Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: buddy ()
Date: March 25, 2009 02:51PM

I have listen to Pastor Cyndi's sermon twice now! I am ready to engage in the battle ( How many times does she say that? ) I have been practicing my victory dance! I jump real high for 5 min then I run around the room for 10 min with my arms swinging wildly like a chicken with its head cut off! It really works, I feel instant victory over the Spirit of fear and confusion with my new victory dance! Then I go on a courageous rampage and grab my phone to text message the enemy and say over,over again, take that, take that, take that you evil spirit of confusion and fear, how dare you sucker punch me! Gen 11:1-11 (The tower of Babel) The Lord cause confusion? I thought Pastor Cyndi said that confusion was not from God! Now I am really confused! Acts 2:1-13 (12) Amazed and perplexed, they asked one another,"What does this mean? No way they couldn't have been confused! I mean the Holy Spirit was being pour out and they where speaking in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them! (13) Some,however,made fun of them and said, They have had too much wine! Sounds like confusion to me! Thank God Peter was there to explain it to us! We don't have Saint Peter any more, we have Saint Cyndi to explain the confusion to us! I mean humble Cyndi said her sister said that her life was evidence there is a real God! Do they teach that one at SOMA! Forget about all the prophecy that came true in the bible ! We have the real deal, the Prophet Cyndi! She is always right! I mean real Prophets don't make mistakes do they? Spirit of Fear, no way, I believe in the positive confession, I'm not afraid of those people on that nasty Forum I have courage and boldness and I'm not going to let there confusion, fear,intimidation, accusation, halftruths and those sneaking sucker punches effect me! I am ready to engage in battle! All I need is a 100 people to do what I do and we can have victory! It's easy to do the chicken dance just jump up and down intill the blood in your brain over comes you and then act like your arms are made of jello and swing them as hard as you can while you run as fast as you can around the room in circles! I promise you no one will come near you!

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: BraveHeart ()
Date: March 25, 2009 11:01PM

I have been reading the debate and I know for some the subject of women being pastors has offended a few and I would hope that they would continue in this debate. I challange everyone as I have been challanged here, search the scriptues and see for your self what are our foundations of faith are. Does the bible (God's word) give us an explanation of Grace (see Romans)
The point I want to make is the church has abandoned the historic beliefs & principals watering down the view of scripture being the very words of God.
Having said that the reason the church is being attacked by so many false teachers is because the church has not taken a stand to defended the word of God. They have allowed the progressive liberals to come in and teach what feels good they have watered down the word of God and we end up with a church leaders like Mike & Tony

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: Forgiveness_101 ()
Date: March 26, 2009 02:40AM

For what it's worth, I don't think Cyndi was taking a "pot shot" so to speak. Pot shots and their targets are generally more clearly identifiable. I think Cyndi tends to be more subtle than that. But given the fact that Mike has mentioned giggling about people who are questioning his teachings, I am relatively certain that he and Cyndi are following or have followed this thread on some level.

I do believe that in Cyndi's messge there was an authoritative attempt at manipulation and coersion intended for those who are questioning things. The vagueness of her context (only those who know there are people challenging teaching and practices would "get" the underlying battle to which she is likely referring) leaves the message open to interpretation and application for those who don't know. But who did you hear "amening" on the recording? Those in the front row who are "in the know." I would be surprised if that message was not intended to "address" the "confusion" some are facing as they are reading here or are beginning to ask valid questions as a result of Jackie's departure.

That's the nature of a passive-agressive approach. It's so subtle, you doubt yourself about what you heard. But its so clear that it effectively does what it was intended to do.

Very Good post LP,

I would like to say, many people from TPC follow this thread... Esepcially if they are told not to, cause telling someone not to do something because they are lieing, or just trying to convince them that what we are saying is "gossip" and "slander" will just lead them straight to this forum because it will peak there curiosity... I do not think that the leadership of TPC is ammune from curiousity, including elders and decons. As I was a leader in the youth ministry when i first started following the thread. I also know people from TPC who follow the thread.... And to those who are at TPC and reading this, know that we care about the church (as the body of believers, not a building or a certain set or sect of leaders...not to say we don't care about the people in leadership, but the teachings they proclaim). I would also like to say that it is good to hear from you, and would welcome any posts. Just remember to read the rules on how to post before doing so.

If someone does gossip on this forum, which has probably happend. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water. If someone happends to sin oh well, it is on that person. Try not to judge that sin more than others....

Thanks Again.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/26/2009 02:41AM by Forgiveness_101.

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Date: March 26, 2009 04:52AM

Hello All,

After listening to Sunday's sermon again, I stand corrected. It was confused and lacked continuity. However, I still do not think Cindy's gender has anything to do with anything. What I do think is that Cindy has lost her covering from God to write and deliver sermons. This would explain the lack of continuity and confusing ramble. This all leads back to Pastors Mike and Cindy having lost their way and their inner circle trying to protect them from those who would confront them in love and try to lead them back to the path that the Lord has for them. Rather than allow Cindy to deliver a message that would lead others away from the narrow path, he simply had her ramble. If the front rows were supporting this ramble then again we go back to Elders who are not doing their job because they cannot overcome the conflict of interest of being on the TPC payroll and/or wanting to retain their place in the inner circle of TPC so they go along to get along. The lack of love shown to those people who have left TPC has left them being nothing more than a clanging gong. The message Sunday was a clanging gong.

Daughter of Dorcas

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: buddy ()
Date: March 26, 2009 05:43AM

Remember the Gong show all you old people! I would have gonged Cyndi's sermon in the first 5 min when she said she listened to Casey Treat a couple weeks ago!

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: AvenPhoenix ()
Date: March 26, 2009 09:10AM

Hey, this is Sam Poling, the maker of the Turning Point Church Satire videos on YouTube under the YouTube ID: AvenPhoenix.

I have posted several more satires since the last time I updated this site of my satires.
I know many of you think I'm not being helpful, but my satires are very informative, involve much information, and they are getting the information out-there in an entertaining way. Hopefully a way that will get the kids Mike has drug into 628 and 180 to want to watch them. I suggest many of you find ways to inform the public, since that is the only way to stop the creation of a full-blown cult. Complaining on a message board is a good first step, but at length that is all it is. Mike Villamor is a man of action, and there is only one way to counter-act that. And so far the videos of Bob Danielson and myself, and the newpaper articles that were created after the parent complained, are the only ways the public have had to hear about what Turning Point and Mike are doing. And even what Tony Cunningham is doing. Since a lot of what he does is really messed up.

Here are my lattest videos, they are far better than the ones in the past and are becoming more entertaining and informative. I've very happy with them. This first one I may have already posted on this forum, and is just one of Mike's sermons chopped up.


This next one is not that good, and is rather short, but it's a direct parody of one of Mike's video blogs:


This next one I like a lot, it's my brother playing as Tony Cunningham, jamming on his guitar, making up songs in theme with Turning Point and Radiant Life church. It hits on many important issues:


The next is another video that touches on many issues with the church. It's a good video to the collection:


This next one I like a lot, it talks about Mike's affilation with Apastolic ministries, and his technical affiliation with the violent faith healer, Todd Bentley. We portray Todd Bentley like the Rock, an old WWE wrestler:


Finally, this is probably my favorite, a video about Mike's Memo that he released telling his church members what not to talk about:


Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: AvenPhoenix ()
Date: March 26, 2009 09:51AM

Oh, hey, I forgot parody number 11, which my description for number 10 included.
Satire #10, the Christians Should be Sex-Perts video, starts as a direct parody of one of Mike's Video Blogs, but I actually quite like it.

The shorter one that's a direct parody of one of Mike's vlogs that I didn't like so much I forgot to post. So here is Satire 11: Fancy Lighting:


Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: Mville04 ()
Date: March 26, 2009 02:09PM

Here is my remix of Cyndi's sermon, at least in part. More later.

Turning Point Church - Villamoors Army

I hope that only the intended is offended by it.

So where are they? Where are Cyndi's minions who were ordered to rise up and head into the battle? Do they need some kind of a map to show them who and where her, so called, enimies are?

I will also be checking for any posts from them on all those videos and report back here just how many I find. I bet it won't be "hundreds". Honestly, the sermon was sad. Just sad.

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: onevoice ()
Date: March 26, 2009 11:05PM

I think this about sums up SOME issues:
" What is a voice if it does not raise against injustice?
What is a voice if it does not sing for change?
What is a voice if it does not speak for the silent?
What is a voice if it merely minics the machinations of culture?
A stilled voice is a dried reed, lost toy, torn page...
A broken feather floating down and emptied canyon.
What is a voice if it remains silent against leagues of tyranny?"
Author-Mary Anne ramacher

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Date: March 26, 2009 11:55PM

What is confusing is what do I do cyndi say one thing then I read this in the bible

Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. Rejoice with
those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. Be of the same mind
toward one another; do not be haughty in mind, but associate with the
lowly. Do not be wise in your own estimation. Never pay back evil for
evil to anyone. Respect what is right in the sight of all men. If
possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men. Never
take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God,
for it is written, "Vengeance is Mine, I will repay," says the Lord.
(Romans 12:14-19)

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