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Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: humblefollower ()
Date: May 18, 2007 05:55PM


The words "Spiritual Parenting" are a form of branding (Branding is the proprietary visual, emotional, rational, and cultural image associated with a company or a product) a particular teaching laid out in the Bible in numerous places throughout. (In other words, the term itself is not found in the Bible, but it is used to identify a series of scriture passages and what they were intented to communicate)

Within RLC, churches in general, businesses, and just about any organization that has any form of authority structure -- often times a teaching or instruction is presented, and subsequently misunderstood by the reciever to mean something different (in philosiphy and/or in practice). Now once the reciever begins to walk in what they believe they were taught, and chaos unfolds, they might communicate that they were taught this. Were they taught something...? yes. Was what they were taught, ultimately acted out in a manner consistant with what was actually taught? not often...many times to a very damaging degree.

Were students of SOMA taught to disown their parents? No
Were they taught to get new ones? No

Students were taught that not everything recieved while growing up was right, or consistant with the kingdom of God. And as adults, they were now the responsible party in regard to their own spiritual health, and ability to please and obey God.
They were also taught that though it is impossible to "re-live" your up-bringing, to undo that which wasn't helpful, that it is possible for them to choose now what they recieve, and from where they recieve it.

I am a first hand wittness to many individuals abusing what they percieved they had learned, and they ended up abusing many undeserving people along the way. I can tell that you (AbandonedbyRLC) are one of them. My children inturpreted this teaching as an easy fix to their already strained relationships with their parents. My "authorities" used it as a means to rape more authority out of those who trusted them by asking for people to recieve from them...oh, maybe never forcing them, but definately creating a "class" system among those they led (i.e. the more authority you give me, the more relationship I give you). Did that abuse go as high a level as elders/pastors? yes, it did. Did even teachers, who misunderstood/manipulated the teaching they had recieved, teach something other than the truth? yes
And it was wrong.

I am also a first hand wittness to the rebuking of elders, pastors, and teachers along with students who twisted this instruction and abused it. Therefore I know it is not endorsed by RLC, nor by Tony.

The four female students, though I am unclear as to exactly what they said to their parents, chose to do something as adults. They may have been wrong in how they did it (they may not have, I don't know), but they did have that choice. One thing I know for a fact is that upon making that decision, they were required, as a rule of living there, to honor their parents and to spend weekly time with them. A neglecting of that was grounds enough to be asked to leave the house.

I personally know three of them and have asked along the way how their relationship with their parents was... each report was progressively better. Many of them "hated, despised, argued, wanted never to be like" their parents before they moved out. Beautifully, their perspectives have changed to desiring a more respectful, loving, and more fulfilling relationship with their parents.
Was it difficult? yes Was it done perfectly all the time? No

On a side note though, the spin you are refering to (controlling parents-hard to let go) you find that possibilty completely unfounded?

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Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: Transparent ()
Date: May 18, 2007 08:18PM

Wow......Humblefollower! Thank you for your enlighteneing "Spiritual Words" which few people on this planet can't understand. Just speak out in plain english.....where I come from we don't understand your language......We speak it differently. It's called the language of ordinary guys and gals...I don't need you to speak like Tony to me....Nor do any of these others. We don't need you to use a hyper-spiritual form of english. Say it straight. Where I come from.....That's how we do it. Only God knows why we are all here posting. Not to be rude but to be blunt with you.....If it wasn't for Jesus Christ.....I'd mop you up right now! You aren't putting me to shame in this actions are very clear in that you want to make me look foolish because I don't speak the eloquent words of the Anglo man! And basicall you said again....that we don't know what your position is or opinion is of Tony Cunningham. So with all your fancy spiritual words.....Tell me and the others where you stand in regards to your support of Tony. I want to know everything that you feel about Tony.

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Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: humblefollower ()
Date: May 19, 2007 02:25AM

Tony is a man

Tony has a geuine desire to please the Lord

Tony prays and recieve insight into the ways of God and applies them first to his life, and secondly teaches them to others

Tony does not take the approach of attacking those who attack him, but his first response is to go before the Lord and ask if he has sinned, or done wrong that has brought this on him. If yes, he repents. If no, then he walks in the confidence that only comes to those who know that they walk before God clean (not perfect)

Tony is a sinful man in need of the same saving grace as you and I

Tony is a person who deserves from me the same grace, love, and encouragement that was extented to me from the Lord.

Tony uses his mind to think logically and strategically on many practical thing. He however runs into trouble with those who do not think in that manner and there by think that he is arrogant

Tony is a man who succeeds and fails. He has done both to me. That is because he is a man. If I have any hope of recieveing forgiveness from God then I am required to give it. If I any hope of recieveing love, then I must even love my enemy.

My bible never says for us to ask for forgiveness (it says repent). It does however say that forgiveness is a power that God has given to each believer to give to everyone we can. And by doing so we are then able to recieve it.

Paul even talks about the fear that some are using the preaching of the gospel for their own gain. His response to that is "no worries, as long as Christ is preached, all is good and God if totally able to sort it out in the end" (not a quote)

So if your position is that everyone at RLC is out for personal gain(which I do not believe, and I believe the evidence is clear on) then no worries mate, God IS bigger than that and what really should be said to all those you feel are hurt is, forgive them, move on with life... it is in their power and is the only thing able to prevent a life of bitterness and anger. (this idea isn't even an exclusive biblical idea...therapists use it all the time)

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Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: humblefollower ()
Date: May 19, 2007 02:59PM

They have a School of Ministry & Arts that charges 18,000 for a total of three's UNACCREDITED. There is no diploma, no accredidation, nothing.quote]

Just a corrections from an earlier post:

SOMA charges a tuition of $3000.00 a year for three years equaling $9000.00.

Is is unaccredited. It offers what would be the equivalent of a certificate program you might take at a trade school.

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Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: Transparent ()
Date: May 19, 2007 11:19PM

To get everybody's attention: SOMA is pushed very hard at this church...I have heard the conversations because that's all I've done for the past 4 years is observe...I have listened to private conversations....I have planted bugs under the tables of their in house coffeee shop are. I have placed small tracking and recording devices in various places and what I saw and heard is not very healthy...I have been investigating this church for the past 4 years now....So believe me....The elders, the leadership, the inner circle cover up alot of crap to make people feel loved. But later on down the road these people get "Spiritually Abused".

That is what I have a problem with....All of Tony's Idealogy........Nothing I hear come from his mouth is even close to personal revelation from the Lord.

Investigations are in progress and have been as we speak!

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Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: humblefollower ()
Date: May 20, 2007 09:40PM

Fellow People,

I've decide to stop logging on here and to move on with other things. I believe that there are many things that each of us can give our time to as a way of bettering life...for me, this is not one of them.

In parting however I wanted to share something I read:
A recent study found that those who feel as if they have been taken advantage of, exploited, or wronged, substancially increase the risk of heart failure.

I was thinking about this stat and realized really how important forgiveness is (If for no other reason than your own health!). Don't you think if God wanted us to be upset over being wronged that he would have attached some sort of health benefit, not a higher risk factor for death?

Forgiveness doesn't mean you have to attend RLC. You don't even have to think about RLC. It doesn't even mean if someone asks you about it you have to recommend it. However, if you're going out of your way because you are hurt to speak of the wrong done, or if you simply think you're the voice for all those who won't speak, bear in mind....You are sacrificing something(your health) to maintain your position. How much better to spend the very few years we have on this planet looking for the good around us...and posting messages about that.

I apologize if anything I said over the course of my messaging offended anyone...that was not my intent.
I am the furthest from being perfect. I have hurt many myself in this life...So many that I couldn't even remember all them let alone go to eachone and ask for forgiveness. One thing I know is that God has control over everything, and I have control over me...No one else does. So I can take the blame for what I've done...and move forward with life. Can those who are hurt take it, forgive it, and move on with their life? I promise (on the truth of the word of God) that life will go so much better for those who choose to.

Differing opinions are one of the beauties of humanity.

Forgiveness is one of the beauties of God.

Be free as I hope to be free someday

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Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: May 20, 2007 10:16PM


It seems that when people disagree with you and/or post information you don't want made public you wish to leave.

But not before attempting to get in something like the last word, or is that more like the last threat?

Your last post reads like the remarks of an "Internet troll," i.e. someone attempting to subvert a message board by discouraging others from posting.

You then make the incredible claim that you are supposedly concerned about the "health" of people posting here.

The "study" you cite, which is never really identified by title and publication, you say supports your contentions. Summing it up--people that were abused and/or exploited should shut up or "risk" "heart failure"

Quite the contrary, as numerous cited studies by experts have repeatedly demonstrated, discussing and sorting through such situations is helpful and leads to a more rapid recovery.

See []

And also see []

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Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: humble yourself ()
Date: May 21, 2007 02:35AM

This is for humblefollower looks like you cant handle the truth, what you said in one of your last post that basically you are trying to curse people and you call yourself a humblefollower, or shall I say that yes you are a hunblefollower but not following the living God but following your "god tony cunningham" you seem like you know the Bible but dont take the Bible to the heart, the word of God says to bless those who curse, I bless you. One day you will see the truth about tony cunnungham that he controlls the minds of the so called elders and so called pastors, because God is not going to put up with tony's crap too long. The leaders of Radiant Life Church just needs to repent and turn away from sin, like having sexual realtionships with young girls, and the most shameful part of that is these so called leaders call these young girls as their daughters, but having and entertaining immoral thoughts in their minds and in their hearts. What goes around comes around, and tony cunningham is in big trouble because he has FOUR DAUGHTERS, and oneday some old man like Tony Cunningham will take his girls and sleep with them, than what is tony going to do about that. Word to Tony Cunningham turn away from your sin, God is saying "Pharaoh let my people go", translated in today's term "Tony let Gods people go". Humblefollower please advice "your god"tony cuuningham to read my posts.

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Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: Abused ()
Date: May 21, 2007 03:33AM

to humbelfowler
thank you for your testimony of personal experiences you have had with Tony. Reading through your posting it gives all the readers of this blog an ability to see the loyality and unbridaled devotion to the teachings of Tony.

I agree with

I would ask that you sit down with me and talk about the reputation that Radiant Life has developed in the Elk Grove - Sacramento area.

why would a church who had so many relationships with other churches and appear to be so on fire be isolated? why are the relationships all broken off?

Radiant Life is like a buss running without breaks and I will make it my mission to warn people of the busses condition.

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Has Anyone Ever Heard of Radiant Life Church in Sacramento
Posted by: Transparent ()
Date: May 21, 2007 04:56AM

You have obviously said it right Abused! I am in total agreement. What it felt like as if HumbleFollower was getting offended with me becuase I wqas pointing out the issue of idolatry. I was once told years ago....when you expose the garbage someone is holding it makes them uneasy.....I mean we all have garbage in our lives...but I knwo this....Light shines and pierces darknes......

to humbelfowler
thank you for your testimony of personal experiences you have had with Tony. Reading through your posting it gives all the readers of this blog an ability to see the loyality and unbridaled devotion to the teachings of Tony.

I agree with

I would ask that you sit down with me and talk about the reputation that Radiant Life has developed in the Elk Grove - Sacramento area.

why would a church who had so many relationships with other churches and appear to be so on fire be isolated? why are the relationships all broken off?

Radiant Life is like a buss running without breaks and I will make it my mission to warn people of the busses condition.

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