Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: buddy ()
Date: April 03, 2009 01:07PM

My story chapter 4: Fan your flame friday. I use to go to the friday night frenzy when people would scream as loud as they could when Mike or Cyndi would command us to shout something to the Lord! The music was pretty good some times and I think It would last to long but I think when you have real good music and false teaching the music sometimes will put you into a mind set where you will believe anything and it must be from God! Kind of like going to a Led Zeppelin concert and listening to stairway to heaven and thinking it is from God! TPWOC music is sometimes pretty awesome except when Cyndi and that other lady who seem to be a little to loud like she was trying to scream it! Any way that music cd TPWOC put out was a big flop! I bought one and could only listen to it twice hoping it would sound better! On friday fan the flame service they have there communion, the grape juice and cracker way up front of to the side and you just go up during the music and bring it back to your chair! I thought it was a disgrace that they would not talk about communion just a little mention of it! It was never a priority at TPWOC! How could it be when alot of people where worshiping Mike and cyndi and Tony Cunningham! I believe I saw him twice on the friday night service and the people loved him and he was treated like some kind of rock star! I believe most the people on friday night fan the flame service are in mikes inner circle or they want to be in the inner circle people! It seems like anything mike and cyndi would say they would do it! I thought that they where a little on the strange side because of some of the stuff they would have us do on friday nights! If they told you to scream as loud as you can about something people would do it! I just was never in the mood to be a screamer! It would start around 7:00 and sometimes you would not get out of there intill after 10:00 After three hours of Mike and cyndi worship you would be so worn out that you believe anything they said! I think that is what happens when you go to SOMA and you are in a small group and have disciples and are serving the church you get so worn out and your whole life is TPWOC and you lose your true identity in Christ! It becomes all about TPWOC and how wonderful Mike and Cyndi are! Sometimes there would be a pretty good sermon and I was sometimes amazed on how the people would know there scripture and cannot in the life of me understand how they can let mike and cyndi get away with all there false teaching and the way they are destroying TP and causing divisions and disunity!: more to come:

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: buddy ()
Date: April 05, 2009 01:59PM

My story chapter 5: back to the future: I could not believe when Pastor Mike acted like he was going to cry when Ted Haggard of new life church in Colorado got into big trouble and then said that his church had alot to do with the way TPWOC turned out! Was that the church where pastor mike and the leaders went to for some kind of conference? Also when pastor mike use the phrase spirit of poverty that was a red flag for me because alot of the false prosperity teachers use that! Then when they started to have us bring are money up front that was another red flag! Alot of the prosperity churches do that! That way you can really be proud and make a big show of it and be thinking that you are really someone special ! I knew it was a thing to increase the money for TPWOC because they had false positive confession teacher ken the leader of TPWOC market place ministry doing most of the I want to take your money short sermons right before we brought are money up in front of the church! I never fell for the trap, I would put my money where I always put it! Of course now they are not getting any of it! And I could not believe what a big disappointment the evangelism at TPWOC has been the last 4 months nobody would show up and the leader of the evangelism at TP said he does not like to use the sinners prayer ,I was wondering if the great evangelist david luster taught him that! I was told that Jesus never used it and it was not in the new testament and the only reason Billy Graham used it because he had alot of people to share with at one time! The current leader of evangelism at TPWOC is a perfect example of a baby christian put into a leadership position! I have alot to share on this subject! I was told that TPWOC was the closes thing to the new testament church they sure don't get excited about evangelism ,I know they use to, what happen, maybe they are to worried about where there next blessing is going to come from pastor Mike!I have alot more to share: to be cont

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/05/2009 02:04PM by buddy.

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: LearningPoint ()
Date: April 06, 2009 04:54AM

Funny thing about that Ted Haggard service. I missed that one, and I tried FOR WEEKS to get a copy of the CD. I kept being put off, and when I finally got a copy, it was edited, and all of Mike's drawn-out antics at the beginning (which I had been told about) had been edited out.

Can you tell us more about what he said, Buddy? I heard that he wept and carried on, rebuking people for "judging" Ted Haggard (even though the evidence was already confirmed about his misconduct). I really doubt anyone was judging him. What was there to judge? I think people were just facing the facts that had been presented. Was Mike calling people ignore the facts? To deny them? What exactly does his version of "not judging" look like? Feeding dog food to wolves, maybe?

Anyway, what was your take on that service and what was said, Buddy? I have had to rely on second-hand sources, and the more sources, the more chance I have of a true account.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/06/2009 04:54AM by LearningPoint.

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: buddy ()
Date: April 06, 2009 05:28AM

Pastor Mike was pretty upset about Ted Haggard and was real emotional about the affair Ted had! Pastor Mike was very teary eye but he wasn't bawling like someone died, it was like he was jealous about the affair! I really don't know what he was thinking when he was crying but he acted like Ted was innocent! And did not want any of us to bad mouth Ted! It was a very sad day for Pastor Mike! TPWOC was a model after Teds church! I was in a little shock that he cared that much for Ted! I felt the same way for Jimmy Swaggert but did not cry but did defend him and then I looked like a fool afterwards!

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: Brokenhearted ()
Date: April 06, 2009 06:10AM

Does anyone know what TP's attendance is running these days? Do we know how many families have left over the last six weeks or so? Have any more *leaders* taken a stand? I know that I've been asked some questions lately, and people are taking notice, will it be enough?

I'm currious too about hte Marraige conference. Did Pastors Mike and Cyndi not speak at all? How many *other* speakers were there? Did this bother anyone who attended, expecting Mike and Cyndi? I've heard a number of people talk about how wonderful it was, and how in love with their spouses they are....but I have not heard any tangible testimonies. Was there actual biblical preaching, or any practical application?

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: buddy ()
Date: April 06, 2009 08:14AM

Now on to something a little more serious and which should have us all questioning the sanity of Pastor Mike Villamor and whether he needs another four month sabbatical/inpatient stay at a mental health asylum. I vote YES!!

It has come to my attention that the poop was thrown in the SOMA Building after Pastor Mike remarked that some in the the TPC congregation were not honoring Mike in the materiel way that one particular church member had and they should be. This individual who had honored Pastor Mike took offense at his gift being used to emotionally abuse TPC members and make them feel bad if they did not give Pastor Mike expensive gifts. The poop was thrown in response and as a prophetic statement to what is coming out of Mike Villamor's mouth.

While I am not in favor of poop throwing, I would say in this case the action was justified! Pastor Mike has lost his mind. There I said it. This guy has gone off the deep end and the people who should have his back don't. The elders and deacons should be working with Cindy Villamor to find Pastor Mike a suitable mental health inpatient placement. They should also take out a no contact order against Pastor Tony Cunningham, as this sickness that has afflicted Pastor Mike would appear to stem from Pastor Tony.

Daughter of Dorcas Thanks D of D for the information!

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: buddy ()
Date: April 06, 2009 09:58AM

There is a rumor that someone in a leadership position has left TP Skagit! Can anybody shed some light on this?

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: Mville04 ()
Date: April 06, 2009 06:41PM

A new video for those who wish to watch it. It is about Mike's sermon on lions.

Turning Point Church - shut me up

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: buddy ()
Date: April 07, 2009 01:08AM

TPWOC sermon for April 5 Victory over Temtation by Jeff Barnes is now online at TPWOC web site! Sermon was good and gave some good advice! Pastor Jeff said that the pressure and attacks from the enemy comes against our church and there is rumbling and weakness we can shake and faulter or stand up! I want to know where and who the pressure is coming from? Has TPWOC seen victory over the temptation of false doctrine like the teaching of being under the covering of the Apostle Mike and the teaching of double honoring with gifts, spiritual parenting and the association with false Apostle Tony Cunningham. Has TPWOC seen victory standing up to the false teaching of Pastor Mike on the prosperity gospel? I believe this is the enemy! All these false doctrines is satans way of causing division and disunity at TPWOC! We love all the people at TPWOC and we pray that you will stand up for truth and experience real victory over these false doctrines or teachings!

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: LearningPoint ()
Date: April 07, 2009 07:39AM

A new video for those who wish to watch it. It is about Mike's sermon on lions.

Turning Point Church - shut me up

Good analysis, Mville04. Your last observations at the end were powerful. Where is JESUS????

And since when are people with legitimate, thought-provoking, honest questions and challenges to be categorized as "the enemy," "the lions," or the devil at work? He just used that sermon to try to intimidate those who have not yet had the courage to admit they have questions. He called anyone with a question a complainer and a whiner. Wow!

And what on earth does Shazam have to do with ANYTHING in the Christian's life?

An immaturity and lack of depth and power to Mike's messages is growing. I remember when his messages used to be all about Jesus; now THOSE were worth listening to.

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