My experience with Vo. I hope this helps others.
Posted by: loverofchrist ()
Date: March 14, 2010 05:25AM

I debated whether to reply to this forum or not, but I read some of these responses and there seems to be a thread of a pattern. VO thrives on control and yes their motive is money. If they have changed, they need to make amends to everyone of these people they have wounded. They seem to leave of trail of wounded people and that is sign of spiritual abuse. So is control. I feel the people under them are brainwashed. You are to follow Sonny, and he has expressed that he is God and that it’s his visioln. That’s blasphemy.
My experience with them was so traumatizing that I’m lucky to be alive. I was never part of their ministry. I was going to marry someone under their ministry.
But I kept seeing things didn’t line up with the bible and at the time they were telling him what to do, and money was involved. He was a singer. Now I was under the assumption that we would enter into ministry. So in my naivety of course I trusted this person and the ministry until I saw things that were not lining up in the bible. (the fruits of their lives and the motives of their lives was pride oriented). They never made amends to any of the wounded people they wounded along the way. I found that strange for a humble ministry would have cared that they had wounded people. Now I read the story under the youth minster and I can tell you it’s accurate. They tried to run me out of town.
When I was going to stand up against what I endured which was incredibly traumatic. (See I almost married one of their members under the assumption that the friend of then my ex- fiancé (at that time) that I took in to my home under their persuasion (them knowing this male person had psychological issues).
I took him in my home briefly. Little did I know I would almost die. I was almost choked to death by that friend that they knew had issues. And I survived it and that was close three years ago. And yes their motive at that time was money they got from me quite a bit of money. I was never reimbursed for and should have been.

However the purpose speaking on this forum is be aware of what cultic tendencies are look for the signs, line it up with the bible if it don’t line up don’t become part of it. I read several posts that say they are not, but my perception they are.
They control, they manipulate and they brow beat with the word (they have strong legalism) Authoritarian behavior for Sonny rules the show. God would not have us ruled by a person, and these people are not free to listen to other ministers. The men in the home are brainwashed. They have to give all their money, And of course these people at the mercy of Vo.
They misuse their authority. The bible says they watch over their flock, not abuse them, not exploit them, not extort money from them. A true credible ministry would have made amends to those they wounded. The bible says do your neighbor no harm. Psalm 15:3 tells you to love your neighbor as yourself. When leaders abuse those under them they are not loving them, that’s not the fruit of love.

That is the fruit of manipulation. Not to mention why many of the women and men rebel after being under Vo. They have rebellion to authority because they have been spiritually abused. I’m sorry, these people need to go to every person they have ever wounded and apologize. The bible says if you your brother offends you, go to them before you bring your gift to the altar.

That’s pride to not say I’m sorry if I hurt you. If I extorted anything from you, I’ll give it back, and in my situation had I not known the Word, my life would have been in ruins. Even though I almost died, I am now a youth minister and teacher and I want to help others. Vo needs to make amends to many they have scarred.

They could start with that youth minister because Pride comes before a fall, but humility brings honor. I pray that many are healed. I am under an incredible pastor who has expresses love in everything he does. The bible says to put on love wear it like a cloak. Well denying that you have harmed someone is not putting on love and many have been harmed. I hope this helps someone.

I would like to add the bible shouldn't look to people for answers or direction. The word is the ultimate authority if a shepherd is not following the word. H'es not following God, he's folliwng himself.

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Re: My experience with Vo. I hope this helps others.
Posted by: raymondadam ()
Date: August 13, 2011 05:26AM

The trouble with churches like them is they twist the Word of God to fit their agendas. They exploit weak minded people and train the people in their homes to be dependent on them. Every week I would hear a testimony like this: "No other church would ever accept someone like me, but VO loves me!" Someone I love was trapped in that mindset for a long time.

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