Two articles came to my mailbox from Sam Vaknin's Narcissist Abuse website. The first talks about the way the elderly are being recruited.
The link does not work on this one so I've included the synapsis. I've email Dr. V. to see if he can send me a different link for the actual article.
New Age Beliefs and Narcissism
I read an interesting article in the Summer 1989 issue of the
Skeptical Inquirer dealing with the new age's connection with the
consumer culture. In short, author Jay Rosen makes a thorough
analysis between the claims of the consumer market and the claims of
the new age.
According to Rosen, narcissists are the primary recruits and
promoters of the new age. Contrary to popular belief, narcissists
are not people who are over-confident and have excessive ego, but
are people who have a weak sense of self, a thin attatchment to
tradition or community, and inability to form lasting relationships
or take comfort in their past. The narcissist is a person who is
desperately searching for their "true" or stable self; they want to
find some reason to their life, for they usually feel that their
past has been insignificant.
Narcissists traditionally have been the cheif targets of all
consumer movements thoughout the 20th century -- the message from
most commercial advertisements say "buy this product and change your
life!" "Buy the right shampoo, zit-medication, soap or aftershave
lotion and you will transform your life into something wonderful" is
the message of consumerism, usually typified by the unattractive,
stringy-haired blonde using a new shampoo and is, in the course of
seconds, transformed into a beautiful wavy-haired knock-out with a
handsome hunk holding her hand. Indeed, popular new age promotions
echo this, but are more grandiose; they say "find the right guru,
technique, beliefs, therapy or enlightened outlook, and transform
Marilyn Furguson's book "The Aquarian Conspiracy: Personal and
social transformation in the 80's" would best be re-
subtitled "personal transformation AS social transformation", for
that is the message inherent in her and other new age books. For the
narcissist, who is in need of distinguishing themselves
from "average" people, this is a clarion call. New age cliches such
as "You have unlimited potential", "You are unique", "you have
untapped creative power", and "You are a divine being" seem to
confirm the narcissist's deepest thoughts, that they are the special
person in the crowd, that they deserve to be the center of
attention, or that they are above average people.
Indeed, sociologist Christopher Lasch, author of "The Culture of
Narcissism" and "The Minimal Self", confirms this by arguing that
Narcissism is not only a clinical condition, but a cultural one as
well. Many popular personalities in our modern culture actually
encourage narcissism by their lifestyles. For young people, rock-and-
roll teen-idols become people to emmulate, even worship. We've all
seen the way some teens dress like and adorn their rooms with
memorabilia of their favorite rock groups.
other forces that promote narcissism include:
(1) the uprooting power of modern capitalism, which continually
weakens and destroys inherited ways of life (the devaluation of the
past in a culture where mobility and change are valued)
(2) the emphasis placed on manipulative charm and charisma in
business, politics, and social life
(3) the cult of celebrity encouraged by mass media
(4) The consumer culture with it's seductive images of abundance and
instant pleasure
All working together, these social forces constitute a culture-wide
attack on a secure sense of self, making those with weak egos and
overheated fantasies almost too familiar to the American scene.
I can see the connection -- people in need of finding their "self",
proving their worth to society, or just being satisfied with life
often turn to the new age because it promises that everyone is a
special person, capable of godly admiration. Maybe people like
myself who are repulsed by the new age because many people who are
involved in it seem to have many of the same social problems that
the new age claims to solve. In any case, I think Rosen's argument
is a very good one. Most of the guru-followers and armchair-shamans
that you will meet are kooky individuals, who are a few nickels
short of a dollar.