In 2005 I came to realization I never read the entire Bible and didn't feel Christian enough. So I decided to read the entire Bible. This came after I was introduced to Lordship Salvation through Ray Comfort's Way Of The Master business. Then I got a MacArthur Study Bible.
Lordship Salvation caused me to think I hadn't been saved when I was a child because I was carnal. The next ten years after being in the Lordship Salvation mindset I had a lot of problems. The legalism caused me to feel bad after anything I said. I felt the need for repentance from simply saying the word "Hi." Afterwards I was wondering if I said it lovingly enough or not and other things.
That's what Lordship Salvation does to you. This type of legalism is horrendous. You'll think that since you read the entire Bible, studied a lot of theology and had some spiritual experiences that you're really growing spiritually.
Once I read Charles Ryrie's book So Great A Salvation I realized what happened to me. I realized what a legalist I had became. The false gospel of Lordship Salvation has caused many to work for their salvation.
John MacArthur said salvation is this -
Salvation isn't the result of an intellectual exercise. It comes from a life lived in obedience and service to Christ as revealed in the Scripture; it's the fruit of actions, not intentions. There's no room for passive spectators: words without actions are empty and futile.... The life we live, not the words we speak determines our eternal destiny.
This is nothing more than a false gospel. If you have fallen into Lordship Salvation I suggest you read Ryrie's book.