Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: Brokenhearted ()
Date: September 10, 2010 09:22AM

Well, I don't need to point out what's wrong with this letter, b/c it's more than obvious to anyone who reads it. Perhaps it's a start though...I hope and pray that it is.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: Timetospeak ()
Date: September 10, 2010 09:33AM

If the letter is geared toward Jackie to take the heat off of TPC then the catalyst of complete failure has started to form. If action (not just words) is taken to make things right with people then there is a chance. Results will form and it will be seen for what it is. At this point the benefit of the doubt is my position on this. We will see.

I would not rely on consultants, thay are paid for opinions and not necessarily suitable for this.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: justHim ()
Date: September 10, 2010 10:00AM

It would be good to see them going after the "least of these" rather than just leadership. That is what Jesus would do. He went after the poor and insignificant. Although what they did to Jackie was unjust there were other people who were publicly maligned. If they open the door to reconciliation to those as well they could truly be freed from the spirit of "partiality" that has blinded their vision.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: buddy ()
Date: September 10, 2010 04:08PM

Dear Weasels and Slanders in Christ,
I am writing this letter on behalf of myself and the elders of Turning Point Church. The
purpose of this letter is to cause some more wrong actions and attitudes that may have
impacted you. It is with a heartless heart that we speak of these failures, and ask for your
grace and forgetfulness as we work to hide and address these issues and continue in the not so good
work that false Apostle Mike had for Marysville.
While God has done not to many amazing things at Turning Point Church over the years, this
letter will be covering up areas for which repentance is necessary. We write as ones who
have not been hurt, we are not part of the problem, and now we seek to destroy God’s solution and
One of the things we are covering up is that over the years there was a spirit of fear and
intimidation that took us to places we wanted to go. Looking back we wish we would
not of had a greater awareness of what was taking place.
We have also come to realize that a spirit of a demon led to an overly authoritative
environment. This has hurt nobody at TPC, all we care about was our reputation in the community, and our
ability to serve false Apostle Mike well within His kingdom. For this our hearts are happy and we are
hiding our doctrine closely to ensure this does not happen in the future.
We are not thankful for Jackie Singer’s many years of faithful service at Turning Point Church
and how she touched many lives. Looking back, we are happy how we handled things with her
and her family. We have not had any meetings with Jackie and our leadership to help
bring clarity and understanding to what took place. Our deepest lie is for a restorative
redemptive process so that we may worship together anywhere in Jesus name.
We are working with a rich consultant who is not really helping us walk through these issues.
We ask for your grace, as it will take focused deception and much covering up. We are full of pride and are looking
at God for complete restoration and the more opportunity to rebuild His empire according
to the consultants plan. It is our desire that this letter will encourage you if you have been
impacted. We pray that God will not use this for his glory in the future and that we would not learn
from our mistakes and we will return to the bondages of the past.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: BraveHeart ()
Date: September 11, 2010 03:40AM

Dear Weasels and Slanders in Christ,
I am writing this letter on behalf of myself and the elders of Turning Point Church. The
purpose of this letter is to cause some more wrong actions and attitudes that may have
impacted you. It is with a heartless heart that we speak of these failures, and ask for your
grace and forgetfulness as we work to hide and address these issues and continue in the not so good
work that false Apostle Mike had for Marysville.
While God has done not to many amazing things at Turning Point Church over the years, this
letter will be covering up areas for which repentance is necessary. We write as ones who
have not been hurt, we are not part of the problem, and now we seek to destroy God’s solution and
One of the things we are covering up is that over the years there was a spirit of fear and
intimidation that took us to places we wanted to go. Looking back we wish we would
not of had a greater awareness of what was taking place.
We have also come to realize that a spirit of a demon led to an overly authoritative
environment. This has hurt nobody at TPC, all we care about was our reputation in the community, and our
ability to serve false Apostle Mike well within His kingdom. For this our hearts are happy and we are
hiding our doctrine closely to ensure this does not happen in the future.
We are not thankful for Jackie Singer’s many years of faithful service at Turning Point Church
and how she touched many lives. Looking back, we are happy how we handled things with her
and her family. We have not had any meetings with Jackie and our leadership to help
bring clarity and understanding to what took place. Our deepest lie is for a restorative
redemptive process so that we may worship together anywhere in Jesus name.
We are working with a rich consultant who is not really helping us walk through these issues.
We ask for your grace, as it will take focused deception and much covering up. We are full of pride and are looking
at God for complete restoration and the more opportunity to rebuild His empire according
to the consultants plan. It is our desire that this letter will encourage you if you have been
impacted. We pray that God will not use this for his glory in the future and that we would not learn
from our mistakes and we will return to the bondages of the past.

Great post Buddy!

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: Saddened ()
Date: September 11, 2010 12:52PM

My spouses response to Jeff's letter was "damage control."


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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Date: September 11, 2010 03:44PM

this pattern seems familiar...real close to the one followed by Tony Cunningham. He said people misunderstood and misapplied his teachings...sent out a letter of reconciliation...but continues to teach the same old things. Jeff says they are closely examining their doctrine but fails to name which teachings were errant. He sends out his letter, calls for reconciliation...

Lets hope the similarities end soon...

"a spirit took us where we did not want to go...we didnt want to go fact we didnt choose to go there...a spirit of fear and intimidation dragged us there, all the while we were kicking and screaming, "Let us go! We dont want to go where you are taking us. If you don't stop we will be forced to take drastic measures"

The only one willing to take drastic measures was Jackie. And the others were more than willing to engage in intimidation and sought to produce fear after she left.

I have tried to teach my children that when you apologize there is a way that is God honoring. But it involves embracing your fault which can be scary.
You must embrace your fault if you are going to honor God. That means when you apologize you own your wrong and you pay for your wrong. You say, "When I hurt you, I was wrong. I am sorry. I will do what ever it takes to make it right. Please, forgive me."

Perhaps I missed that in the letter. If you see it in there please, help me see it.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Date: September 12, 2010 01:57AM

To me when a person says a spirit of fear made me do it. is like saying satan made me do it. since God did not give us a spirit of fear, then who did. I'm sure there was selfish ambition, selfseeking, and other stuff envolved. The deal is confessing ones wrongs is NOT about blaming something else as the cause, its taking responsibility for your own actions. As long as a person blames other people places and things, for their sin, they are still under a spirit of delusion. Gods spirit is not directing them and revealing the truth to them. God will forgive our sins if we confess them to Him and take responsibility, thats His promise He never said he would overlook them if we had a good excuse, and could blame them on someone else. He didnt do it for Adam and He's not going to do it for us. Even us on this forum cannot use the evildoers at turningpoint as an excuse for our sin. We will all be accountable for our own actions in the end. I just pray mine have been Godly

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: WonderingNow ()
Date: September 12, 2010 04:54AM

I wonder--do you think people who STAY in a church that preaches false doctrine and who has leaders who continue to perpetuate a lie and do not choose Biblical repebtance will be held accountable? They can't really claim they are deceived anymore. And when the leadership chooses to NOT do the right thing, how can they stay and continue to hope things will get better. I say get out, find a healthy church with solid doctrine, a passion for the true gospel. I have no hope for TP.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Date: September 12, 2010 05:33AM

I wonder--do you think people who STAY in a church that preaches false doctrine and who has leaders who continue to perpetuate a lie and do not choose Biblical repebtance will be held accountable? They can't really claim they are deceived anymore. And when the leadership chooses to NOT do the right thing, how can they stay and continue to hope things will get better. I say get out, find a healthy church with solid doctrine, a passion for the true gospel. I have no hope for TP.

my opinion and it is just that, is that in order for people who have spent most of their spiritual lives, worshiping a man, and seeking approval of man, and looking to the seen for their well being instead of the unseen, are going to have a hard time with doing an about face and start trusting God, they first have to unlearn everything they have learned, and really be honest with themselves. This is an impossible task without God, and these people are so ingrained in self performance, it makes it almost impossible to trust and rely on something they cant see or feel. faith is trusting and relying in God even when things dont go well, or feel well, its saying if I die I die ,but I die trusting you and not my own ability to fix things. I think this is hard for most people in church today. weve given our creator so little power to act on our behalf, we feel we must help him out, all we see is the outsides of everything, very few can see the inner spiritual principles of situations and things. I do know for a fact that God has planted a few people in turningpoint and I believe they are waithing for such a time as this. I believe there is soon to be one final warning to come from the inside of turningpoint church. what choice will be made after that warning wll be up to the leadership, then will come success or distruction. I believe God wants to and will change the hearts of the willing, the question is who will be willing. and not for a big successful mega church but willing for a true relationship with Him

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