Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Date: February 16, 2009 07:55AM

Learning Point I will post a number of links. I will post links from critics of the NAR but I will also post links from members of the NAR as well. Its one thing to here from the critics; its another to hear from the mouth of evil, itself.

So for my SOMA friends, here is the first link-from a critic-please read with an open mind. Weigh what you read against scripture. Scripture, at one point, was the measure of truth. Now, sadly, that is not the case. The NAR does not believe that scriptures "are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." NAR teaches that there is no need for the common people to read scripture. After all, there are apostles who are quite capable of telling you what to believe and how to think. As a matter of fact, contrary to scripture, these apostles receive new revelation from God which supersedes scripture. One problem with this thinking: Paul-one of the real apostles-referred to scriptures consistently as did Peter and the other real apostles. So again, I appeal to my SOMA friends: read the following and weigh what you read against The Word of God.


Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Date: February 16, 2009 08:12AM

Here is a second link-again from a critic. Read with an open mind, and measure against The Word of God.

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: buddy ()
Date: February 16, 2009 08:14AM

Dear SOMA students and those who have completed SOMA : I have been informed by two of your friends that the reason you will not come on here is because of my name calling and I hurt your little feelings . What ever happened to that Great Bible Verse in Proverbs 32:1 Sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me? Lets know the real reason why you won't debate these issues . Could it be because Pastor Mike will not give you the freedom to Question .Is it because you don't know your bible. Is it because you might find out that everything on this site might be true and that you have been deceived by Pastor Mike. And you have wasted your money and time at SOMA! I Love TP and believe it or not I love Pastor Mike too. If you really Love someone would you not try anything to reach them if you saw them drowning in the river.I have been at TP 4yrs and did not have a clue about all the false teaching untill I found this FORUM by accident and quite frankly I was extremely embarrassed that TP was on a Cult education web site. By studying your bible and asking God to give you wisdom and knowledge and have the courage to stand up to Pastor Mike and confront him on all of these false teachings and also to have the freedom to debate the issues on this FORUM. IF you do this it will make you a better student of the Word of GOD and you will be able to stand up to any wolf who comes into your midst! I am sorry if my name calling hurt your feelings. I cannot guarantee I won't do it again,because some of that stuff was inspired by the Holy Spirit! In Christ Love, Buddy

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Date: February 16, 2009 08:58AM

A third link regarding the New Apostolic Reformation:

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: wherefromhere ()
Date: February 16, 2009 11:27AM

Can it be that there is much we do not know. Can someone please explain United Global Ministries to me and do you know if they will announce it to the church congregation. Dont they have to announce things like this when the make changes to the bylaws? Or do the members or sheep just go along or leave? Is it really true that that Pastor Mike and cindy are the authorities now. What will the elders do? anything? I plan on calling church and asking info on ugm, but i think i will not be any closer to an answer than i am right now. did anyone hear todays sermon?

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: Brokenhearted ()
Date: February 16, 2009 12:02PM

Where from here....

They will NOT be announcing the changes to the congregation. They haven't, and won't announce Pastor Jackie's resignation. The mission and vision of TP is changing too, but that won't be announced either. SOMA students have been told of the change, and it's being explained in one of their classes, taught by Pastor Mike.

Pastors Mike and Cyndi are now the authorities, accountable only to one another.

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: BraveHeart ()
Date: February 16, 2009 09:04PM

Mike Tony Bashing....Here?

I don't think so.

Hey, sometimes when the testimonies and facts are presented, the truth hurts! When I was part of the cult on the inside it would hurt me to hear other people from other churches call Radiant Life a cult. But I had to look into the allegations because what I was hearing did not set well in my spirit. I had to ask questions and the more I would ask the more and more the allegations would hold up as the truth.

Oh sure, you my be a bit empathetic for Mike or Tony on the out side the are likable guys. I can tell you first hand Tony has a masterful way of presenting himself as the poor victim as he slanders the people who have posted.
That is a fact and that is simply reporting the facts.

So sorry I'm not going to apologize for telling the truth!!!!

Each person deals with Spiritual Abuse differently especially when you still have family members still attending or giving to the one who is doing the abusing it hurts your heart even more. I have found for me, that the more evidence and testimonies from actual victims has been the best help. Each person involved with a cult and cultist needs to have all the evidence presented to them then they need to ask there own questions! Each person, who eventually comes out of a cult has to come to that conclusion on there own!
As for the cultist calling people angry, hurling insults and belittling them just makes your understanding of the situation more obvious to the many who have escaped.

The Bible exhorts us all to examine all teachers by looking at the fruit of the teacher. For the people involved with Tony Cunningham it has been so good for us to compare notes and discover that you’re not the only one who fell for his deception. I see the same thing unfolding for Mike and the people at Turning Point & SOMSNW.

Yes there are many emotions that surface as people come out of a cult or as people are dealing with Spiritual Abuse; embarrassment, shame, anger, depression, violated just to name a few.

I have had many people say to me “Cant you forgive and forget?” “Just let it go!” I have to step back and ask what kind of thinking and reasoning is this? Just toss out the baby with the bathwater?.

Forgiveness comes out of Repentance!

I believe that had more people not given up 200 years ago the false teachings of Brigham Young & Joseph Smith, Charles Russell and Mary Eddie Baker would not have taken such a strong hold that they have today. Heck there is a direct coloration with how Christians in the USA have become milk toast wimps, sympathetic to the Progressive thinking of liberalism!
I know many victims just feel that the best thing is to put it all behind them and not talk about. For some there may be a period of time that they need to be quiet and listen to the Spirit of the Lord. Still there are others who have been so badly hurt that they associate all this hurt with God and want nothing to do with God.

I have found the best healing comes when you can embrace the many who continue to come out of the cult. To reassure them that there identity is in “who God says they are.” So in trusting God, he changes my prospective out of the relationship I have with him. I start to mature into what is already true about me because he already has changed me. If My Motive is Trusting God, Then My Value Will Be Living Out of Who God Says I Am, and My Actions will be Standing with God, with My Sin in Front of Us, Working on it Together. I am allowing God to remove my masks I am now trusting God. I am living out of who God says I am.
God wants to see his reflection in our face the problem with our papier-mâché masks is they don't reflect.


Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: Painfuljourney ()
Date: February 17, 2009 12:39AM


Papier-mache masks, huh? This exact same message was made to the church by The Barnes during the Sabbatical. The message given to the church was that people in the church need to take off their masks.

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: LearningPoint ()
Date: February 17, 2009 05:56AM

learning point that is so true what you said about knowing who people are on here, to be honest with you and others becasue some here gave thier names and I know that they are young people I discount what they say instead of looking for the truth in what they have written I am automaticly biased by my opionion of them. Maybe confession will change all that

Yes, I have this same struggle, nooneofanyimportance. It's too easy to dismiss content because of the source, and I have no doubt that if we all disclosed our identities, there would be those coming on here looking for truth who would be distracted in their search by the who's who. I would. But it's so much easier to sift through stuff without those very human tendencies in the way.

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: LearningPoint ()
Date: February 17, 2009 05:59AM

Yes there are many emotions that surface as people come out of a cult or as people are dealing with Spiritual Abuse; embarrassment, shame, anger, depression, violated just to name a few....

I believe that had more people not given up 200 years ago the false teachings of Brigham Young & Joseph Smith, Charles Russell and Mary Eddie Baker would not have taken such a strong hold that they have today. Heck there is a direct coloration with how Christians in the USA have become milk toast wimps, sympathetic to the Progressive thinking of liberalism!

I know many victims just feel that the best thing is to put it all behind them and not talk about. For some there may be a period of time that they need to be quiet and listen to the Spirit of the Lord. Still there are others who have been so badly hurt that they associate all this hurt with God and want nothing to do with God.

I have found the best healing comes when you can embrace the many who continue to come out of the cult. To reassure them that there identity is in “who God says they are.” So in trusting God, he changes my prospective out of the relationship I have with him. I start to mature into what is already true about me because he already has changed me. If My Motive is Trusting God, Then My Value Will Be Living Out of Who God Says I Am, and My Actions will be Standing with God, with My Sin in Front of Us, Working on it Together. I am allowing God to remove my masks I am now trusting God. I am living out of who God says I am.

God wants to see his reflection in our face the problem with our papier-mâché masks is they don't reflect.

Thanks, Braveheart, you made some fresh and helpful observations and points here.

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