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Landmark "Propaganda" Press Releases
Posted by: Maggie ()
Date: February 05, 2007 08:39AM

Landmark continuously tries to "pad" the media with positive press releases about their graduates. Here is a sample-- I see one or two crop up a month:


You can always tell one of the Landmark press releases because by 2nd or 3rd paragraph it is explaining Landmark and gives a link to their site.


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Landmark "Propaganda" Press Releases
Posted by: Jack Oskar Larm ()
Date: February 05, 2007 09:08AM

Thanks for that Maggie!

The Landmark PR machine is powerful.

But it must be frightening for them at times to think what a beast we have here ... so many eyes looking out ... so much power to bring to account those with something to hide ...

Long live the freedom to think and to the freedom to share our thoughts!

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Landmark "Propaganda" Press Releases
Posted by: ON2 LF ()
Date: February 05, 2007 02:27PM


You can always tell one of the Landmark press releases because by 2nd or 3rd paragraph it is explaining Landmark and gives a link to their site.


This isn't a press release but is as gross as the article at presszoom. Perhaps everyone else has seen this already but I just came across it. If you click on the link below and click on "famous video, Inside The Landmark Forum" to the left, you'll get the landmarkian version of describing how landmark works! Gotta love how they re-cycled the title for that link! That is so landmark, just redefine what you can't erase!
This is so deceptive and well can't tell just by viewing that the speaker is a sheep who must have spent days and hours rehearsing the 'description'. Can't imagine how much longer it would be if THE WHOLE DESCRIPTION of what happens in a landmark forum were included.

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Landmark "Propaganda" Press Releases
Posted by: ON2 LF ()
Date: February 05, 2007 02:39PM

I like how they have the option of 'pick a leader' in the section where they show forum leaders spinning their yarns, only I'm missing wutshisname? Alain Roth? Funny they didn't include that footage, his was truly an uncensored performance!

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Landmark "Propaganda" Press Releases
Posted by: sonnie_dee ()
Date: February 05, 2007 02:57PM

The link you have provided maggie is not an official press release from landmark education. It is an article and the writers generally include a breif explanation of what landmark is.

There have been many articles of this nature simply because landmark encourages participants in the landmark Self Expression and Leadership programme SELP to get their projects written up in a news paper.

Just to give a little background - the SELP is about projects in your communities, Many participants do something as a good deed type thing. For example when I was participating one of the other participants created a beach clean up day which is still done once a year this earned him a civic award. Another woman fundraised for some specialised equipment to help blind mothers with their babies. Obviously in these cases both people had news paper articles written about them. From memory I believe most people had an article written about what they were doing, those that didn't (such as me) didn't didn't let the newspapers know or didn't finish their projects.

Landmark enjoys the positive FREE media information about them and as I said above encourage the participants to go after it

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Landmark "Propaganda" Press Releases
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: February 05, 2007 04:25PM

I also noticed a while back that Landmark had posted a link on their front page to a sham video called "Inside The Landmark Forum"

which is obviously the same title as the French expose on Landmark..labelled "Inside Landmark Forum".

They did this so when people search those words, they will find the sham video, and think they are watching the "famous" expose video.

Its actually good that they did that, as when people discover that Landmark has gone out and deliberately designed, created and named a forgery video, to deliberate deceive people, then it might make them think twice about Landmark.

The people who run Landmark are snakes, who know damn well that their job is to trick and deceive people.
Those at the top of Landmark who make the decisions know that their job is to trick people, lie to them, deceive them...
Its the worker bees at the bottom who are the brainwashed ones. The guys at the top know exactly what is going on.

So publicize the fact Landmark has launched an internet viral propaganda campaign, to TRICK people by trying to make them think the sham video produced by Landmark is the "famous" expose video.
What a sick, predatory organization Landmark is.

If you click on the link below and click on "famous video, Inside The Landmark Forum" to the left, you'll get the landmarkian version of describing how landmark works! Gotta love how they re-cycled the title for that link!

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Landmark "Propaganda" Press Releases
Posted by: ON2 LF ()
Date: February 05, 2007 05:03PM


They did this so when people search those words, they will find the sham video, and think they are watching the "famous" expose video.

Their little scheme isn't working too well because no matter how many times you google "Inside The Landmark Forum", you still come up with the truthful original version or you find this site and the piratebay. No doubt the snakes at the top used the title of the real video to gain advantage but they can't control what gets posted where on the net. I don't think their attempt at damage control is going to make too great a difference now, they've been exposed, millions of times, and they can't undo that reality.

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Landmark "Propaganda" Press Releases
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: February 05, 2007 05:28PM

Actually, if you Google, "Inside the Landmark Forum" (in quotes) their video comes up #2, and #3.


If you Google... Inside the Landmark Forum... (no quotes), its mixed in #6


and so on.

So its mixed in there in the search results, to try confuse the sheeple who's wallets they are trying to shear.

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Landmark "Propaganda" Press Releases
Posted by: ON2 LF ()
Date: February 06, 2007 03:47AM

I see what you mean. Too bad they wasted so much time filing lawsuits and making threats after the video first found its way to the public eye, they might have been able to avert the efforts they're putting in now. Fact still remains however, that what they have posted on their website is still a misleading and watered down description of what really happens to a persons freewill and critical thinking ability, "INSIDE THE LANDMARK FORUM". Hopefully enough people out there have the good sense to conduct a thorough investigation before signing away their rights to legal recourse, as is expected of the 'sheep to be sheared' "INSIDE THE LANDMARK FORUM"

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Landmark "Propaganda" Press Releases
Posted by: Jack Oskar Larm ()
Date: February 07, 2007 09:21AM

Let them do what their resources allow them to do.

I can't help thinking that they're playing the same sort of game as the government in Bradbury's [b:1a3e204ba1]Fahrenheit 451[/b:1a3e204ba1] - burning books to crush any opposing ideas. It's a push by them for a single, brainwashed society sold as the cure for our ills and sorrow. However, as we've seen over and over, it will lead to more breakdowns than breakthroughs.

And to continue my comparison of 451 and LGATs, we are the voices in the wilderness ready to accept those that have fallen by the wayside. A time will come when critical thinking and common sense are needed in the healing process.

Isn't it strange how Landmark (LGAT) language is a vehicle for non-communication. Adopt the lingo and then close all avenues of debate.

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