connecting with the subconcious areas of a persons mind, is the fact that a bunch of untrained pop-psychologists are the only people on hand, and who expect people to sign their rights away before they know that Gestalt and Jungian psychology will be practiced on them.
="Jehovah's wetness"
I'm not suggesting that it is unimpotant to think critically, but by the same token, your assesments are made by second-hand information rather than bing gathered empirically and the bias you bring to critiquing the "warriors" is evident in the distrust you have in somthing as hoaky (and quite frankly inane when I did it) as a guided meditation.
To reduce MKP down to a 'guided meditation' is disinformation - and showing a serious lack of integrity - what if someone depressed were to read that and think that was all it was?
Second hand information? I doubt you've read all I have that has been produced by these guys! C'mon - I've studied these techniques, from the origianl LSD and Gestalt experiments to est and Landmark. I do admit to not having undergone a Jungian psychological weekend in a wood, but then, I'm a healthy male, why would I need to?!
="Jehovah's wetness"
(although what reaction shoud I expect from an anti cult message board other than: "someone pass the Kool aid while their eyes are still closed"; then again, such distrust is the *convention* here)
you are showing a certain lack of distrust to state that. Whats the matter? And to distrust a group which repeatedly denies using psychological methods, that is has protocols and principles, that holds dildos.... that tells men to LIE to other men?! How are we meant to trust an organisation that promotes that worldview?
="Jehovah's wetness"
And I have to say in defense of the culternity, that I learned alot. I was able to integrate alot of the work that I did there with a Jungian analyst (who I had been working with before and after the "adventure")
Erm, all you have done is defend it so far...
And so you learnt a lot of psychological tools? Erm.... they may have well fed you LSD - just as illegal.
Did your Jungian analyst tell you to go?
Did your Jungian analyst sign your form to say you were well enough to go?
Did you tell MKP you were seeing an analyst - did they recommend not attending?
I'm interested, all your accounts are psychological, not educational.
Again - every MKP'er ignores my questions about the ideology. What of the principles and protocols?! (not you as such jehovahs wetness)
="Jehovah's wetness"
Undeniably, it is a gamble to give a group intimate secrets surrounding the core myths that I have constructed around myself. Naturally, therapy and time are more gentle means of accessing such things over ten years or so, but lets face it, most men, particularly ones who have invested in enormous psychic rigidity around the schizophrenic myths of "captain invulnerable CEO" tend to regard such soft approaches as meaningless at best (and usually have much more descritive deprecations). I saw such men, men who have access to Billions of dollars, finally break into that territory and I know of at least two who have started going to therapy since.
Its a gamble giving a trained psychologist that information, what about an untrained bunch of 12-steppers? Whilst signing all legal rights to any compensation away? I'd hazard on 'reckless' to be polite.
And, of course, what you are describing is illegal in the western world.
="Jehovah's wetness"
Do independent groups or people in this group of 30,000 possess some vagaries that invade innapropiately into mens live and cause problems? I have no doubt. and those people are bathwater that should be tossed out -- it is the baby you are missing.
I'm not missing the baby, Jehovah's wetness, the baby (the underlying ideology) is what I am most worried about with this group. Have you read the protocols for the weekend? or the principles of the order? Can you explain to me the physics claim of this group? These are the 'baby', not emotive testimonials of qualititive impressions!
I'm sorry if this has come across as harsh Jehovah's wetness, and I am certainly not aiming my comments at you personally, it is just you sem to have slipped into defending MKP in, well, there is no other way of saying this, in the same robotic MKP'ers do!
[b:e372505282]This is an LGAT. Shady and illegal if worded truthfully, preying on lost souls, filling them with christo-mytho-poetic nonsense about all matter is light.[/b:e372505282] Oh boy.
I understand what you said before about
="Jehovah's wetness"
That men have difficulty with experiencing emotion, or being present to true pain is evident prima facia. That we live in a society that teaches men that this is acceptable or encouraged also goes without saying. That most men need such an "Alice in Wonderland" shockingly different enviornment also seems logical. It is the lack of intellectual integrity and group bullying (that one fids in fraternities every bit as much as cults) that makes me suspicious. The question than becomes a matter of trust.
Something is wrong, and something must be done. It is obvious. But MKP is not an answer, it is a financial con. You are a therapist, you should know its deeper than MKP can go, we need a real paradigm shift of conciousness, as a whole group, not just men, not just women, the whole SPECIES!!!! - and I include I in that we ;o)