Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: Mville04 ()
Date: April 21, 2009 10:40AM

Buddy in drag? Now that I would like to see! Lol.

Aven (Sam) has a good heart. I firmly believe that his videos comes from wishing to point out an injustice done to others by Mike.

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: Brokenhearted ()
Date: April 21, 2009 10:43AM

I actually would agree with that, TPR.

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: LearningPoint ()
Date: April 21, 2009 10:46AM

For a while I have wondered if people aren't posting because they've said their piece or because they feel "talked out." It seems to me that the issues have been presented. The discussion has carried us through the concerns we have. As new concerns arise--as things progress (or regress)--at Turning Point, more discussion will arise, but I don't think it's going to be like the initial pent-up overflow of our hearts and minds. Once a person "gets it all out" they naturally want to move on. Those of us who stay on here have ongoing concerns or an ongoing need or desire to see change at TP. Others may be doing other things elsewhere to help initiate or encourage change. Still others simply may be moving on.

It would be unfortunate if anyone has been "scared off" from posting because of another poster. I hope that's not the case. Sometimes I think it would be good if we Christians could develop thicker skins. I know it's been one of the banes of my existence to become hurt too easily, something which the Lord has been slowly changing in me. But it's true that I have relapses depending on the situation and subject at hand.

Now I'm rambling, but that first paragraph is what I have felt for a while has happened to the volume of communication here. Of course, there could be dozens of reasons. I was "absent" a few times from sheer busyness.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/21/2009 10:51AM by LearningPoint.

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: buddy ()
Date: April 21, 2009 11:36AM

I pray and hope when the time is right that some of you will tell your story. I know we all are at different stages. And it takes time to open up but I believe that sharing is a part of the healing process and benefits others who are still searching for truth! I pray that Gods Holy spirit will give you courage to share your story.

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: whatajoke ()
Date: April 21, 2009 12:02PM

just for the record, it doesnt matter what sams relationship is with tony or if he is a christian. Those things do not make his observations or experience any less credible or believable. I have found that it has been outsiders who have had a pure, no attachment perspective. My bro in law the first time he went to RLC said it seems like the pastor is arrogant. Sam lives in the town and has seen TPC's involvement in the schools and their rabid recruiting and manipulation of the word of god and people of god. Personally i think it matters what anyone says whether they r christian or not. And I like the videos. The truth in the videos is in the theme.

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: Brokenhearted ()
Date: April 21, 2009 12:57PM

Is it true that another deacon has resigned?

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: Forgiveness_101 ()
Date: April 21, 2009 01:32PM

Hello forum,

It has been a while since i have posted on here and I have done some thinking, I have come up with the perfect word picture for this type of event, please tell me what you think....

We are all in a house celebrating the good things that God is doing, we are having a party! Then some people catch some wind of smoke, and go to the owner of the house and say "hey i smell smoke" and the owner says "there is no smoke" and tells you to forget about it. You then go about parting with all your friends again, to only smell smoke stronger and this time your friend catches a whiff too. You both go up to him and say "no really we smell smoke" you look around and he says "now look, there is no smoke". You look around and see all your friends and wonder who else smells smoke, while thinking about that the owners says "I don't want to hear this non-sense about smoke". You subtly bring it up to your friend, we should leave the party and if there is smoke it has to come out of the house. So both you and your friend leave to see smoke billowing out of the chimney. You both wonder why the owner would lie to you. You go back in and say to the owner one last time "look we went outside the house and we have seen the smoke, now where is the fire?" The owner then says "There is no fire", "There is no smoke", "Why are you spreading lies?" You look at each other like "maybe we didn't see smoke" then both of you at once say "no we saw smoke and we are going to tell people that you have a fire in your house" He looks at them and says "you are in a dangerous place". Then a while goes by and you start to write on a public forum about this house and the smell of smoke and wonder who else has smelled the smoke? Only to find that you weren't the only one to smell smoke, that you aren't crazy, and the people in the house think you are gossiping about the house and there party. While they are the ones preaching about how evil we are and how we are leading this wave of confusion!

Thank you
Forgiveness KCF

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: Brokenhearted ()
Date: April 21, 2009 09:27PM

Forgiveness, I think that's a great analogy!

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Date: April 21, 2009 11:02PM

Wow Forgiven that is it in a nutshell!

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: DeborahSinger ()
Date: April 22, 2009 04:42AM

I'm not going to post anonymously on here because I know I am not afraid to stand up and say how I believe. Not saying the anonymous posters are, I'm sure everyone has their own reasons. But I am so sick of TPs leadership keeping everything secret, I don't desire to keep anything hidden. Also I think I may be considered a credible source to some. For those who don't know I am Pastor Jackies daughter. And I'm so repulsed by the leaderships actions that at this point I'm definitely ready to share my story.

When I was younger I had a great relationship with God, I was confident in his love. But growing up in TPs atmosphere of expected perfection completely destroyed that. I remember exactly the moment it all changed. I overheard one of the leaders, the only name I wont give in this story, saying something like "Man, all these people think they're going to Heaven, but they aren't. Its so much harder than they realize!" At that moment my innocent belief was shattered, and I thought I needed to be perfect to be accepted by Christ. This belief was definitely fostered by TP! The performance became too much, I became extremely depressed, because I knew I just couldn't be as perfect as I was supposed to be, as I thought God wanted. I knew I couldn't be "good" like everyone else, I couldn't get rid of all of my music, hobbies, friends and sense of humor like I was supposed too. Then I started to realize that maybe the problem wasn't with me, maybe it was TP. Unfortunately it had been so engrained in me that TP is the way the truth and the life, and I left God as well as the church, not being able to separate the two. Pastor Mike told me that he would always be there for me, and when I was ready to completely 100% go for God to come to him. Well, over the next two years I walked through hell. And through the months of darkness, living in a motel high on meth, I longed for my God. When I got pregnant at 17 and was so alone, I longed for God. When I was 9 months pregnant, working 45 hours a week to support myself, and still surrounded by drug dealers and gang members, I longed for God. But I thought that because I wasn't ready yet to be perfect, I couldn't run to him. One day, thank God, I realized that Gods expectations are not nearly as high as the churches! I said "wait a minute, I love God and want relationship with Him, whats stopping me? Can't I just come to him as I am and trust Him to change me in His time and His way?" That was the day I was "saved", and even though I have since gottten drunk, smoked weed, gossiped, lied, and done pretty much any sinful thing you can do, I HAVE NOT LOST MY SALVATION BECAUSE GOD LOVES ME EVEN THOUGH I'M SO DESPERATELY IMPERFECT!

There is my personal story, and now I want to share some info. Yes Mike has threatened Cyndi with divorce for their entire marriage, it was not a single instance. Jeff Barnes told a friend of mine that it was one instance and someone can't be characterised by what they do once. Jeff knows that it happened over and over, so he blatantly lied. He also blatantly lied, along with the other elders, when they told the congregation that the sabbatical was for rest. It was an intervention sabbatical, and mike and cyndi were instructed to get counseling. Isn't it funny that they've been charging hundreds of dollars for everyone to go to a conference where for years they were the ONLY speakers, telling people how to have successful marriages? And yes Pastor Mike rebuked the staff because they don't honor him enough. I think the only time it talks about seeking honor in the bible is when Jesus is rebuking the pharisees.... Also the church is pressing charges for the "bucket of poop" incident. Which is really interesting, since when my parents had $3000 stolen from them Mike and Cyndi counseled them to not press charges, but to forgive. I guess turning the other cheek doesn't apply to them. It makes me sick to think of all the people who are still brainwashed by this disgusting group of liars, hypocrites, and true pharisees. Mike and Cyndi have clearly gone off the deep end and taken the leadership with them

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