Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: humblefollower ()
Date: May 18, 2007 02:47AM


I apologize...the all caps in one of my postings was intended to seperate my answers from the questions I copied and pasted from someone elses posting.

In my other one it was simply my version of bold.

Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: AbandonedbyRLC ()
Date: May 18, 2007 03:22AM

Someone from Radiant life please explain my post from 5-2-2007

Our child was attending the 3 year bible school SOMA and came home one day and asked to speak to my wife and I. Our child said that our ways are but filthy rags and no longer wanted to receive anything from us. Our child is going to become a spiritual son of the worship leader at the church. The worship leader is young man who recently married and is only 5-6 years older than our child.
Both my wife and I were stunned. I went to an elder that I was in a discipleship relationship with and asked him to clarify for me this new teaching. He pretty much said that this is a new revelation that God has shown the pastor and it was the pastor who taught this in SOMA. It is exactly what the pastor did with his parents when he was in collage....So we were told not to worry this will all blow over soon and God will work it out in His perfect timing. As my wife and I continued to seek the Lord and Pray for insight and wisdom we continued to hear and see several students do the same thing with their parents. 4 female students moved in with one of the associate pastors and renouncing the relationship they had with their parents.

I saw and incredible amount of hurt and pain in some of these parents and the spin that leadership put on it is when you have controlling parents this is very hard for them to accept that their children are growing up.
Now compare the post from Abused

[b:8182ec822d]2. Do members of the group seek to strengthen their family commitments? [/b:8182ec822d]
Nearly all unhealthy churches attempt to minimize the commitments of their members to their family, especially parents.
Young people may be told that they now have a new “spiritual” family, complete with leaders who will[u:8182ec822d] “re-parent” [/u:8182ec822d]them.
Church loyalty is seen as paramount, and family commitments are discouraged or viewed as impediments to spiritual advancement.

OK leadership From Radiant Life How do you account for this false teaching out of SOMA?

Why is the leadership is so silent and willing to sweep these people under the rug?

Why are you afraid to admit that this is just one example of a false teaching directly from the man of God, the pastor?

Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: Transparent ()
Date: May 18, 2007 04:55AM

Thank You! My point exactly............

RLC Leadership...DO explain. We all want to know!

Someone from Radiant life please explain my post from 5-2-2007

Our child was attending the 3 year bible school SOMA and came home one day and asked to speak to my wife and I. Our child said that our ways are but filthy rags and no longer wanted to receive anything from us. Our child is going to become a spiritual son of the worship leader at the church. The worship leader is young man who recently married and is only 5-6 years older than our child.
Both my wife and I were stunned. I went to an elder that I was in a discipleship relationship with and asked him to clarify for me this new teaching. He pretty much said that this is a new revelation that God has shown the pastor and it was the pastor who taught this in SOMA. It is exactly what the pastor did with his parents when he was in collage....So we were told not to worry this will all blow over soon and God will work it out in His perfect timing. As my wife and I continued to seek the Lord and Pray for insight and wisdom we continued to hear and see several students do the same thing with their parents. 4 female students moved in with one of the associate pastors and renouncing the relationship they had with their parents.

I saw and incredible amount of hurt and pain in some of these parents and the spin that leadership put on it is when you have controlling parents this is very hard for them to accept that their children are growing up.
Now compare the post from Abused

[b:4ed65979c8]2. Do members of the group seek to strengthen their family commitments? [/b:4ed65979c8]
Nearly all unhealthy churches attempt to minimize the commitments of their members to their family, especially parents.
Young people may be told that they now have a new “spiritual” family, complete with leaders who will[u:4ed65979c8] “re-parent” [/u:4ed65979c8]them.
Church loyalty is seen as paramount, and family commitments are discouraged or viewed as impediments to spiritual advancement.

OK leadership From Radiant Life How do you account for this false teaching out of SOMA?

Why is the leadership is so silent and willing to sweep these people under the rug?

Why are you afraid to admit that this is just one example of a false teaching directly from the man of God, the pastor?

Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: Abused ()
Date: May 18, 2007 08:48AM

[b:98a37a9f2a]Dear humblefollower
your right![/b:98a37a9f2a] It was Claypot that I was responding to. I am sorry for the mistake in identiy.
You said

When an arguement is made on a particular point, and an answer is given to that arguement...turning to personal attacks is an unfair way of handling anything. Typically it is thought to demonstrate a faulty position because it show you couldn't win your arguement on the facts alone and therefore needed to turn to personal attack as the only means to win(happens in marriages, relationships, court rooms... all the time)

I am not making personal attacks. If you think that I am then be specific in addressing what you think is a personal attack.

I will challenge you to get off the high horse and stop using the phrases like “This Question Is Faulty In That,” or “Assumes Facts Not Established” or you use the words “Faulty”, “Position” and so on. I don’t know what rules you ascribe to when debating and communicating with another person but your using an old and tired method of debate, that continually minimizes the opponent by re-qualifying the question or skirting around the issues and topics by devaluing the person asking the question or making the statement. This my friend is a subliminal method of making a personal attack. This is a classic liberal tactic used in politics. The motive is to frustrate the opponent and get your opponent to react with emotions is the goal. This method is often used by debate clubs especially when an opponent may be weak in the subject or has not done enough research.

This Blog, thread, and topic is not some high school debate team looking for a grade from an instructor!

The people here have legitimate first hand experiences with Radiant Life Church. People who have been hurt, abused, mistreated and taken advantage of.

I can count over 225 people who have been spiritually abused and hurt by the teachings and practices of the church leadership at Radiant Life Church. “Spiritual Parenting” “Spiritual Covering” and the “Apostolic Authority” have all been convoluted distorted and manipulated to take advantage of someone’s innocence and resources.

We want this activity to stop.

Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: Abused ()
Date: May 18, 2007 09:45AM

I believe that Radiant Life Church was a good church that got derailed about 4 or 6 years ago. I believe that Radiant Life Church has become a victim to the false teachers and these teachings line up with the words of Jesus found in Revelations. There are believers who have not compromised their faith and have not denied there faith in Christ. There are some who have gone over board delving into the spiritualization of your past and handing out unfounded spiritual advice and prophetic counsel. 6 years ago Discipleship was the spurring on of one another however the false teaching of Spiritual Parenting slipped in along with the Apostolic Authority pointing Tony as an Apostle. The Spiritual Parenting is one of those teachings that is partly an embarrassment to the leadership and yet if your in the inter-circle Spiritual Parenting is like your secret code to be in the know.

My hearts desire is for the leadership to repent and let the Lord restore the lamp stand. That the many people who have been spiritually abused and hurt would receive a true reconciliation. And for the ones who don’t repent that they be identified as false teachers false prophets.

I have made the following observations that many people in the church see Jesus as the tall and handsome guy wearing a white robe neatly trimmed beard sitting on a rock as he teaches the beatitudes to a crowd of about 70+ people. There are several children around him listening intently as cute little bunny rabbits hopping around, little birds and butterflies gently pass by. And it was those mean bad paradises that had him crucified and now he is seated up in the clouds looking down on us.

That is the image they cling to, they don’t want to see is the same Jesus who over turned the money changers pulled out a whip and drove out the money changers from the temple! They don’t want to see the same Jesus beaten and crucified… They don’t want to see the same Jesus who broke through sin and death so that we could have life. And they don’t want to recognize that this same Jesus who was resurrected is coming back soon said; “I am the Alpha and the Omega—the beginning and the end,”* says the Lord God. “I am the one who is, who always was, and who is still to come—the Almighty One.

In Revelation
the Lord Jesus Christ said o the church in Ephesus
2:6 “but this is in your favor: You hate the evil deeds of the Nicolaitans, just as I do.”
And in 2:15 “In a similar way, you have some Nicolaitans among you who follow the same teaching.”
the Lord Jesus Christ told his servant john that he "hated" the Nicolaitians.
This is a spirit of pride, iniquity arrogance that dwells in so-called Clergy that set themselves as the King Pin & Hierarchy of their church or congregation.
in verse 2:20 Jesus says "But I have this complaint against you. You are permitting that woman—that Jezebel who calls herself a prophet—to lead my servants astray....But I also have a message for the rest of you in Thyatira who have not followed this false teaching (‘[u:fd757fffd3]deeper truths,[/u:fd757fffd3]’ as they call them—depths of Satan, actually)."

This is an incredible journey and the insight that I am gleaning from Revelations chapters 1-3 it is incredible and astounding! As I have looked at Radiant Life Church and weigh in evidence and the accusations and add my own personal experience with this church I still have a problem with calling this church a cult. Their may be some cult like tendencies that would mirror true cults. Specifically, the manipulation of scriptures, focusing on the obedience from the people,

It is simply a church that has gone sideways.

Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: Transparent ()
Date: May 18, 2007 09:53AM

I believe that the Religious Leaders of that time responded to Christ in a way that people are responding everytime you talk about their god "Tony". If Chrsit were to physically walk into the doors of Radiant Life Church....I believe He would leave in sadness to the sick who need a doctor. I believe he would be so disgusted with the hate people show towards the ones needing to hear the true and living gospel. I know I will get reasponses from You Pharisees of this church RLC. Those two who are HumbleFolower and Claypot are probably boiling up inside because I am exposing the misteachings of your "Spiritual Daddy".....I have to be honest....Afterall.......The Truth Hurts!!!

Later On People...I'll be reading as new topics are posted and will definetly be in response to your accusations of me supposedly slandering. If you want my address....I'll give it to you and my phone number.

That's sarcasm with a serious challenge.

Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: Transparent ()
Date: May 18, 2007 09:58AM

check out this link....it's a little comical but it is true as to what's happening in Radiant Life Church


Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: humblefollower ()
Date: May 18, 2007 05:02PM

I wasn't refering to you in regard to the personal attacks.

I was.

My approach to disscusion revolves around the belief that we should limit the amount of "hearsay" & assumptions leading to assumed conclusions, that as far as my bible reads is gossip, and approach everything from a factual basis.

Making assumptions would be easier, believe me. I'm fairly confident that I could assume my way into "profiling" each one of you. However, that would simply turn the possible usefulness of this message board into a ciclical game of "who can come up with the most challenging posting", which, if that is the case, I will cancel my login and find something more productive to do.

However, if with each question asked, and each answer give, we make progress through the misunderstanding and even the truths (good and bad) of RLC, then this becomes extremely helpful, and therefore worth all of our time.

Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: humblefollower ()
Date: May 18, 2007 05:07PM


Those two who are HumbleFolower and Claypot are probably boiling up inside because I am exposing the misteachings of your "Spiritual Daddy".....

If you are going to remain in this discussion, how is a statement like this helpful to your position?

You do not even know who I am, nor what my personal perspective of Tony is.

Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: humblefollower ()
Date: May 18, 2007 05:09PM

Does anyone know what the typical attrition rate for most churches is?

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