Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: giftofsong ()
Date: February 10, 2009 02:24PM

I am writing in response to the SOMA NW video that I watched. It was so sad for me to see my old friends in that video and I feel that they have all been so brainwashed and are wasting their time with this program that they are paying for but not receiving a degree for because the program is not accredited. I was so appalled by what Kim Barnes said about Heaven and Earth becoming one that I thought I was going to have a heart attack. I felt so sick to my stomach listening to that garbage because it is not Biblical truth. There are so many scriptures that say earth will never be like heaven because heaven is a perfect place and earth is full of sin and sinners so how in the world could someone say something like that. She is an instructor of SOMA too so she is teaching this to the students and giving them this false hope that one day the world will be just like Heaven!!! That is sad and completely opposite of what the Bible says. I am very heartbroken for the followers of these leaders who say things that are so false. I pray their eyes will be opened and that soon they will see all the false teachings that have been given. This will be a day of utter sadness for them and I think will probably shatter lives and cut off hope in many people but I pray God will be gracious to them and show them the truth. I truly love my friends from Turning Point still to this day and I want them to stop pretending. I pray for this day.

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: outreach ()
Date: February 10, 2009 02:33PM

Hi, We are also from TP. We had been attending for the last 3 plus years. Last week was our last Sun. When we heard Pastor Mike announce the next sermon message for Recession Proofing Your Sex Life we felt it was innapporiate for a Sun. service and should have been for marriage retreat/seminar. We decided we didn't want to go to that service. We listened to about 15 min. of the sermon on line and had enough! What about relationship with your spouse? Was there anything mentioned about that or was it all about sex and women submitting?
We have felt uncomfortable with Ken Ralston's talks regarding tithing and giving... something just not right. We heard it announced that Casey Treat would be a guest speaker at TP. What I heard about him in the past made me uncomfortable. We heard about this forum and checked it out and are greatful to everyone for the info. Now we understand about people like the Bevere's teaching on the Covering and Casey Treat's Prosperity teaching. We decided during the week not to attend TP anymore.
We haven't been involved a lot at the church, just some greeting and belonged to a small group. The hardest part is leaving the friends we made thru our small group.

More later.

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: giftofsong ()
Date: February 10, 2009 02:36PM


I do see what you are saying and I am in agreement that it was a little "creepy" as you said. I do just think he made a bad choice to have this be the sunday sermon because call me crazy but I do know my parents have sex and that doesn't creep me out because how would I have been born if they hadn't. My family is pretty open about sex and if my dad was to be vamped up about it if it was to glorify the Lord it would be ok with me-but at the right time and occasion. But again yes this was not a great topic for the younger crowd and that is why Pastor Mike should have just saved this for the Marriage Conference or had an adult service for couples extra and not gone into the depths of sex and intamacy on a sunday morning with a mixed crowd of married, single, and young people.

Timing is everything-lol,


Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: buddy ()
Date: February 10, 2009 04:41PM

Pastor Mike said the R-rated version he saves for the Awaken Love Marriage Conference.I have never been.Can somebody explain what he shares.Does he share personal sex stories he has with his wife.If he does,Why in the world would you want to pay money to hear about it?.Who does he think he is?I believe Mike thinks God gave him something special.Thats where that (word of faith,name it claim it,positive confession comes in).You see if mike thinks only positive thoughts,mike can create his own reality.He actually believes he has something special that know other man has!Oh,I get it.Thats what they pay the money to hear!

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: BraveHeart ()
Date: February 10, 2009 08:42PM

In the years I attended RLc in Sacramento Tony and Rose held a marriage conference in February each year called the "3 Strands" Marriage conference.
I recall Mike and his wife coming down and attending.

we also saw several marriages break apart including one of the staff pastors....

Again all the devastation and destructive fall out we are witnessing here in Sacramento is now happening at Turning Point

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: buddy ()
Date: February 10, 2009 09:55PM

Is there a connection between Pastor Mikes personal sex life and next weeks speaker Dr. Increase?

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: outreach ()
Date: February 10, 2009 11:38PM

Has anyone checked out It has a lot of good info.

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: buddy ()
Date: February 11, 2009 09:12AM

That is a excellent web site, outreach.( Hopefully TP people will check it out. Of course you have Pastor Mikes kool-aid drinkers.We will pray for there eyes to be opened.So the Truth of Gods word will penetrate there Hearts.Thanks outreach for the courage to post your thoughts on this forum. I can't wait for you to share more.

Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: buddy ()
Date: February 11, 2009 10:13AM

I have asked alot of TP church and soma people about Word-Faith Movement.They never heard of it and did't have a clue.
WORD-FAITH MOVEMENT: Word-Faith--frequently called Word of Faith or name-it-and-claim-it--is the belief that Christians have within themselves the supernatural power to create reality by speaking the word. This movement is often presented as an answer to the lack of life and miracles in some Christian churches. In its fully developed form, however, it differs from traditional Christian view of faith and miracles in several important ways. While not all Word-Faith teachers believe exactly alike on all issues, there are some common elements found among many of them, especially among the popular Word-Faith tele-preachers/evangelists. These include: 1) The believer's faith itself (independent of God's direct action or will) contains the power to bring desired results--usually pertaining to health and financial prosperity. 2) Believers are little gods or divine beings who possess all or some of the attributes of God. 3) As little Gods, believers can therefore emulate God, who spoke all things into existence. This means words are containers of power. Whatever one speaks will occur, be it negative or positive. Therefore, one should only speak positive or faith-filled words. Those who believe this tend to also believe it is a spiritual law that applies to both the believer and the nonbelievers. 4) In taking man's sins upon Himself, Jesus died as a sinner in need of redemption and had to obtain His own redemption in hell. In contrast to the Word-Faith theology, traditional Christian theology teaches that God is uniquely different from humans, who are limited and finite. Historically, Christians has viewed the potential or presence of supernatural health, wealth, and miracles as very real and valid aspects of Christian life. They are viewed, however, as answers to prayer and acts of God contingent on His sovereign will. May within the movement recongnize Kenneth Hagin, Jr. as one of the fathers of the movement, even referring to him as Dad Hagin. Other popular Word-Faith teacher include KENNETH AND GLORIA COPELAND, CHARLES CAPPS, CREFLOW DOLLAR, FREDERICK K.C. PRICE, PAUL AND JAN CROUCH, CASEY TREAT, MARILY HICKEY, JEFFE DUPLANTIS, and EARL PAULK,etc.
For further research, a four-page Watchman Fellowship Profile is available. Web site--[].


Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: BraveHeart ()
Date: February 11, 2009 11:57AM

It is sickening to know that I was once part of this teaching and evil thinking. I was privy to the many examples of Spiritual Abuse!
Yes I have renounced all of Tony's teachings and repented for it!

When I consider all the damage Tony's spiritual parenting has caused like; an elder having a physical relationship with another married woman. A married worship leader is having an inappropriate relationship with a female who was on his worship team. Then hurt as only one could only imagine. That wife to acts out, orally pleasuring two guys on the same worship team. Then to have other married men meeting with married and single women taking them to lunch, dinner or a movie….It is like an incestuous orgy! Yes Radiant Life Church is something that you would read about at the checkout counter from the National Enquirer.
Meanwhile the Elders simply condone this behavior and puff up the false apostle like he is the next messiah! Yes Tony is a cult leader! He is a False Teacher, False Apostle and False Prophet!

It is much like the euphoric emotional hope the Democratic Party and drive by media has put into Barack "Husane" Obama. Now that he is out promoting the largest spending bill in the history of mankind. This bill should be called the “Socialist Start up Plan.” Say goodbye to Liberty, Freedom and Capitalism….what made America the great nation it is! This is simply designed to buy votes with taxes, you and I have paid for. It is our money and they are hijacking our government! And the conservatives remain silent because they have been taught the manipulative spin “to forgive and forget”. Well I’m sorry I am not capable nor would it be responsible for me to adopt that kind of thinking. It is just one step above demonic!

If a man wrongs me “lets say, he broke into my house hand robbed me” am I suppose to take the attitude that I should forgive and forget? Does the Bible teach any where? That this is the way a Christian is to respond? If yes, then why do we have laws? Why do we have police? Now if this man was caught and he latter apologized to me offering restitution for the damages and property. Then it falls into my lap with a decision either I condemn that man or, I accept his repentance. This is where the Christian Church has gone sideways! The church has been giving this lie that we are suppose to simply forgive and forget? Roll over and play dead! Oh yes and I have heard Christians say “well that is the example we have from God, that this is how he treats us….” Folding there little hands. Awe!! Show me that example anywhere in the bible!!
I read …”It is when we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins” It starts with a humble heart!!! Recognizing my wrongs and asking God for forgiveness. And then trusting him!!

The Christian Church needs to gird up its armor and start dealing with these false teachers False Apostles and False Prophets with the determination to defeat the enemy!!!
Other wise every church in the world will become hijacked by the enemy!!


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