For the life of me I cant not understand is what his followers believe in, after the collapse of Tony’s church empire?
Why would anyone with half a brain still follow this charlatan?
After seeing the devastating fallout of what one false teacher can do to so many living souls here in Elk Grove, Sacramento, Marysville Washington and Coos Bay Oregon, his fruit has made more Agnostics, Atheist and False Converts! linning his pockes all the way.
What I don't understand is how complacent and apathetic some ex-members can be including some of the pastors here in Elk Grove. They never openly and honestly talk about what went wrong and why or how to guard your self from wolves like Tony. False Teachers - Wolves that slip into a church to steel kill and destroy.
Are ex-members and the Christian church in general learning from this event or are they enabling these false teachers by being silent?
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/10/2012 04:14AM by BraveHeart.