chinese "self development"....lillian too/ dr sha
Posted by: greg hamond ()
Date: October 16, 2007 01:34AM

bought TOO books....yuk......and shes rich...a legend....Went to DR SHa....ny times bestselling author talk/ demo very skeptical of both and it seems more a commercial scheme than " self help' healing ...feng shui....bla bla bla

Re: chinese "self development"....lillian too/ dr sha
Posted by: Dr Tim ()
Date: November 10, 2008 10:19AM

this is the kind of crap they are promoting

so it boosts their sales fraudulently to make it look on like they are really popular in order to snare more people for the cult

SOUL COMMUNICATION Book Campaign Program
Soul Healing and Enlightenment Retreat, Atlanta – October 2008

I agree to participate in a special Soul Communication Book Campaign offered through the Institute of Soul Healing and Enlightenment (ISHE). I understand that participation in this program is priceless. By electronically agreeing to this agreement, I consent to the following:

· I understand there are two ways to participate in the book campaign as a part of the Soul Healing and Enlightenment Retreat Webcast:
o I may participate in the 180 Golden Divine Soul Energy Matter Treasures for a $1500 commitment in books.
o I may participate in the 180 Rainbow Divine Soul Energy Matter Treasures for a $2000 commitment in books.
o I will indicate which programs I will participate in as I check out.
· I acknowledge that the purchases described above may begin on October 27, 2008 and may extend through November 2008. I agree to make the funds I commit below available for this entire period. Purchases may be made on my behalf from (ordering 3 books at a time) or other booksellers as determined by ISHE.
· I acknowledge that there will be no refunds for books purchased and no cancellation of this agreement.
· I understand that I may receive further instructions from ISHE regarding my participation.

Re: chinese "self development"....lillian too/ dr sha
Posted by: YHWH ()
Date: May 13, 2011 08:26AM

Please read about dr. Gang Sha in wikipedia and cult watchdog SITES to verify every claim I am making about dr. gang hi sha. Sha is not an author all books attributed to dr. sha were written and composed by over 100 volunteers. Sha euphemistically calls volunteers divine universal servants who labor for free for Sha LLC who made $228 million in '2010 as claimed in Sha wikipedia for Dr. Sha. 100 plus divine writers are channeled downloads then write brainstorm collectively and sign away all their intellectual rights to give Sha full authorship credit when Sha did not write any of his bestsellers. Sha books are promoted via book campaign by Sha followers and members who are urged to buy $1,500 plus to get prepaid karma cleansing downloads so sha manipulates to get on NY times best selling list. Sha has no conscience to see lapse in his ethical character. Sha managed to hoodwink public worldwide to enrich himself. Please verify my statements. Followers are afraid to reveal agenda and secrets because Sha warned them about spiritual retribution. Sha can remove their spiritual flowers.
I leave it in your hands to protect public and expose charlatan Sha for his devious scheme and money making racket. Public should not be lied to about authorship. That is plagiarism. In art attribution circle ghost written book inspired after school of Dr. Gang Sha. All editorial reviews were bought by promise of healings and blessings by Dr. Sha. Please verify. This is a true testimony. Help right the wrong by writing editorial review for ghost written Sha books are scams to give Sha credibility. Sha is shameless. A true luciferian from depths of hell.

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