Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: buddy ()
Date: September 06, 2010 11:44PM

Can we trust Jeff Barnes or is he just trying to please everybody because of all the pressure of the news on the forum. Jeffs back is against the wall. He is in a corner and is trying to find a way out. The money paid for false Apostle Mike to leave town was not good , but he is gone now and that is a good thing. Do we stop the pressure on Jeff now and give him time? No, not with the past history of leadership at TPCWOC using cultic tactics to try and control everything. The pressure has made him open his eyes. The question remains on how far he will go to try and make things right. Has the time ran out for TPCWOC or is God going to give them more time?

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: buddy ()
Date: September 07, 2010 12:19AM

I believe Jeff Barnes said he would be addressing the issues in the next couple weeks! So we will see!

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: buddy ()
Date: September 07, 2010 06:11AM

Grace and love and forgiveness do NOT mean that we all just sit back and assume that everything is better now, b/c M&C are gone. I don't know about meetings and repentance. Like I've said over and over again, from my perspective, it looks as though things continue to be covered up. But, IF J&K are serious about making the changes necessary to *fix* this, then they are going to have to bend over backwards to regain the trust that's been broken...and yes, they broke trust as much as (maybe more than) M&C.

Trancparency in ALL of the financial records.
Confession (if applicable) to the mishandling of Stewardhip funds
Renouncing their relationship with Tony Cunningham (and quite possibly M&C)
Addressing (and renouncing) false, prosperity teaching
Making a public statement of misconduct in the manner in which TP handled things with Jackie Singer
Making a public statement confessing and apologizing for the mistreatment of lay leaders, and mistreatment of anyone who was on the "black list"
Confession of spiritual abuse and expectations of double honor

I'm sure there is more, but this is a good start of things that need to be addressed by the "new" senior pastor at TP.

Oh, and while I'm at it, I will say that I don't think the senior pastor's wife should be an elder either. (Actually, it is my opinion that TP needs a whole new elder board.)

(A message from the forum)

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: buddy ()
Date: September 07, 2010 06:15AM

Is Undercover part of the Cannon of Scripture? How about Joe Prince? Are his writings part of the cannon of scripture?
Don't you subscribe to the idea of extra-revelation?
Do you have "prophets and apostles" running and dancing in your midst declaring they have "received a Word from God?"
Did you not lift Tony up as an Apostle? Did you not lift Mike up as an Apostle? Did you not lift Cyndi up as a Prophetess?

To hear you preach about God protecting the flock from "false teachers" made me laugh.
Then I was reminded of just how God has, indeed, protected his flock at TPC by exposing the charade engaged in by Tony, Mike and you.

You, of all people, are guilty of false teaching.
In my opinion, You, sir, are a tool of the anti-christ.

Have you not spent the last 15 years spreading false teaching?
Have you not spent the last 15 years robbing the flock?
Have you not spent the last 15 years distorting the truth?
Have you not spent the last 15 years bathing in the spirit of Jezebel?
Have you not spent the last 15 years leading others astray?
Have you not spent the last 15 years indulging in some of the "wackiest things going on?"
Have you not spent the last 15 years leading people astray and following things taught by demons?
Have you not spent the last 15 years telling people that all your false teachings are just "non-essentials?"
Have you not spent the last 15 years destroying people who have questioned you and your teachings?

Are you not like Joseph Smith?
Are you not like Mohammed?
You and Mike have received "revelation", yes?
You preach a different gospel, which is really no gospel at all and, as you spoke on Sunday morning, "you are eternally condemned."

Two Elders have resigned and both have repented of embracing deceitful doctrine and have renounced your false teachings.
And you turn around and preach a sermon about "false teachers" as if you are innocent of teaching a perverted doctrine.
You lift yourself up as one "mature" in the faith when really you are but a spiritual midget tossed to and fro by the winds of deceit.

You have associated with perverters of the Gospel and have dined with deceivers.
You bring false teachers into your midst and yield your pulpit to them regularly.
Mammon is your god; the altar of Baal is where you find your rest.
You entered into a business relationship with Mike and then remained an Elder when doing so was an obvious conflict of interest.
You are guilty of stunting the growth of many in order to enrich yourself and Mike.

Submit all financial accounts to a full and complete forensic audit covering the last 10 years. Begin to walk in transparency.
Come on to this forum and repent. List out what teachings you have taught in the past that are erroneous.
Humble yourself.

(A message from the Forum)

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Date: September 07, 2010 09:27AM

you might say im a sucker but I will continue to be a sucker,if reconsiliation and repentence and new relationship with God is the outcome. I say give the barnes a chance, let them make their move before we condem them. I know God has given me thouseand chances in my life to do the right thing, Lets give them a chance. I believe things are going to change, I never wanted to see turning point hurt, dammed or destroyed, just the people pleasing, selfish ambition, lack of Godly integrity. it has to go I want a leader who will die for the sheep, and that could mean just letting their selfish fearful nature die. remember we came into this world with nothing and we will leave it with nothing, but our relationship with our creator. So lets us show the mercy and grace that we want God to show us for our stupid mistakes we have made. this is not one of those selfrighteous scoldings ive read on here before I hope you dont take it as one, either way I myself have been kept sane by the postings on this site. but I am hopefull for turningpoint church to right itself or for God to anyway. I guess and I hope that God is dealing with jeff and kim enough without our help, we shall see.

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Date: September 07, 2010 09:49AM

Thanks nooneofanyimportence!

D of D

you might say im a sucker but I will continue to be a sucker,if reconsiliation and repentence and new relationship with God is the outcome. I say give the barnes a chance, let them make their move before we condem them. I know God has given me thouseand chances in my life to do the right thing, Lets give them a chance. I believe things are going to change, I never wanted to see turning point hurt, dammed or destroyed, just the people pleasing, selfish ambition, lack of Godly integrity. it has to go I want a leader who will die for the sheep, and that could mean just letting their selfish fearful nature die. remember we came into this world with nothing and we will leave it with nothing, but our relationship with our creator. So lets us show the mercy and grace that we want God to show us for our stupid mistakes we have made. this is not one of those selfrighteous scoldings ive read on here before I hope you dont take it as one, either way I myself have been kept sane by the postings on this site. but I am hopefull for turningpoint church to right itself or for God to anyway. I guess and I hope that God is dealing with jeff and kim enough without our help, we shall see.

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: Miki ()
Date: September 07, 2010 09:49AM

you might say im a sucker but I will continue to be a sucker,if reconsiliation and repentence and new relationship with God is the outcome. I say give the barnes a chance, let them make their move before we condem them. I know God has given me thouseand chances in my life to do the right thing, Lets give them a chance. I believe things are going to change, I never wanted to see turning point hurt, dammed or destroyed, just the people pleasing, selfish ambition, lack of Godly integrity. it has to go I want a leader who will die for the sheep, and that could mean just letting their selfish fearful nature die. remember we came into this world with nothing and we will leave it with nothing, but our relationship with our creator. So lets us show the mercy and grace that we want God to show us for our stupid mistakes we have made. this is not one of those selfrighteous scoldings ive read on here before I hope you dont take it as one, either way I myself have been kept sane by the postings on this site. but I am hopefull for turningpoint church to right itself or for God to anyway. I guess and I hope that God is dealing with jeff and kim enough without our help, we shall see.

I'm with you nooneofanyimportence. It's not about being a sucker. God talks a whole lot of grace and forgiveness, etc. because He has done that with us. If god didn't come to my rescue so many times, I don't know where I'd be. YES! I say give the Barnes a chance. They really are trying to make a difference.

Buddy, I know that place of anger, resentment and bitterness. BEEN there! We all have.... I know you'll get out of it. You're a great person and God loves you! You also may be right, but wouldn't you rather error on the other side? you know? Be cautious, "guard your heart" and GRACE my friend! Love ya!

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: buddy ()
Date: September 07, 2010 09:51AM

I agree, we will see what happens. I will try and give Jeff and Kim Barnes grace and mercy. I hope and pray for good to come out of this whole mess!

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: Miki ()
Date: September 07, 2010 09:52AM

Oh and yeah Buddy, I do think TPC needs new elders and board members. I think they need to wait till things stable out a bit first. They will rise above it! I have faith first and foremost in my Father then, J&K and all the pastors in Marysville.

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: LearningPoint ()
Date: September 07, 2010 03:29PM

I believe Mike and Cyndi owe the church an explanation (it's called accountability) for where the building fund went, and they need to make restitution for all funds that were misused or stolen.

Those of you who were fleeced, if you're serious about holding Mike and Cyndi accountable, need to meet and organize--not only for your own sakes, but also for those unwitting folks in Texas who are at high risk of being plundered if the Villamors choose to continue scamming church people. You may even choose to have the recovered money put into the general fund of your current church, or donate it to a favorite charity, if you're not interested in having the money back in your own pocket.

The verses in scripture about not suing have to do with not taking a brother or sister to court over things that could be settled within the body and about not bringing shame on the name of Christ. By running away, Mike and Cyndi have rendered it virtually impossible to settle the matter within the local body. However, the case could still be dealt with effectively (holding the Villamors acocuntable) and yet quietly (not brining public shame on the name of Christ) by not contacting the media and by seeking to keep the case within the confines of mediation rather than going to trial. Maybe Daughter of Dorcas knows if and/or how this might best be accomplished.

I personally had some money that was supposed to be coming from an investment I made. I promised God I would give the whole return on the investment to the campaign if He saw fit to bring it through. The return never materialized, so I didn't get burned by TP in this case. However, I feel for all of you who did--all who sacrificed finances for the furthering of GOD'S kingdom, only to learn that it was dumped, instead, into the black hole of MIKE'S insatiable appetite for "personal enrichment."

Whatever was stolen or misused should be returned. Isnt' that what Mike himself would counsel you or me to do if we'd stolen something from someone?

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