I am finding this all very interesting.
To be honest, I was neutral about Royal Way, until the members and officers of RW began to post in this thread, and anyone can see what they are trying to do.
But those types of distortions and personal attacks, are actually very instructive.
That is technique #1 for these types of sects, in the way they deal with criticism and dissent. Sadly, in the real world, that can work quite well. If a member or prospect for the group begins to ask any tough questions, they will immediately try to turn the tables on them. They probe for something, like maybe a divorce, or a personal issue, which then can then use as a weapon against the person, to try and beat them down.
Of course, if a person is strong minded, they won't back down, and then the conflict will escalate, until the person is leaves the group. These types of sects don't want people who ask tough questions.
They recruit people who are more accepting, compliant and trusting. Unfortunately, many people will back down when they are attacked by a sect member, and that is how they keep them in line.
You can see the first step in that process in the posts of the RW members in this thread.
Their other technique of course, is to just to do DENY everything. For instance, you can see in almost every single post from a Royal Way members, they are saying [i:6923b88d6a]"its all lies, its all lies...".[/i:6923b88d6a]
That is almost a Thought Stopping tactic, they are trying to use.
For example, people have posted all sorts of objective factual information about Royal Way, those are not lies, they are simple facts.
There is a checklist of questions to ask any religious non-profit. those are not lies, they are facts. And another fact is that Royal Way fails that test completely. See for yourself, run Royal Way through this checklist.
[b:6923b88d6a]Royal Way completely fails every single criteria for an ethical and proper non-profit church or organization![/b:6923b88d6a][/color:6923b88d6a]
Their last tactic, which is what they are probably going to tell their members and followers, is the "bad apple" falsehood. They will say, "there's one or two angry people spreading lies", and try to use that as a technique of thought control.
Its obvious that there are all sorts of people criticizing Royal Way. There are people who have dated RW members, former members, and even people who have seen RW episodes in public. There are also people who are neutral, and who have simply researched the sect.
Over the next months, its probable that more Royal Way members will come forward, and tell the world what is really going on.
Also, Royal Way will tell their members that the "internet is evil and a waste of time" or some variant, to try and get their people to not research the sect on the internet.
Lastly, the RW false argument, that "its all lies" is itself dishonest.
All Royal Way has to do is produce the audited financial documents.
Then we can see if Michael Gottlieb is remunerated or not. If he is, then who is "lying" when they say he is not paid, or remunerated?
They have said there is no Royal Way office on Olympic Blvd, yet there is an office on that street of someone who claims to be a RW member or officer. Who's telling semantic fibs? They have also said Michael Gottlieb is not a therapist, yet the facts show he was a registered therapist for the last 30 years!
As well, Officers of Royal Way have come here making claims about what Michael Gottlieb teaches in his letters. Well, lets see the writings. Then again, we'll see if anyone is "lying" about their content. Those letters will leak out at some point, someone will take them down to Kinko's or a photocopy shop, and have them scanned onto a CD as a Adobe pdf file, then post them on the internet. Then everyone will see for themselves. That will probably happen at some point.
Also, lets see the fee structure, and "course outlines" for their workshops. Until we see some FACTS from the officers of Royal Way, then their words carry no weight. A senior member of a tax-exempt corporation can't go around making vague claims, with no evidence.
They have to back up their statements with hard facts, audited statements from the IRS. Otherwise, they are highly suspect, and cannot be trusted.
All in all, Royal Way, from my perspective, fails completely on all tests of a decent non-profit.
No one knows where the money is going.
No one knows who is getting paid what.
No one knows if there are conflicts of interest in insider property transfers, or not.
No one knows their assets and income and expenses.
No one knows what they are teaching.
No one knows their course structure.
No one knows their website address.
No one knows the board of directors of the corporation.
They are deliberately hiding everything they can, and they have refused to divulge any information, other than vague platitudes and personal attacks. Its the oldest trick in the book.
Also, who is next in line when Michael Gottlieb passes away? After all, he is about 78 years old, and he might be around for a decade or two. But that being said, if he did pass away at his age, who then takes over? Who are the senior board members? Who's the President, Treaurer of The Royal Way?
The bottom line is that Royal Way is a very very highly suspect non-profit tax-exempt corporation, and should be avoided at all costs, until a full investigation has taken place, and the IRS statements are released.