There seems to be a tone deafness on the part of Mike and Cyndi. And no, I am not referring to the comment in an earlier post that said Cyndi sounds shrill when she sings.
I am referring to an apparent lack of understanding of how their flock has been impacted by the economy of late. First, they take a four month, all expense paid, sabbatical; they return and discuss gifts that have been bestowed upon them (or that they purchased); they invite Bob Harrison to come and speak and he tells folks that if they are not wealthy it is because they are not speaking the "right" words or confession-as though economics has nothing to do with money matters; they are expecting the church to send them on an all expense trip to Hawaii to hear more of Mr. Harrison's teaching.
All of these show an incredible lack of judgment and sensitivity to their flock, the majority who have been significantly impacted by our economic situation. Microsoft is laying off employees; Boeing is laying off employees; each of these companies are supported by several other companies in the area whom will experience the ripple effects of these layoffs. More and more members of TPc will feel the effects of the economy in very personal ways. And yet Mike and Cyndi seem to be oblivious to this reality.
As long as Mike and Cyndi continue to increase that's all that matters. Recession Proof your finances. Sounds good, but there was no meat on that plate. Did you learn anything that will help you to recession proof your finances? Did you learn how to put together a plan to eliminate your debt? Did he teach you about the wisdom of having an emergency fund? Did he tell you how to go about living within your means? Did he give you any insights into how to make your money go further during a recession? Did he give you insights in how to follow God when you have just received a pink slip? No, he told you to repeat a verse 10 times a day for 40 days. If you want to learn about these other things, just buy my book and purchase my tapes. No cash? Not to worry. We take credit cards.
So hows that working out for you? When the creditor calls asking when you plan to make the payment will you repeat the verse to the creditor? When you get the default statement on your mortgage, will you write that verse on the statement and hope that the bank takes it as payment? When the car payment comes due and you don't have enough money to make the payment, will you print up a bumper sticker with that verse and put it on your car? When you have no choice but to apply for food stamps because you don't have enough money to put food in your children's tummy will you write that verse on your application?
Sadly I am reminded of the story where Jesus overturned the tables of the money changers. "You have turned my Fathers house into a den of thieves." Would Jesus have commended Mike and Mr. Harrison or would he have turned over the tables?
Tone deaf.
Yes TPR,
This is a very sad teaching. I am very sad for the people it directly effects and those it indirectly effects as well. Funny i am reading a book called "How to Read the Bible for all its Worth" Its a very good book and in the first five pages of the first chapter it addresses the "prosperity gospel" and tells you the common mis-interpretation of the scriptures used to think this way. Its really hard sometimes, because as i am held accountable for what i know. I am also accountable for loving the ignorant.
The hard thing of this is how to differentiate the "person" with the "ideology" that the person has. Making love that much more difficult. Recently I meet a person, full of pride and arrogance, this guy had more biblical knowledge than i did, but he had almost no love for people with differencing views. It was a differning experience, but just as painful, as talking to someone who has almost no knowledge and lots of zeal. You want to help but communication is now limited because the person has no experience of love or knowledge of the bible.
This experience with this person made me think of how in TPC, people are very loving (most of the time)... I have even had my differences with leadership. Where people have said some pretty not loving things, but thats where you confront them, and i have had peace that way. As well as a humbling experience to go up to someone and tell them that you need to forgive them and to ask them to pray with you.
So thanks for your thoughts