zija - MORINGA
Posted by: moongoddess ()
Date: August 31, 2014 12:38AM

Beware this newish multi level marketing scheme. I have an acquaintance who is hooked in to this scheme and has totally changed from the person I once knew. I have recently had some health issues and had read some of her facebook posts about this product and thought I would like to try it. After an initial PM to her, I got that 'feeling' in my stomache because she did not answer my question directly (how much does this product cost?) but requested to have a phone call.....HMMM......
The phone call turned in to a MARKETING/Manipulation all, not really answering my initial question, again, but trying to get me to sign up as a distributor and encouraging me to spend a LOT of money to do so. Another person was brought in to the call to 'give me more information' as she had MORE experience. All in all the call/information sounded like an INFOMERCIAL kind of Stepford wives meet random new health product style.
Moringa on it's own can be purchased at any health food store at a reasonable price, BUT apparently ZIJA's product is better. Why you ask? well it can't be the major amounts of CAFFEINE infused in the product can it?
Beware folks, and always do research first!

Discussion on the Straight Dope message board
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: September 01, 2014 08:01AM

Discussion on the Straight Dope message board


Another discussion here.



Jeez, the internet has been astroturfed with zija ads
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: September 01, 2014 08:11AM

Friends, when an advertising campaign is this pervasive, smell a rat.

Also, a way to induce a light trance is to give a list of questions to which most human beings answer yes, yes, yes, yes.

This technique is called a "yes set".

Our friend The Anticult has warned of the dangers of ever being on the phone
with these types.

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