>and now u tell us that it has been
>toned down ?
Compared to how it was done at est, yes. Back in those days there was a big scary buildup to these things with big scary names--"The Danger Process", "The Fear Process".
jinnendra gave us no build up at all.
And in the Fear Process, all the chairs were pushed to the sides of the room, the lights were turned out, and people lay on the floor while the ghostly voice of the trainer pushed people into fear.
the lights didnt go out until he
had the crowd rocking and rolling
with fear.
It went for a long time and people really went with it.
i understand again people wanting
to make it appear less severe than
it was was it was very terrifying
to the people that attended the forum
that i took.
At the Forum when I realized that this process was coming next, I went to the back of the room to ask the staff for ear plugs. They didn't have any but I was given a kleenex and told to use that instead in my ears.
were u hoping to not to have to listen
to the empowerment process or were
u just attempting to block out all the
wailing and crying and screaming.
But it was hardly necessary. We sat in our seats with the lights as bright as ever, the induction was short and the process was over pretty quick. No screaming, no weeping, wailing or gnashing of teeth. Personallly I found it boring.
That's what I mean by toned down.
buty lets not forget it *is* the
empowerment process.
this is where landmark empowers u for
good living.
landmark empowers its victims in the
empowerment process. makes sense
doest it? and landamrk even renamed
the important part of the forum from
the danger process to the empowerment
do u think they renamed it for a reason.
while using mind control techniques
on people and sending them to a place
in their minds of terror they are
empowering themselves over the people.
its quite simple.
now landmark of course would not want
to admit to this but they of course
are empowering themselves over the peoples. dont u get it ?