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"Conversation with God: An Uncommon Dialogue" by Neale Donald Walsch
Posted by: June Piggott ()
Date: March 24, 2009 01:19AM

Has anyone read "Conversation with God: An Uncommon Dialogue" by Neale Donald Walsch? If so, what are your thoughts?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/24/2009 02:35AM by rrmoderator.

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Re: "Conversation with God: An Uncommon Dialogue" by Neale Donald Walsch
Posted by: Christa ()
Date: March 28, 2009 10:10AM

I read it. Walsch was talking to himself. Or to one of the voices in his head. It's drivel.

Here's an excerpt from the New York Times Article written after Walsch resigned from Beliefnet on December 28, 2008 amid charges of plagiarism. Note especially Walsch's failure to take responsibility for stealing the words of another author and claiming them as his own:

"In a statement posted Tuesday afternoon on his [now closed] blog on Beliefnet, which is owned by the News Corporation, Mr. Walsch said he had made a “serious error” and apologized to Ms. Chand and his readers.

“All I can say now — because I am truly mystified and taken aback by this — is that someone must have sent it to me over the Internet ten years or so ago,” Mr. Walsch wrote. “Finding it utterly charming and its message indelible, I must have clipped and pasted it into my file of ‘stories to tell that have a message I want to share.’ I have told the story verbally so many times over the years that I had it memorized ... and then, somewhere along the way, internalized it as my own experience.”"

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Re: "Conversation with God: An Uncommon Dialogue" by Neale Donald Walsch
Posted by: Jolblbom ()
Date: September 26, 2011 06:59PM

Has anyone read book 3 about the ETs or "higly evolved beings?"
weird stuff..its like Utopia (the book)
does anyone believe it??

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Re: "Conversation with God: An Uncommon Dialogue" by Neale Donald Walsch
Posted by: walter1963 ()
Date: December 09, 2011 02:45PM

Walsh is a huckster promoting some very toxic non-sense.

Take this passage from book 2

" The mistakes Hitler made did no harm or damage to those whose deaths he caused. Those souls were released from their earthly bondage, like butterflies emerging from a cocoon"

This is beyond sick and is just plain evil. No one should take advice from this creature.

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Re: "Conversation with God: An Uncommon Dialogue" by Neale Donald Walsch
Posted by: good enough ()
Date: December 12, 2011 02:17AM

I read his first book and yes, Walsch is a creepy little huckster. When I was still foolishly receiving his emails I couldn't believe how expensive his seminars where or how sickly sweet he was whilst promoting Byron Katie (someone else to avoid!).

As for the passage about Hitler, I'm coming across similar nasty revisionist crap amongst others in the New Age circuit. These people should be reported and dealt with.

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Re: "Conversation with God: An Uncommon Dialogue" by Neale Donald Walsch
Posted by: walter1963 ()
Date: December 14, 2011 11:50AM

What makes Walsh's material so popular is that he essentially sells a sweetened religious variant of Post-Modernism mixed in with the latest New Age nostrums. NDW's view there is no right or wrong, no bad behaviors or anything. It's bland(as long as you don't through what he's really saying) and syrupy enough to appeal to a lot of readers.

Here's another quote about Hitler:
"Hitler was created by you. He arose out of your Collective Consciousness.... The consciousness of separation, segregation, superiority – of 'we' versus 'they,' of 'us" and 'them' – is what creates the Hitler Experience. The consciousness of Divine Brotherhood, of unity, of Oneness, of 'ours,' not just 'yours/mine,' is what creates the Christ experience." Page 55

This crap is right out "The Secret". Heck it's probably where Byrne got the idea from for her book. NDW material is full of it.

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Re: "Conversation with God: An Uncommon Dialogue" by Neale Donald Walsch
Posted by: good enough ()
Date: December 15, 2011 12:46AM

Walter1963, if I remember right, Walsch was one of the cast of liars on the DVD version of The Secret which seems to have come out just before the book version.

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Re: "Conversation with God: An Uncommon Dialogue" by Neale Donald Walsch
Posted by: edlyngray ()
Date: February 05, 2012 10:40PM

n 2003, the film Indigo, written by Neale Donald Walsch and James Twyman and ... Conversations with God: An Uncommon Dialogue (Book 1)
[url="[url]"[/url];]Animation Notes[/url]

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Re: "Conversation with God: An Uncommon Dialogue" by Neale Donald Walsch
Posted by: good enough ()
Date: April 07, 2012 02:10AM

The book Top Secret by Robert M. Price has a chapter on Neale Donald Walsh's Conversations With God.

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Re: "Conversation with God: An Uncommon Dialogue" by Neale Donald Walsch
Posted by: Jolblbom ()
Date: November 08, 2012 08:33AM

he also uses the trap that god is actually syrupy sweet and non judgemental and we make our own rules,there are no "cants" or "shoudnt" or "meant to dos" and "not meant to dos"

yet in his book 3 about highly evolved beings (how pretensious is THAT!)
this same "make your own rules" god,who apparantly oposes religious rules says "you were never meant to raise your own children,the "elders" (grandparents) were!
i thought we made our own rules?
i cant have my own kids? for real? would a god say that??

he also promotes the dangerous idea that if you were highly spiritual/evolved you would allow someone to attack you and you would not fight back.
so being spiritual means you will let others hurt you
VERY TOXIC! i agree walter
so let yourself be hurt!!

i also came accross this online from a former employee of his..walsch let him be homeless and took his money with his sweet lies that he got from other books!
poor guy!


his new book "the storm before the calm" had TYPos in it!! and he refers to wikipedia as a source!
he wants money!

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