Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
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Date: February 15, 2009 11:28AM
I think we often give quick and easy answers to avoid conflict, Pigsqueal.
Really, conflict is not ungodly. Paul (who called himself the least of the apostles) had a conflict with Peter (on whom Jesus had said He would build His church), and Paul confronted Peter publicly about his hypocrisy. Also, Paul and Barnabas had a "sharp" dispute (regarding whether John Mark would be allowed on a journey with them) that sent them on their separate ways. This did not make these men enemies of each other or enemies of God. (Paul later changed his mind about John Mark.)
See, even the apostles Peter and Paul were wrong at times. Do you think Mike could be wrong (who is not an apostle)? Yes, he can be wrong. But the problem is not just that he can be wrong, but rather, when it is evident that he IS wrong (according to clear scriptural teachings), how does he handle it? Does he dismiss it? Hush it up? Tell people that he won't meet with them because they differ from him? Tell them to go elsewhere if they won't agree with his way of doing things, his version of the gospel message?
Contending for the truth is just that: CONTENDING. No one on here hates Mike. We do, however, HATE FALSE DOCTRINE, LIES, DECEIT, and PRETENTION, because these undermine and corrupt the pure Gospel. And Mike is teaching false doctrine, and his unwillingness to be accountable or to talk about issues is a sign or symptom of deceit and cover up. That is most likely why he won't permit people to come on here and read. If things were as above-board as you believe they are, there would be no fear of people reading what has been written here. The truth would shine like a beacon, and everything here could quickly be proven patently false. But Mike IS fearful of people reading what is being written. The question is why?
The Apostle Paul had very dire things to say about anyone who would preach another Gospel other than the pure Gospel message of Christ. He condemned such people, and he said he himself should be condemned if he preached contrary to the truth. I need to ask you, since you seem to know Mike so very well, do you know your Bible as well as you know Mike? If not, why not? If Mike was as commited to the truth as you believe, he would be insisting that all of those under his "authority" read the Bible through again and again to continually be absorbing the truth it contains. He would be encouraging you to listen to God's Spirit of truth and learn to hear what He is saying through the scriptures. Mike would not be telling you everything you should think and believe about life--from sex to authority to making money. That's what the Pharisee's did. They micromanaged people's lives with their man-made doctrines. Good leaders (even secular ones) don't micromanage. Only control freaks do that.
Also, a purehearted person seeks to make restitution for wrongs done. If the leadership discovered that spiritual parenting was unscriptural, what did they do to go back and make things right with the parents of those they were "parenting," those whose children were cut off from them by this ungodly practice? (Talk about hurting the cause of Christ and making people hate God!) I don't know the answer to that, but maybe you'd want to start there. I challenge you to go ask Mike this question. Ask how he and Cyndi have made restitution to the parents of the girl they told to leave SPU on a full scholarship, against her parents' wishes. Ask what they did to go make things right with other parents who were alienated by their children's rebellious arrogance when they ditched the parents who had raised them and ran into the arms of their unbiblical "spiritual parents." Imagine if that was your son or daughter that pushed you aside to be embraced by Mike and Cyndi instead. "Honor your father and mother, that it may go well with you and you may enjoy a long life on the earth." Mike and Cyndi have encouraged young people to jeopardize their claim to this promise--this first promise given in the Commandments. Do you think this is OK? Is this just a little mistake that we should chuckle at, say "oops," and move on?
Do you think we are on this site just because we are bitter? I am not bitter in the least, but I am appalled at the audacity of men and women who claim to be spiritual--who put their piety on display for everyone to ooh and aah over--who feel NO NEED to make their wrongs right by AT LEAST confessing and seeking forgiveness.
Have we forgiven the wrongs done to us? That's a day to day choice we make. But whether we choose to or not, the wrongs are still real, and they do not go away because they are ignored or hushed or shamed.
Please, do not come on here and shame people for participating in this discussion. The Bible says that we don't even know our own hearts. How can you know ours or Mike's or even your own? Only God knows hearts. We can only make assessments based on what people say and do. And that is the topic of dicussion here, not whether hearts are pure. I venture to say, it's a great presumption to say that anyone has a pure heart.
As to not using our names here, there is more to it that transparency or being honest. People generally do not conceal their identities here because they are afraid (though some may be at this point). I believe it's more because we DO NOT have pure hearts that can accept truth from a personality we don't like or with whom we have disagreed in the past. The anonymity helps us in the endeavor to seek to have pure hearts: hearts that do not toss aside truth because of the person it came from. That's why the concealed identity actually promotes good discussion, rather than detracts from it.
People who love truth, don't need names to recognize truth when they see it. They just love truth for its own sake. I hope you will learn to love the truth more than you love personalities. Personalities can be deceitful ("charm is deceitful" the Bible tells us), but the truth--ah! Now that is what is pure. Seek it and you'll be in good shape.
Welcome to the forum. I'm glad you had the courage to come on here. Now, I hope you didn't throw your only punch and then run. Stay on here and contend for the truth, if you will.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/15/2009 11:55AM by LearningPoint.