Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: Free2bme ()
Date: August 21, 2008 09:36AM

I was perusing through the last couple of days of posts and all I can say is wow!!!! Welcome Justin & Manderly, Jen, Andrea, Mary, Keeping it Real and TXB2God. Our testimonies are so different yet very much the same. This has been good for me. I know as humans we want and need validation. One thing I learned from one of my previous pastors (not RLC) is that 'hurt people hurt people'. In sharing these testimonies my eyes have been opened up to other people's pain. I had been so steeped in my own pain I was unable to see the hurts of others. Now it is all making sense to me. The last couple of days I have been in supervisory training and I have learned more about myself and others. One comment that was made was this, "The worst thing you can do to a person is ignore them, make them feel like they don't exist". That hit me hard as a remember life (or shall I say death) at RLC. It didn't matter how much I did or didn't do, the fact of the matter is that I didn't exist. After over 8 years of active attendence at RLC, I did not receive one phone call after we left. Once we stepped out of PCare leadership, we did not get contacted for 8 months. As I sat around in ministry and discipleship situations and people would be honored on their birthdays or whatever, I sat and watched. I didn't exist. I remember when I switched disciplers and started with Mera it was a wonderful change. (Heidi, your mom is great!) The first Christmas she brought me a gift, a crystal bowl. I cried. I couldn't believe that someone in leadership would actually give me a gift. I told her that she was the only one in leadership that ever made me feel like I had any value. This may all sound real petty, but the feelings I had were real. I wanted to feel like I belonged to something.

I am grateful to God that He has surrounded me with positive, uplifting and encouraging people. At work, home and church I am surrounded by a very nurturing environment. My God is good and he knows what we need. He knew that I had been overwhelmed with teaching on what a wretch I am and I needed time to understand now that I am a daughter of the King!!! I know He has watched over me and yes, as I look back, I see His footprints in the sand.

Love and blessings to you all,

Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: BraveHeart ()
Date: August 21, 2008 10:16AM

trasparent good observation I'm wondering if Tony watch Sponge Bob Squair Pants he could over spiritulalise that show too.

Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: JPhillips ()
Date: August 21, 2008 12:19PM

My name is Jessica Phillips..formerly Michalak..I am Matt's sister - Shane & Mary's daughter and Brandon, Tara and Bridget's cousin. I only attended one service at RLC 8 years ago..but never came back. The reason I chose not to return was because of the change I saw in my family members' demeanor. I had actually been hanging out with my cousin Bridget quite a bit prior to her attending RLC..but she went on a trip with her family and came back engaged and very much a part of the church. At this point, it wasn't the church I had a problem with. I was concerned that these people that I had grown up with were robotic..they were shells of the people I had known and loved all of my life...
Over the next several years, hurtful decisions were made that confused and tore our family apart. We come from a very LARGE family that continues to grow every year, thank God, and we had always been tight knit. I grew up with all of my cousins..and each holiday season promised a house filled with family, stories, raised eyebrows and laughs. Since RLC entered the picture, the closeness has deteriorated. My brother and cousins made decisions that baffled those of us on the outside. We were treated as secondary to Tony and Rose..and we heard their names often. Father's Day was a day for Tony..the once bustling holidays were now quiet with most of our family at Tony & Rose's.
I had never even met Tony and Rose, but I began to hate them. Though I struggled, I prayed and kept my mouth shut (for the most part, right Matt? ;) ) but God is SO good. I remember my sisters and I so upset..saying that we preferred the gang banger Matt to this new RLC version..we never thought he or Sarah would break free. But we kept praying. The day my brother told me he was done with RLC, I nearly fell to my knees and praised God. The Matt I know now is just like I remember him..but wise beyond his years. I see how the Lord is using this painful experience to lift Matt and Sarah (and Bridget) even higher than they once were. They are changed people. Each time I talk to my brother, I am blown away by what God has done and what he continues to do.

I still have family at RLC, and if you are reading this Tara & TJ or Brandon & Analyn- know that we LOVE you and we are praying for you - that the Holy Spirit will guide you and show you truth. There is no shame in admitting defeat. We aren't your spiritual family. We are your God given blood family..and we will never turn our backs on you or leave you. We haven't yet, have we? Remember Grandma's funeral 2 years ago? Uncle Wayne talked about the legacy our grandparents left us..and how Grandma prayed each night that her children and her children's children would be spiritual warriors. I believe that is what we are, and that is what you are destined to be. You just need to point your "arrow" in the right direction. God will help you. We will help you. Do not be afraid.

You know the truth, trust God that he will give you the power to do that which He has called you to. Listen to Him. You will have your ginormous family waiting for you with open arms, ready to celebrate!!

Until then, we will be storming Heaven praying for you and all of your friends and loved ones at RLC to be SET FREE!

Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: Deja Vu ()
Date: August 21, 2008 01:49PM

In all of these postings, I want to say that I am overwhelmed at what I am seeing. I spoke with a few people today and am hearing of so many great testimonies of relationships being restored. It is amazing to me that when I attended RLC, relationships became burdensome and competitive. Most of them were shallow at best and other relationships that were solid and put into place by God were divided and brutally severed. All those who have left, though it has taken time, are being reconciled. Is it easy? No, of course not. We are working through abandonment issues, trust issues, traitor issues, wounds from backstabbing, forgiveness or lack of forgiveness issues and ultimately a love issue. I am realizing that God is a God of restoration and of relationship. I feel like he is so delighted in what is happening. His timing is perfect, though many of us cannot understand the "Why" behind his purpose. I was at lunch today with Matt and Kevin and at one point, I got tears in my eyes when Matt was telling me about some recent reconciliation between some family members. Now..., I am not one who is very empathetic, but I cannot help but be moved. I guess it is the Joy of Christ who is in me and feels liberated to express Himself in me.

I know for a fact that God is at work and all of us are heading for an encounter of the Holy Spirit like we have never had. Why? I believe its because God is Sovereign and wants to give him to us. Second, because of reconciliation with his bride. Third, because of your freedom that you are experiencing. It is hard work, but WOW! It's worth it. I sense great things are coming. Blame me for being all "hyper spiritual" and shit, but I really don't care. God is on the move and is restoring his people and I am loving it. He is exposing all of this crap and we have the blessed privilege of being those who get to see it and participate in it.



Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: kevinreta ()
Date: August 21, 2008 04:56PM

I love this Forum!!! Thank you Rick Ross for providing an avenue for us to simply share and MR. rrmodulator for all your work too. Bless you guys!!!

I feel like when it's time we should have a big ole exodus party no agenda, no schedule, just lots of food some drank and tons of hugs and love.


EVERYBODY SAY YEEEAAAA BOY!! (rodney o and joe cooley) i know you got that mr. Antonio:)

I am soo excitied. I am watching the organization Radiant Life Church falling crumbling to nothing and the people rising up and becoming a real army fighting for eachother and the oppressed. Hey Tone is this what you visioned? Truley a church without walls. I love it!!!!!

Hey Bridgey ya gonna post girl? Your story is so powerful! I love it! It actually helped me! Come on girl! Post Post Post Post.... :) i am so proud of you and the more i'm out the more i see how fucked up i was and how fucked up Tony's stupid teachings were. ooopps did Pastor Kevin just cuss? NOPE Kevin Efrain Reta just cussed! beotch!

ahhhhhh i can just be me and i don't care if you like me cuz i like me and Jesus love me...:) the freedom it feels so good.

Guys wanna know something.. i just wrote a spontanous song of truth..wanna hear it ..hear it go... Radiant Life is falling down, falling down, falling down,..Radiant Life is falling down my fair and just Jesus!

Thank you God you are bringing down a kingdom of Relgion and a spirit of Control. And you are setting the captives FREE.

Hey Tony God really does hear your prayers he is setting us free from relegion. Thank you Tony for praying for me! I am free from Religon!

hey forum pals what happens if God sets Tony free from Relegion do you think he will Post?

What do you think Tony? Would you post?

I never could figure out why I always felt so sick in my tummy when i was around him. like a fear sick. I could never be me. It wasn't like the peace i experience with the Holy Spirit!

Bridget had ya not gone a lil crazy for a bit I would never have been out of that CULT. I owe you, you saved me, thank you Bridget. still love ya :)

Hey Aaron Clay you out there Homie? Your a good man Mr.Clay, a great man!

Matt and Ryan bless you guys thanks for being my friend.

And to all who are hurting I sincerly apologize if my freedom sounds like arrogance. But if you knew me when i was a Pastor at RLC i never was able to truley be who i am today. I hope my comments stir up the courage in you to see that there is a great movement of God's people happening and part of this movement is that we are becoming who he has destined us to be, Kings!

Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: Juice ()
Date: August 21, 2008 10:29PM

Hello everyone, this is my first post and I want to thank all of you for your testimonies. I went to RLC for 15 years and met a lot of good people over those years. The sad part is how many of those people were HURT over time. My testimony is I was always told that I was not good enough and my family was too worldly. Every time I thought I was going in the direction God wanted me to go, it was brought to my attention by those over me there was something else wrong with me. Being blinded by the pursuit of man and not God, I would do what they said and try to become something “not sure what”. God finally opened my eyes and God took the fear of man out of me and I started to see things differently. What I saw was not good. People were leaving the church because they were being hurt. I saw people being raised up and they looked like a bunch of puppets. They put stipulations on us as leaders on how to care for under us. I couldn’t do it. God did not do that to me or my family and I did not want to do that to others. If I have hurt people out there I am truly sorry and ask that you would please forgive me. Matt and Sara I would like to say YOU ARE NOT DANGEROUS. I consider you guys to be two of my closest friends. Matt you know me probably better than most people, and know that I do not take friendship lightly. I will always be there for you and your family. I would like to say hi to Andrea and Ethan, Mario and Karen, Ryan and Lisa, ANTONIO what up? Bill and Jen, Kevin Reta, and to all of you who share, thank you. I NEED MY BITTERNESS TO GO AWAY. PEACE.

Mike Majewski

Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: kevinreta ()
Date: August 22, 2008 01:47AM

mike, you are so good with me. You have always been a man of generosity and coolness. I love your family and I miss you guys. sorry wade for always trying to get you to put "church" first then sports. I am realizing you don't have to be part of a relegious organization to walk with your Father. I enjoyed getting to know you. And meagan thanks for all those times you watched our lil ones, you are a very special and wonderful daughter to an amazing mom and dad.

as hard as things have been for everyone it really sounds as if everyone is getting closer to God and closer to those who love them.

Bless you all

Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: Escapee07 ()
Date: August 22, 2008 04:24AM

A thought from my lunch time drive.

What if we actually took the things we knew were true and right and put them into practice?? What if we started to live to love the people around us. What if we lived to serve. What if we actually gave all we had to the poor. What if we cared for the widows and the orphans. What if we expect nothing back. What if we set aside our discomfort and loved the "unlovable" What if in doing these things we become more like Christ?? Wouldn't we heal into stronger Christians that are ambassadors for Christ???

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/22/2008 04:25AM by Escapee07.

Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: BraveHeart ()
Date: August 22, 2008 07:38AM

A thought from my lunch time drive.

What if we actually took the things we knew were true and right and put them into practice?? What if we started to live to love the people around us. What if we lived to serve. What if we actually gave all we had to the poor. What if we cared for the widows and the orphans. What if we expect nothing back. What if we set aside our discomfort and loved the "unlovable" What if in doing these things we become more like Christ?? Wouldn't we heal into stronger Christians that are ambassadors for Christ???

it sounds like you read "The New Testiment Gamble" by John Lynch

For many of us we have suffered much at the hands of Tony. Yet as much as it has cost some i.e. there children and spouce. let me clarify that we hate the sin that is being purpertrated upon the believers. I for one will not roll over and play dead nor will I tolorate these wolves in sheeps clothing to continue to distroy families. my heart cry has always been for reconcilation for Tony to own up to this evil and take responsibility for what he has done to the saints at RLc.
I believe Tony should step down from being a pastor he should not be allowed to teach or pose as an apostle or prophet.

Yes there are penilties to our actions and I have to trust God at how that unfolds.

dwelling on the "what if" can lead me to worry, so I chose to deal with the "what is"

Re: Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: Escapee07 ()
Date: August 22, 2008 07:52AM

A thought from my lunch time drive.

What if we actually took the things we knew were true and right and put them into practice?? What if we started to live to love the people around us. What if we lived to serve. What if we actually gave all we had to the poor. What if we cared for the widows and the orphans. What if we expect nothing back. What if we set aside our discomfort and loved the "unlovable" What if in doing these things we become more like Christ?? Wouldn't we heal into stronger Christians that are ambassadors for Christ???

it sounds like you read "The New Testiment Gamble" by John Lynch

For many of us we have suffered much at the hands of Tony. Yet as much as it has cost some i.e. there children and spouce. let me clarify that we hate the sin that is being purpertrated upon the believers. I for one will not roll over and play dead nor will I tolorate these wolves in sheeps clothing to continue to distroy families. my heart cry has always been for reconcilation for Tony to own up to this evil and take responsibility for what he has done to the saints at RLc.
I believe Tony should step down from being a pastor he should not be allowed to teach or pose as an apostle or prophet.

Yes there are penilties to our actions and I have to trust God at how that unfolds.

dwelling on the "what if" can lead me to worry, so I chose to deal with the "what is"

Never actually read that book. Never heard of that book.
I was thinking outloud. I agree that there should be consquences for the actions and teachings. Not even a question about it. I was thinking more in lines with how we can move on and live or lives for Christ and how that might aid in the healing process. Like I said I was thinking about this at lunch and wanted to share. It was kinda what came to me when I was thinking about ways that I have started the healing and ways that would continue it for me. Everything I typed previous would be a tremendous change in how I live and do things.
It kind of stemmed from this, at RLC we were taught to give and to serve. The only thing is was we were taught to give to and serve the Leaders.
This what ifs were not meant to cause stress or worries, they were more for me atleast, thought provoking. That is why I shared.

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