Re: TPC Leadership repent, seek forgiveness, and tell the truth
Date: April 11, 2009 10:19AM

1 Corinthians 4:5 (Amplified Bible)
5So do not make any hasty or premature judgments before the time when the Lord comes [again], for He will both bring to light the secret things that are [now hidden] in darkness and disclose and expose the [secret] aims (motives and purposes) of hearts. Then every man will receive his [due] commendation from God.

Ephesians 5:11 (Amplified Bible)
11Take no part in and have no fellowship with the fruitless deeds and enterprises of darkness, but instead [let your lives be so in contrast as to] [a]expose and reprove and convict them.

We can only pray that Lord Jesus will appear to Pastor Mike and the Leadership of TPC and show them the error of their ways before it is too late. Secrecy, ignoring the elephant, and refusal to allow the body to question events that are known to all is wrong. We that have left TPC are now faced with the only avenue left to us and that is to live our lives for Jesus in such a way as to expose, reprove, and convict TPC leadership. If you served in any capacity at TPC, serve the Lord Jesus more now in your new church home. If you were faithful to the tithe at TPC, tithe your 10% at your new church home. Live your life according to the Word of God, for in doing so you will do what elders at Turning Point have told us that others who have left have not been able to do. We will prosper and the Lord will bless us so that we can be a light to others at TPC who may be on the fence about leaving, but who have listened to what some have said about the lack of prosperity to TPC members who have left.

Bear good fruit. Help others, even if that is only helping someone carry their groceries in the house because it is raining and two can get the job done twice as fast. Next August if you know a family, who didn’t take advantage of Summer Jubilee, drop off a back pack stuffed with school supplies for their child and say God knew you didn't make it by Summer Jubilee so he asked me to drop this off for you now. Small random acts of kindness do matter.

Finally, turn this over to God. Pastor Mike and the TPC Elders cannot repay any of us the hurt, disappointment, and pain they have caused. Forgive them anyway, and then turn it over to God. If in time they ask for forgiveness, then you can say it was already given, but if they want the forgiveness we all have already given them then they must look to the Father and the Son for it. Leaving this in the Lord’s hands is the healthiest thing we can do for ourselves. Let the Lord judge, let us all move on and be the best children of God that we each can possibly be and do the work that our God given talents allows us to do.

I can assure you a ministry of small things is not small to our Lord Jesus Christ. Any pair of hands which spends time working for the Kingdom of God or to be a shining example of God's goodness and glory is just as important as any other pair of hands no matter the ministry.

Daughter of Dorcas

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/11/2009 10:22AM by Daughter of Dorcas.

Re: TPC Leadership repent, seek forgiveness, and tell the truth
Posted by: LearningPoint ()
Date: April 11, 2009 12:11PM

Painfuljourney, can you can you explain why you included this testimony? You didn't comment on it. I'm curious to know your "take" on it.

I did some poking around about Dr. Chan, because I had heard something about the Agape Renewal Ministry in my reading elsewhere, and I wanted to refresh my memory. Sadly, the man who wrote the testimony you posted has traded in his Prosperity/Word-Faith false doctrine for the false doctrine of the New Apostolic Reformation. His hero, Dr. Chan, is a member of the ICA (International Coalition of Apostles), as listed on their membership roster online:

International Coalition of Apostles
Membership Directory
December 2008

Ernest Chan
Agape Renewal Ministry
Pomona CA

I don't say this to discredit any truth in the testimony, but only to demonstrate how we can trade in one lie for another. I urge everyone on the forum to read up on these movements and to be alert. This one in particular is permeating the evangelical church and is going to suck a large portion of the church into following after mere men who will claim to be God's own voice, directing and leading the church, but who will be exalting themselves in a very subtle but strong and effective way (which they are already doing). This Apostolic movement is the movement Mike is wanting to be a part of, as well. The ones leading it believe their word is tantamount to the Word of God. Those who oppose them and point to scripture are said to have "a religious spirit." BEWARE OF TRADING IN ONE FALSEHOOD FOR ANOTHER.

Jesus told us to be shrewd as serpents, innocent as doves, so as we look for truth in what's out there, it's good to also have the old "lie detector" turned on. As I was reading the testimony, I had this RED FLAG! Why did the man giving the testimony have to "give up" his wife and family? If they left him because of the money issue, that's one thing; if he left them, that's another. The way he words it, leads one to believe he walked away from his famiy "for Jesus sake." Can anyone show me in scripture where it's OK for a husband to leave his wife and children because his wife disagrees with him about money?

I don't mean to be hyper critical, but the lies are SO SUBTLE, and we just HAVE to be ready to stand ONLY in the truth. It's the reality of our time, and if it were possible, even the elect would be deceived, because the lies are so well packaged. But our job is to be alert, sober, vigilant.

I just used this testimony for a case in point. I'm not picking on you, Painfuljourney. I'm really grateful for you and for what you bring here. The guy's rejection of the Word-Faith doctrine is not lost on me. He did well to see through it, and his obeservations on that score are good.

Thanks for putting up with my scrutiny. I was fooled once; by God's grace, His Word, and His Spirit I trust it won't happen any of us.

Happy Easter, all! He is risen!!


For many years, I was a part of what has been called “the Word of Faith” movement within the Charismatic Church. I was the ultimate junkie. I would spend my days and nights listening to faith teachers.

I was really extreme. Because I came out of a severe emotional breakdown I immersed myself in this world of the “Word of Faith” message.

It is true that God’s Word in our mouths produces mightily in our lives what He has promised in His Word for us. While there are many things that are correct in this “theology”, there are other things that I do not now believe are correct.

At that time, I was traveling around the world ministering, but inside I felt more and more dissatisfied. I see now that it was a “divine dissatisfaction”. I started praying in the Holy Spirit in the supernatural languages of tongues night and day. I was hungry for more. Somehow, I knew that there was something that I was missing.

So I started to eat the Word of God. What happened was that I began to change. God, by the Holy Spirit, started changing me profoundly from the inside out. And I wasn’t happy with most of the changes, either. It got to the place where I couldn’t just listen to the mixture being preached at conferences and church services anymore. You see, as a musician, I began to hear and recognize the sound of God’s voice and resonance in His Word. What I was hearing from the pulpits was something different. It didn’t have the same resonance and sound as the Master’s voice. What was even more troubling, what I was hearing preached and taught was sounding more and more skewed and twisted. The Bible majors on subjects like the cross, denying self, holiness, the fear of the Lord, consecration, love, purity, hell, and separation from the flesh and the world, missions, caring for the poor and needy, putting the gospel first and going into all the world to make disciples of the nations. It isn’t about joining a country club and living selfishly only for this life. It is all about the life to come. These subjects seemed to be avoided like the plague in the messages I was hearing.

Then God began to purge things out of me like the love of money, selfish ambition, and my desire to build a ministry “empire” down here on earth to impress everybody. Now, this became a big problem. Unfortunately, I had begun to live too high financially. I had to bring in thousands and thousands of dollars each month just to keep up and pay my bills. I had gotten myself into a financial trap because of greed and luxury. The financial “monster” had to be fed every month. I was exhausted, and was totally out of balance. Because of my gifts, I was merchandising the anointing. My family was neglected and my marriage was in trouble. I finally did something radical: I divorced money. I had been married to money. Money had ruled my life, not Yeshua. I was so beat up by ministry and all the abuse I had been through, that I had to quit it all. So I did.

Sadly, my wife could not divorce money with me. She had gotten used to the big house, the luxury cars, the nice neighborhood, not working, and all the perks which went with the upper middle class white-washed, “Christian faith culture”. Now, I realize that I was to blame in many areas for leading my family into that. But, I still needed help. I was really UNABLE to produce at that level anymore, no matter how much I wanted to do so. It was over, and that was that. She refused to go with me if it meant that I wouldn’t provide for her at the level she was used to. In other words, when I divorced money, she didn’t. Instead, our marriage failed. So, on top of the exhaustion, the depression, and my inability to travel and minister, I was forced to leave my wife, my children, and my home.

The Lord said to me, “You must leave. If you don’t, you are going to die and you will not fulfill your calling.”

I was broken hearted and completely hopeless in my soul. I felt like such a failure that I don’t even have the words to describe it. I did finally leave after a year and a half of trying to save my home and marriage. I felt abandoned and betrayed by God. I had pressed in and prayed, but instead of things getting better, my whole life was destroyed. Everything that I had loved and had meant anything to me at all had been ripped out of my life. I had totally failed, in my own estimation. Since that time, only by God’s mercies and grace, I have made a gradual uphill climb to restoration.

However, I am a completely different person. My priorities have totally changed. I still regret many mistakes and sins that I have done, but one thing is clear to me: God is the only One that I can say has kept me and not myself or anything I have done. You see, I quit the ministry or I should say that I tried to quit. God wouldn’t let me quit. He opened a huge door to Asia in May of 2004 through a wonderful man of God, Dr. Ernest Chan of Agape Renewal Center ( and I have been back in ministry ever since. Actually, I never could totally quit. In my darkest time, still, the Lord would use me. Nevertheless, I was so angry at God! I didn’t even want to minister and the anointing was twice as powerful as before.

Now, according to my understanding before, the closer I got to God, and the more “faith” I had, the better and more victorious my life should be. But, my dilemma was, that the closer I got to God, the more my life got worse, and the less victory manifested around me. This was very hard for me to understand. The truth is, I still battle with depression almost daily. Why Lord? Must I suffer like this for the rest of my days?
I still believe firmly in healing, in prosperity, in victory and the abundant life that God promises in the Bible. But, I also see another side to things. First of all, we are called to follow the EXAMPLE of Jesus. From my reading of the New Testament, they all suffered with the Lord’s grace working mightily in and through them, IN SPITE of their suffering.

The Bible describes a completely different life than what all the faith teachers taught me. It isn’t a life of luxury. It isn’t about “becoming a better you”. It isn’t finding yourself, or getting more blessed, or more healed, or more fulfilled, or living with “a millionaire mentality”. That did NOT come from the Bible. My Bible reads exactly the opposite: Yeshua said, “Lose your life to find it. Deny yourself and forsake all and follow Me.” Paul says, I DIE daily so that Messiah can live in me. He rejoiced in all his suffering. He wasn’t delivered out of suffering. His anointing and obedience to God actually brought on more suffering. It did nothing to stop it. It seems the modern church’s goal for believers is to be happy, healthy, wealthy, comfortable, and to have a perfect life free from as much conflict and opposition as possible down here. The goal is to build a big empire down here with your wealth so that you can live like a king. Enjoy your life, be fulfilled, satiate every lust and desire and STILL go to heaven! Beloved, THAT is not what the Bible teaches. It is a false message. It can never conform you to Messiah’s image, because that isn’t the way He is.

I have total faith for God’s abundant life here on this earth. But, what is that abundant life? It is a total paradox, actually. It is a life of moment by moment obedience. It is a life of denying yourself, taking up your cross and following Yeshua. It is dying daily so that He can fully live in you. It is loving others more than yourself and sacrificing everything to express that love into your world. It is forgiving over and over even when you have been betrayed and broken, hurt and abused, abandoned and forsaken by those you love the most. When you live this way, everyone in your world can see that Yeshua is real, especially your enemies.

My dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Messiah, I have learned from my experience that this is the REAL Christian life. Any other is a counterfeit one. That is what the scriptures teach.

All my love in our Messiah!
Maurice Sklar [source-> ]

Re: TPC Leadership repent, seek forgiveness, and tell the truth
Posted by: BraveHeart ()
Date: April 12, 2009 08:09PM

Does anyone know who this outside consultant is? Tony C. hired a consulting firm to revamp the image of RLc a few years back. Wouldn't it be interesting if Pastor Mike is using the same consultant? Worth looking into, I think...

Turning Point leadership this includes (Jeff and Kim Barns)

I believe we could have saved the congregation a pretty big chunk of change now that your leadership (Mike) is having a consulting firm poke around your ailing church.

Radiant Life church did the same thing...Tony assigned the task to one of the associate pastors then after they presented there findings Tony stood up in front of the whole church on a Friday night service and denounced their findings slandered an unnamed individual on staff or on the elder board for hiring them.
Before the consultants came there were dancers on the prayer porch. Tony invited the dancers back up after not having them there for about 2 weeks, knowing fully that he would no longer use them. Oh how he can use people and discard them when there talents and resources are no longer needed or all used up.

BraveHeart October 04, 2008 10:10PM
If you go back into the history of the church when EGCC before they changed its name to Radiant Life there was a old rustic Cross in the front of the worship area of the building.
Even the first Radiant Life Logo represented the 'worship and praise of the Lord'.
I believe that when a church becomes mainstream and commercial the first thing they loose is the Cross.

Now my other point, do any of you remember when Tony hired an outside 'public image consulting group' to come in and make recommendations to appeal to the public and improve the reputation of RLc?

That is when the Mantel of Praise was stopped from dancing in front of the church during the worship times and the new logo was unveiled. I remember one Friday Night Worship time Tony made reference to the group and publicly denounced what they said about the Mantel of Praise and invited the dancers back up on stage but that was about the last we ever saw of them dancing.

I find it very TWO FACED to Slander and Denounce a company publicly yet still hold fast to there many recommendations.

Your thoughts.....

There right LIFE CHANGE TODAY they just don't tell you that if you don't toe there party line it will be a negative change for you.


Re: TPC Leadership repent, seek forgiveness, and tell the truth
Posted by: whatajoke ()
Date: April 13, 2009 02:11AM


Then God began to purge things out of me like the love of money, selfish ambition, and my desire to build a ministry “empire” down here on earth to impress everybody. Now, this became a big problem. Unfortunately, I had begun to live too high financially. I had to bring in thousands and thousands of dollars each month just to keep up and pay my bills. I had gotten myself into a financial trap because of greed and luxury. The financial “monster” had to be fed every month. I was exhausted, and was totally out of balance. Because of my gifts, I was merchandising the anointing. My family was neglected and my marriage was in trouble. I finally did something radical: I divorced money. I had been married to money. Money had ruled my life, not Yeshua. I was so beat up by ministry and all the abuse I had been through, that I had to quit it all. So I did.

Sadly, my wife could not divorce money with me. She had gotten used to the big house, the luxury cars, the nice neighborhood, not working, and all the perks which went with the upper middle class white-washed, “Christian faith culture”. Now, I realize that I was to blame in many areas for leading my family into that. But, I still needed help. I was really UNABLE to produce at that level anymore, no matter how much I wanted to do so. It was over, and that was that. She refused to go with me if it meant that I wouldn’t provide for her at the level she was used to. In other words, when I divorced money, she didn’t. Instead, our marriage failed. So, on top of the exhaustion, the depression, and my inability to travel and minister, I was forced to leave my wife, my children, and my home.

The Lord said to me, “You must leave. If you don’t, you are going to die and you will not fulfill your calling.”

Painfuljourney............I have sat on my comments to this for quite a few days. When I read the portions above it truly saddened me. It saddenned me for you and for your family. after seeing the manipulation and lies at Radiant Life it is so hard for me te beleive that the Lord would speak to you through your issue the way he did and tell you to eventually leave. This is the RLC and TPC mentality. When reading this I saw an extreme pattern that I also saw at RLC. A pattern handed down and encouraged by leaders. I saw an extreme selfishness. I don't know the specifics of your marriage and certainly would not want to get into it on this forum. But I can deal with the comments you have made above. It seems that you had an issue with money. I am not sure from your testimony whether it was the love of money or the love of things but that does not matter. It seems like God had a plan for you and changed your heart over time. You knew you had to divorce your obsession or compulsion. Then it was on to your wife. You built up a lifestyle that your wife was used to and she wouldnt let go. The selfishness part is that you wanted your wife to change on your time and terms. I don't know how much time you spent working it out but marriage is alot of work. I can tell you me and my wife have had similar issues and things never change on your own time or terms. I believe it is gods will to restore marriages not undo them. I did the same thing with my wife. God changed my heart and many things in my life. Then I wanted that change in her and when it didnt happen I got mad, we argued, we fought, and things basically did not go well. It took time to realize what I was doing was not right and that God did not want me to take off without my spouse. The words he spoke to me were much different that what he spoke to you. He said that he was patient with me because he loved me and that I should treat my wife the same way. I knew this was the real god speaking. Not the god of RLC or it seems TPC that says when things dont go your way or your spouse is not at the same place with God as you then Run, move on, they serve no purpose to you. The bottom line is if your spouse loved god and if not what better situation to be in than to be able to show God to her. fYour comment about "I was forced to leave my wife" is very troubling. The God that I know and read about I do not believe is the same God as yours.

It's a shame that I saw marriages crumble around me because of this attitude. No one wanted to get help from people with common sense or people who have had years of being married. They wanted to blow with their own wind and tell everyone that God told them. I think there was a great abuse of the voice of God from Tony to the leaders on down. The voice of God was used to justify just about anything without considering the nature of the Jesus of the New Testament. This was done to the extreme of what I have mentioned a baby away, in addition to leaving a spouse. My parents were marriied for 50 years. They were much different from each other. While they were different they learned to live with each other. Their marriage was true because at the foundation was committment. A vow was struck and never let go of. What good is a vow if we dont keep it. Does god really establish the marriage vow to later come back and break it. As a result of God speaking to you is their great fruit in your life now from your traveling and ministering. Afterall that is what you wanted to do. Are the many that are being saved now as a result of you leaving your wife worth the casualty of your family.

I am sorry for being very blunt on this and I know you have been hurt. But in a portion of your testimony you are justifying leaving your wife for bigger and greater things and the allegation that God is behind it. I think you are very wrong and I think this mentality has broken up countless relationships at RLC. Maybe I should not have dealt with this on the general forum but the issue comes back to RLC and TPC leadership and what they have programmed people to believe.

Just remember just because God has changed something in you it doesnt give you a license to go and force change in other people. God will do his work in his time. This attitude severely affected my marriage because I was trying to force things on my wife. We are still married and doing very well. At the heart of the marriage is that we have a committed vow to be together and we are in it for each other. It is not always equal but the committment is there. Have you ever thought that maybe God wanted you to have the same patience with your wife that he had with you?

I am sorry if this has hurt you painfuljourney. I really wish the best for you and hope if anything is still salvageable with your family that you reconsider and work on it. In the end all we really have is God and our family. I wish you the best of luck and am sorry for using your testimony as an example of the absurdity at RLC and TPC. It is a mentality that seems to be built in at both places. It is indoctrinated from the top down. At RLC god seemed to be speaking to everyone, every day, every minute and things changed and conflicted by the day. One day god said go work at starbucks, then they woke up the next morning and god said go to school, then they woke up the next morning and god said go get a job, then they woke up the next morning and said if your parents keep bitching at you leave because they dont love me, then they woke up the next morning and god said.......on and on and on. This is all to the same person.

Happy Easter Day

Re: TPC Leadership repent, seek forgiveness, and tell the truth
Posted by: whatajoke ()
Date: April 13, 2009 06:38AM

Painfuljourney...............I just reread my post and want to apologize for using you as and example and being harsh with you about your situation. It has probably been tough enough. I just saw something in your testimony that was very familiar and not so good at RLC. It is just that RLC and TPC have screwed relationships up so much both interpersonal with friends and family relationships that it hurt me when I read what you said and about your marriage breaking up. We have to be very careful when we start saying God told me to. It has to be thouroughly tested, prayed on, and in line with gods nature and will. "God told me to" was so twisted at RLC and very spontaneous and erratic. I think much of the time Christians do not take the time to filter the voices in their head. If the voice is something they want or is of advantage to them or convenient then they think it is of God. God does not have to seperate families anymore in order for people to show their love and submission to him. Jesus Christ changed all of that.

Re: TPC Leadership repent, seek forgiveness, and tell the truth
Date: April 14, 2009 08:15AM

Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. Sometimes it is difficult to forgive anyone if you feel that forgiveness leaves you open to future recurrences of the same negative treatment. It is important to know and understand that forgiveness is not the same as condoning the offending behavior or action, and it is OK, and right, to include self-protective contingency plan for the future as part of any forgiveness process. Holding onto bitterness, anger, and refusal to forgive will cause anyone problems of their own, so if you have been victimized by TPC or RLC, being able to forgive your victimizer is a crucial part of your healing. He who covers and forgives an offense seeks love, but he who repeats or harps on a matter separates even close friends Proverbs 17:9. For if you forgive people their trespasses [their reckless and willful sins, leaving them, letting them go, and giving up resentment], your heavenly Father will also forgive you Matthew 6:14. So also My heavenly Father will deal with every one of you if you do not freely forgive your brother from your heart his offenses Matthew 18:35.

Many, if not all of us, who post on this subject forum have been hurt by either TPC or RLC. But Colossians 3:13 says Be gentle and forbearing with one another and, if one has a difference (a grievance or complaint) against another, readily pardoning each other; even as the Lord has [freely] forgiven you, so must you also [forgive]. I think the scriptures speak for themselves. Just because Pastor Mike and Pastor Tony refuse to face those who would confront them in love for their abusive behaviors to their respective church members does not mean that we get to hold onto our righteous anger. We all must forgive, we must all cast our cares on the Lord, we must all move on with our lives so that the enemy does not gain a foothold in our lives. The enemy could and will use our anger to test our faith in the Lord. We must trust and know that our Father in Heaven is a just God. Pastor Mike and Pastor Tony have gotten away with nothing. If they fail to see the truth and repent of their sin, then they will pay the price for their refusal. If they teach false doctrine, the Lord will deal with them.

Listen, all Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem and King Jehoshaphat: thus says the LORD to you, "Do not fear or be dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours but God's 2 .Chronicles 20:15. Like the people of Judah, we are not to sit and do nothing. Like the people of Judah, we are instructed: "You need not fight in this battle; station yourselves, stand and see the salvation of the LORD on your behalf, O Judah and Jerusalem.' Do not fear or be dismayed; tomorrow go out to face them, for the LORD is with you." (2 Chronicles 20:17). Like the Judeans, if we face the TPC leadership, the Lord will gave us victory in this matter.

So to all I say, we must forgive and let the Lord fight this battle for us. We need only stand firm in our belief that there are serious problems at TPC and RLC and that the Lord will deal with those who sold out their pulpits for the love of money, creature comforts, and selfish glory seeking self-ambition. Give the enemy a killer headache, live your life according to God's word. Have the good life that the Lord died for you to have. Living a Godly life will not only show that Pastors Mike and Tony are wrong. It will also be a blow to the enemy, because the problems at TPC and RLC were meant to hurt and scar us for life. But if we refuse to be victimized and let go of this hurt, then what the enemy meant these problems for our harm by causing us to question our faith, God will use this situation for our good by showing us all we needed to do was let the Lord fight this battle.

Daughter of Dorcas

Re: TPC Leadership repent, seek forgiveness, and tell the truth
Posted by: LearningPoint ()
Date: April 14, 2009 12:26PM

Daughter of Dorcas,

Could you provide examples of unforgiveness you've seen here on the forum (Turning Point threads specifically)? I'm not tracking with you entirely. In fact, I've read a great many words of grace and hope coming from posters on the Turning Point threads about how they want to see Turning Point "see the light" and get back on track, even as they decry the wrongs done and false teachings.

It seems to me that people posting are really most concerned about others who are still in the deception than about any vengance or wanting judgment. And I have to respectfully disagree with your position on letting go of righteous anger. I don't think it's a good thing to let go of RIGHTEOUS anger. We have permission in Scripture, in fact, to be angry in the right way: "Be angry, but in your anger, do not sin. Do not let the sun go down on your wrath." It says we need to let go of wrath, which has a punitive element to it. But anger at the wrongs of the world--and especially when these creep into the church--are part of what can move us to act in behalf of the helpless and the oppressed, to seek justice and freedom for them, as well as to stand up for the truth.

Most posters, it seems to me, continue to point out the deceptions so that people will, hopefully, be able to see what's going on. I don't think that being relentless about proclaiming truth flows from unforgiveness, but from a tenacity that won't back down from what is true and right and good.

I do not reject your call to forgiveness. I would not disagree with the need to forgive where there has been hurt and where bitterness may be rising up. However, I think it's a mistake to quell the zeal for truth with a misapplication of the call to forgive.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/14/2009 12:28PM by LearningPoint.

Re: TPC Leadership repent, seek forgiveness, and tell the truth
Posted by: whatajoke ()
Date: April 14, 2009 01:25PM

D o D........................u really lost me to. I aint trackin ya. You are making alot of assumptioms. not sure I am following your post or some of the other ones although I was informed that the testimony of painfuljourney that i commented on was actually not their testimony. It was confusing to me as was your attempt to throw a hodge podge of scriptures and preach.

Re: TPC Leadership repent, seek forgiveness, and tell the truth
Posted by: wherefromhere ()
Date: April 14, 2009 03:24PM

It is samuel chan they have hired learningpoint.

I did some poking around about Dr. Chan, because I had heard something about the Agape Renewal Ministry in my reading elsewhere, and I wanted to refresh my memory. Sadly, the man who wrote the testimony you posted has traded in his Prosperity/Word-Faith false doctrine for the false doctrine of the New Apostolic Reformation. His hero, Dr. Chan, is a member of the ICA (International Coalition of Apostles), as listed on their membership roster online:

International Coalition of Apostles
Membership Directory
December 2008

Ernest Chan
Agape Renewal Ministry
Pomona CA

Re: TPC Leadership repent, seek forgiveness, and tell the truth
Date: April 14, 2009 11:58PM

Hello whatajoke,

Is it better to hold on to hurt, bitterness, and hard feelings or to move on, forgive, and live the life the Lord died for us to have trusting that he will deal with the ones who have hurt us? Holding onto bitterness and hurt is a victory for the enemy. I for one do not want to give the enemy victory over anything in my life. Giving forgiveness for the hurt and disappointment we have suffered and putting this whole mess behind us -- and looking to the Lord to provide our vindication for what we have gone through is the way.

Lamenting the false teachings and the lavish life styles of those church leaders we once loved and respected does not do any of us any good. However, the Lord can and will deal with them. We are responsible for looking to God's Word for our answers and many of us have. Irregardless of TPC's direction and teaching, as for me and my house we will serve the Lord. We will work to be a reflection of his glory and grace. To do this we must give our hurt and disillusionment to God and move on.

Mourning what we personally lost and what was lost when TPC leadership lost their way was fine for a season -- but that season is over and it is time to move on to more positive outlooks. Harboring hurt, bitterness, and hard feelings does nothing to make us better Christians. I prefer to turn this matter over to God and let him deal with those in leadership at TPC because he can do far more and far better at exposing false teachings than any poster to this forum.

Someone on this forum once pointed out to me that TPC leadership could care less about the people who left and their opinion or talking to any of us in a forum where we could confront them in love. That was hard to hear, but it is the truth. So with that being reality, and with God's help, we all need to move on and look to get our own lives back on track.

Bottom line is you can hold onto your anger or you can exchange it for the Lord's peace.

Could you follow that?

Daughter of Dorcas

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/15/2009 12:01AM by Daughter of Dorcas.

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