Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: Brokenhearted ()
Date: March 03, 2009 04:27AM

I never expected this journey to be easy, and I expected that there would be people who *shunned* my family. But I've been surprised by who has taken this approach to our leaving TP, and I'm very saddened by it.

After being at TP for many years, I thought that I had gotten to kow people pretty well. I had a pretty good idea of those that would likely never talk to me again, and those that I thought would continue to be cordial (even if it were a bit awkward), and few that I thought would I would actually continue to be close to. I am pleased to say, that so far, most people have been friendly, pleasant and caring towards me and my family. I am sad to say, that one omy my closest *friends* has reacted in a manner that has completely shocked me.

The person refuses my calls, no longer participates in activities that we used to do together, and just generally avoids me. I've *overheard* (obviously said at a high enough volume that I would hear) a number pf passive aggressive comments, such as "I just love my Pastors, they are such strong leaders" and the like. As if, what we're going through isn't difficult enough.

I am saddened that someone whom I truly thought was a friend (and whom I have such great affection for) would go to such great lengths to prove their point. Funny, my relatioship with a few others from TP is actually better now than it was before.

I love the men and women at TPC, I will always have a special place in my heart for them. I pray that Pastor Mike will drawn to the Lord again, and find his way back. I pray that he leads his flock into the arms of our loving and forgiving Father.

I continue to find my solace in the Lord and His word.

Psalm 142:5
I cry to you, O Lord;
I say "you are my refuge,
my portion in the land of the living."

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Date: March 03, 2009 05:11AM

I never expected this journey to be easy, and I expected that there would be people who *shunned* my family. But I've been surprised by who has taken this approach to our leaving TP, and I'm very saddened by it.

After being at TP for many years, I thought that I had gotten to kow people pretty well. I had a pretty good idea of those that would likely never talk to me again, and those that I thought would continue to be cordial (even if it were a bit awkward), and few that I thought would I would actually continue to be close to. I am pleased to say, that so far, most people have been friendly, pleasant and caring towards me and my family. I am sad to say, that one omy my closest *friends* has reacted in a manner that has completely shocked me.

The person refuses my calls, no longer participates in activities that we used to do together, and just generally avoids me. I've *overheard* (obviously said at a high enough volume that I would hear) a number pf passive aggressive comments, such as "I just love my Pastors, they are such strong leaders" and the like. As if, what we're going through isn't difficult enough.

I am saddened that someone whom I truly thought was a friend (and whom I have such great affection for) would go to such great lengths to prove their point. Funny, my relatioship with a few others from TP is actually better now than it was before.

I love the men and women at TPC, I will always have a special place in my heart for them. I pray that Pastor Mike will drawn to the Lord again, and find his way back. I pray that he leads his flock into the arms of our loving and forgiving Father.

I continue to find my solace in the Lord and His word.

Psalm 142:5
I cry to you, O Lord;
I say "you are my refuge,
my portion in the land of the living."

brokenhearted I myself am never surprised by the reactions of many christians. I see leaving tp as not only a test for me but also for those still there, Ive always felt that lots of people at tp had the high school mentality of my school is better than yours, and to leave their school is an unpardonable blooper. I was amazed by how much my own identy was wrapped up in tp which shows me my misguided reliance. all of us should be relying on our Lord not our church and our friends. Maybe God in his goodness has allowed all this to happen so that we may be molded and sharpened more into the way He wants us to be. by the way you have a good heart, and if anyone cant see that blind to the things of God

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: Painfuljourney ()
Date: March 03, 2009 05:40AM

If power is in repeating a phrase or thinking a belief, then why do we even need Jesus?? Doesn't that mean the power is in what WE do or what WE say? Doesn't that take God from His throne and put us up there instead? What if we say that we are sinners, fallen short of the glory of God (BTW that's Biblical) and HE is everything? Does that make us weak? Or Strong?

Why does man continually try to rob God from His power, His strength, and His Glory?

For the record - repeating phrases over and over is called a mantra. It originated in Hinduism and Buddhism - NOT Christianity.

The Word of Faith Movement (i.e. all we have to do is think it, speak it and believe it and it will become reality) is one of the foundational beliefs of the NEW AGE movement. It is also a core belief of SCIENTOLOGY. Ooppss, can't forget Oprah. Her promoted book/movie "The Secret" is also strongly based on this same idea - think it, believe it, say and it will happen. NONE OF THESE CULTS PROFESS JESUS. Isn't it odd that the name it, claim it movement is based on the same doctrine as Jesus EXEMPT Cults? Think about it....

Where is this docrine going...

Deuteronomy 18:9-11 (Amplified Bible)

9 When you come into the land which the Lord your God gives you, you shall NOT LEARN TO FOLLOW the abominable practices of these nations.
10 There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or daughter pass through the fire, or who uses divination, or is a soothsayer, or an augur, or a sorcerer,11 Or a charmer, or a medium, or a wizard, or a necromancer.

Augur -
1) To predict, especially from signs or omens; foretell.
2) A seer or prophet; a soothsayer.

Charm -
1) to affect by or as if by magic : compel b: to please, soothe, or delight by compelling attraction <charms customers with his suave manner>
2) to endow with or as if with supernatural powers by means of charms ; also : to protect by or as if by spells, charms, or supernatural influences
3) to control (an animal) typically by charms (as the playing of music) <charm a snake>intransitive
4) to practice magic and enchantment
5) to have the effect of a charm : fascinate

Soothsayer -
A person who claims to speak sooth: specifically one who predicts the future based upon personal, political, spiritual, mental or religious beliefs rather than scientific facts.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/03/2009 05:42AM by Painfuljourney.

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Date: March 03, 2009 06:11AM

brokenhearted I myself am never surprised by the reactions of many christians. I see leaving tp as not only a test for me but also for those still there, Ive always felt that lots of people at tp had the high school mentality of my school is better than yours, and to leave their school is an unpardonable blooper. I was amazed by how much my own identy was wrapped up in tp which shows me my misguided reliance. all of us should be relying on our Lord not our church and our friends. Maybe God in his goodness has allowed all this to happen so that we may be molded and sharpened more into the way He wants us to be. by the way you have a good heart, and if anyone cant see that blind to the things of God

Its funny that you state it this way.

This is exactly the attitude that Tony C fomented when he was the youth pastor at College Park CC so many years ago. He perpetuated the myth that his youth ministry, TSUNAMI, was the best youth ministry in Coos Bay. He took it even further and led the students on his "team" to believe that they were better than the students on the "other" team-he would divide his youth group into teams and they would compete.

I had students tell me they literally were made to feel like crap by Tony because they were on the "other" team and made to feel worse when they stopped coming to TSUNAMI (let me remind you, that Mike and Cyndi V both grew up in this youth ministry). Mike, himself, experienced the sharp edge of Tony's mentality. So much so that when He and Cyndi married he was completely discouraged with church and had given up the notion of pursuing ministry.

Mike do you remember that at all? Do you remember how heavy your discouragement weighed upon your shoulders, because you were not to be one of Tony's favored youth? The one to whom you looked to as a father figure had outright rejected you. But now you kiss his ring and you submit to his authority-not because God placed him in authority over you- but because he has taken authority over you. Even now, after all these years, Tony still trifles with your mind. Even now Tony sees himself as better than you, Mike. And now you play the same games with those in your church. Dole out your favor to the ones who bend down and kiss your ring and look with condescension on those who, either have nothing of value to offer you or who question your teaching. Mike and Cyndi, you have become mini Tonys and Roses. And I do not mean that as a complement.

But here is the irony. Out one side of your mouth you talk of unity among the churches of Marysville. Out the other side of your mouth you dishonor those churches and ridicule them as being somehow less than TPC. The unity you call for will not be achieved because you cut the cords of unity every time you lift TPC up above the other churches. No doubt other churches in your community will begin to move away from your attempts to embrace them. They will put up with being stabbed in the back for only so long. No doubt even now pastors and their spouses bristle at your condescension and personal arrogance.

And what about your remaining staff? What about the mind games you play with each of them? The way you play them off of one another for the sake of control, honor and loyalty. How long do you think this will continue? How long can it possibly go on? How strong are those false covenants you had them enter into with you? Have you not already gone back and required each of them to reaffirm their oath to you? And why? To what ends? What does it profit you to gain the whole world but to lose your soul?

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: Brokenhearted ()
Date: March 03, 2009 12:00PM

I was reminded this evening, while visiting with a friend, that those whom I've been close to are struggling through as best that they can. Some are leaving TP, some are choosing to stay, but what's going on isn't easy for anyone. I understand that everyone needs to go through this in their own way. I'm still hurt, but I was probably a bit harsh about my friend, who very likely simply doesn't know what to say or do at this point. I am so sad for the people who are hurting, this is a difficult time for everyone. It is my prayer that as we go through the fire that refines, that as we draw closer to the Lord and His truth, that we would be men and women who grow in love and compassion for others.

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: LearningPoint ()
Date: March 03, 2009 12:25PM

I was reminded this evening, while visiting with a friend, that those whom I've been close to are struggling through as best that they can. Some are leaving TP, some are choosing to stay, but what's going on isn't easy for anyone. I understand that everyone needs to go through this in their own way. I'm still hurt, but I was probably a bit harsh about my friend, who very likely simply doesn't know what to say or do at this point. I am so sad for the people who are hurting, this is a difficult time for everyone. It is my prayer that as we go through the fire that refines, that as we draw closer to the Lord and His truth, that we would be men and women who grow in love and compassion for others.

It's good and kind that you are willing to give people the benefit of the doubt, BH. That's good. It's more than likely that you are being shunned on some level, and if you can rise above that, despite your pain, that's commendable.

Of course, for people to "go through this in their own way" should never include shunning someone else. But it will happen that way, since that's what leadership models. My experience included attending a Christmas production after I'd left TP. Some "significant" church people I said hello to--and there was no mistake that they saw and heard me--very deliberately turned away and would not return my greeting. Others were cool and quick to end our conversation. Only a couple were genuinely cordial, and that was a blessing. It was very interesting to experience. I didn't expect it, so I wasn't bracing myself for it. It was a bit of a shock, since I had no ill feelings toward these people and extended the warmth of our former relationship, which as I described, was shot down or quickly shut down in most cases. I didn't go away mad, just enlightened, and of course saddened. There's just no need for that kind of response to people who choose to go to another church. The Church does not consist in Turning Point. It consists in Christ and those who belong to Him.

Shunning is a very typical and coersive cult tactic. It's sad to have it happen in a place where you believed you would always be welcomed no matter where you were going to church. I hope you are right about your friend just feeling awkward. Maybe she'll read your post and realize she can still be friends with you--that Christ is your eternal common bond, not Turning Point.

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: Wounded Warrior ()
Date: March 03, 2009 02:39PM

Dear Brokenhearted,

You obviously are like many of us who gave our lives and hearts to TP. With all the involvement in TP and it non-stop programs, I decided I needed a rest, for about a month I tended to things that had become neglected at home. When I returned the next month I showed up at the Junior High and instead of being greeted I was ignored by some. And I did not just imagine it, I went to say "hi" and they just stared at me and walked away as if I didn't exist.
All I can say is this is a messy time for you and you will discover who are your true friends and which ones are not. May God fill your heart with His peace and give you wisdom during this time in your life. When I started to notice the weird things about how Mike was talking about "a funnel" in heaven and all this prosperity talk, I was angry because I felt betrayed by his teaching. I guess that he felt that because the church was growing, he could benefit the most by all our gifts and tithes. Give yourself time BH and find friends that will understand and listen to you-even if it is just venting your feelings.

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: wherefromhere ()
Date: March 03, 2009 04:46PM

They don't call him Tony the Tiger for nothing! What a nutcase! SOMA people I hope you didn't pay money to hear this jerk! Did you get your Brains washed by the cult leader Tony the Tiger Cunningham! If you fall for his teaching I have some ocean front property to sell you in Arizona! You get your brains washed twice, by Mike and Tony!

You are the reason I have not been back on this sight. It seems there must be some other outlet for your insults.

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: buddy ()
Date: March 03, 2009 05:05PM

Discipleship Conference
Dietrich Bonhoeffer said, "Christianity without discipleship is always Christianity without Christ."

Turning Point's annual Discipleship Conference explores this central component of the Christian faith, equipping YOU both to live as a true disciple of Christ and to make disciples of all nations, as Jesus commanded us in Matthew 28:18-20.

This year's Discipleship Conference, "Becoming Master Builders," is coming up October 9-10 at the Marysville-Pilchuck High School auditorium in Marysville, WA and will feature guest speakers Pastor Wendell Smith of the City Church in Kirkland, WA and Pastor Casey Treat of Christian Faith Center.

Check back for more information and online registration to come
I found this on TPWOC web site Home page click ministries click events conferences click Discipleship Conference It's not a bad dream, it's not a joke Mike is really going to have false prosperity teacher Wendall ( I believe in the mandatory tithe for my Members) Smith and false prosperity teacher Casey ( I can wait to give Mike and Cyndi a ride in my helicopter ) Treat come and discipleship the flock! Mike is opening up the Church to these Wolves in sheep clothing! Is Casey going to land his Helicopter on the football field? Is Casey going to invite Mike and Cyndi over to his mansion? Is Wendell Smith going to show Mike how to take (steal) your money from you! Start writing your big checks to Mike because he will need lots of money to compete with these guys! Bigger house, newer car, nice clothes, Lear jet, maybe a new make over, you know what I mean one of those Binny Hinn hair cuts!

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: buddy ()
Date: March 03, 2009 05:25PM

Wherefromhere why pick on me! We have to stick togeather and there is enough room for all of us on here! Other people have said some pretty bad stuff, how come you are not picking on them! I am sorry if I upset you.Some people have private e-mail me and said they enjoyed it! I will try and do better so I don't ruffle your feathers! May God Bless you with a New Harley!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/03/2009 05:27PM by buddy.

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