Re: Ex members of John MacArthur's church
Posted by: kent101 ()
Date: November 02, 2018 08:38AM

bjw Wrote:
> I just wanted to say that the website "Watchman
> wakes in vain" that was mentioned by Bookwatch has
> a lot of good info that is surprising at first,
> but has been well -researched and cannot be
> ignored. Oh, and before anyone accuses me of
> being a shill, I do not know the people who
> compose this website nor have I had anything to do
> with putting it online. I have only had brief
> email correspondence with the webmasters and do
> not know them personally.
> Anyhow, if you are considering telling your story
> to someone this site may be a good place to start,
> as well as the present Cult Education Forum, which
> is more for describing the cultic actions of the
> group.
> One irony I've noticed is MacArthur's people have
> put up a couple blogs bashing this site, I can
> find links for you later if desired, that call it
> "conspiracy theory" and "tinfoil hat theology."
> The irony is both Lordship Salvation and Nouthetic
> Counseling are built on conspiracy theories. See
> earlier posts in this thread for what I mean.

I agree with your claims on what happened to you at the university and Lordship salvation. That watchmanwakesinvain website I don't think is helpful to your claims because it's a little too far out there for most people reading it. The KJV Onlyism that is promoted on the site I believe is wrong. Also, a lot of the conspiracy stuff is disturbing. I don't think MacArthur himself is a freemason since he preached a sermon against freemasonry. I don't think MacArthur is into Druidism. I admit that summer camp is disturbing to say the least. I think the person who did that site claiming wicked parents are face painting their children is stupid. I don't think anything is wrong with a parent doing face painting on their child. That just seems a little overboard and superstitious/conspiratorial to me. As for the Puritanical/cult behavior of GCC, I agree with you on many things.

Re: Ex members of John MacArthur's church
Posted by: Dejong ()
Date: November 26, 2018 06:10PM


Please see my experience with a promoter of GCC and GCC directly in a video on a brother’s channel. Please allow me to link to it and please share it with many others.



Re: Ex members of John MacArthur's church
Posted by: kent101 ()
Date: December 11, 2018 09:19AM

Your link doesn't show a video.

Re: Ex members of John MacArthur's church
Posted by: wackyjacky ()
Date: February 18, 2019 06:58AM

I love MacArthur.

Re: Ex members of John MacArthur's church
Posted by: kent101 ()
Date: February 19, 2019 10:06AM

In 2005 I came to realization I never read the entire Bible and didn't feel Christian enough. So I decided to read the entire Bible. This came after I was introduced to Lordship Salvation through Ray Comfort's Way Of The Master business. Then I got a MacArthur Study Bible.

Lordship Salvation caused me to think I hadn't been saved when I was a child because I was carnal. The next ten years after being in the Lordship Salvation mindset I had a lot of problems. The legalism caused me to feel bad after anything I said. I felt the need for repentance from simply saying the word "Hi." Afterwards I was wondering if I said it lovingly enough or not and other things.

That's what Lordship Salvation does to you. This type of legalism is horrendous. You'll think that since you read the entire Bible, studied a lot of theology and had some spiritual experiences that you're really growing spiritually.

Once I read Charles Ryrie's book So Great A Salvation I realized what happened to me. I realized what a legalist I had became. The false gospel of Lordship Salvation has caused many to work for their salvation.

John MacArthur said salvation is this -

Salvation isn't the result of an intellectual exercise. It comes from a life lived in obedience and service to Christ as revealed in the Scripture; it's the fruit of actions, not intentions. There's no room for passive spectators: words without actions are empty and futile.... The life we live, not the words we speak determines our eternal destiny.

This is nothing more than a false gospel. If you have fallen into Lordship Salvation I suggest you read Ryrie's book.


Re: Ex members of John MacArthur's church
Posted by: Dejong ()
Date: November 27, 2019 08:15PM

I just wanted to announce that I have successfully identified the man who took pics of my children as Anthony ‘Tony’ Burke, a man according to his facebook page friends with military intelligence, has a business selling sliding doors and doing home christmas decorations (like in a James Bond movie, eh?)

Re: Ex members of John MacArthur's church
Posted by: TrustGod7 ()
Date: May 28, 2020 10:37PM

I had attended Grace Family Bible Church in Heber, Utah for a several years. The pastor was a direct clone of John MacArthur in every detail.
He was so rigid and unloving to people so that he had difficulty retaining any members after seven years of shepherding this church plant, starting 2013.
He wasn't transparent, forgiving or empathetic in any way. He used Church Discipline to punish people, who disagreed with him in any way. His only interest is in making himself look good and taking advantage of members. This Grace Advance church plant is a personality cult, which inflicts spiritual abuse on the unsuspecting

Re: Ex members of John MacArthur's church
Posted by: umfs ()
Date: June 11, 2020 02:47PM

Thank you Rick for this opportunity to research with others the spiritual abuses evident in this tiny cultish church in Heber City Utah. The pastor, his wife, and absentee elder from another state (never having even visited this church) are in the process of destroying our marriage and family. In fact, the very name is an oxymoron as to it's actual activities which have hurt, offended, shunned, shamed, disciplined, and ejected those who haven't left. Over the 7 year history, perhaps almost 100 people have either joined or attended. Other than family members, they are down to 5 members. Yet, this church has an inexhaustible source of funding from 1 individual out of state, and the pastor has no oversight or accountability to elders, GCC, Master's seminary, or Grace Advance. He has become an authoritarian tyrant who has take my wife captive by his and his wife's influence tearing down our marriage for the past 4-5 years behind my back. Others who have been excommunicated or just left are too reticent to come forward to share their experiences. Please spread the word to stay clear of churches like this and let me know how to contact others who have experienced similar spiritual abuse by sociopaths such as this pastor. Thanks so much for helping me rescue my wife and family.

Re: Ex members of John MacArthur's church
Posted by: umfs ()
Date: June 11, 2020 02:49PM

are we to assume our comments are confidential?

Re: Ex members of John MacArthur's church
Posted by: shamrock ()
Date: June 14, 2020 09:29PM

On the Rajneesh thread [] I observed that Rajneesh communicates a subtext of "There's danger outside" > "To be safe, stick with me".

You can see John MacArthur use the same technique. In a talk titled "Saved or Self-Deceived, Part 1" [] he stirs up his audience's fears. His message goes like this: Beware! Other preachers may appear to be Christian, but they could be deceiving you! Listen to anyone other than me, and you could end up in hell!

It is the same technique as Rajneesh: "There's danger outside" > "To be safe, stick with me".

By communicating this message as a subtext rather than as an explicit proposition, they sneak the message into the minds of their followers, without anyone noticing what is happening.

This is how Rajneesh/MacArthur control people.

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